TrenboloneTax: Hybrid Cycling / Lifting Log aka Make Hulk Bike Fast

Had the absolute nastiest pump today at the Dragon’s lair. Sick gym with phenomenal equipment. Was too shy to snap a good picture in the mirror on the gym floor though.

I’ve been trying to push the food and get to 300 but I don’t think it’s going to happen.

Reuben Sandwich + fries
Raising Canes Sandwich + fries
24 butter cookies
AYCE sushi; 60 tuna nigiri + other assorted rolls + gyoza
3 Häagen-Dazs bars

120iu lantus + 80iu Humalog: this gave me multiple lows because of slowed gastric emptying due to fat + Reta. Had some apple juice when that happened

80iu lantus

Breakfast bagel sandwich (airport)
Breakfast burrito (airport)
Raising Canes sandwich + fries (Vegas)
2 birria tacos (Vegas)
Loaded baked potato with birria (Vegas)
1/2lb burger + fries (airport)
Baconator + frosty + fries (airport)
Sour patch watermelon
Nerds gummy balls

We’ll see where weight is tomorrow but so far I’m just stuck at 290. Would need to drop Reta to get past this point. Just can’t eat enough unless it’s pretty dirty.

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Congrats on having the kid
Growing up fast
Qu'est-ce que tu manges, comme si tous les jours c'était un repas de triche... Mec, tu vas bientôt arrêter le lantus, n'est-ce pas ? 120 UI de landus et 80 UI d'humalog ? Mon Dieu !

Il faut faire attention, il faut que tu aies une forte résistance à l'insuline en ce moment, plus tu continues, plus ça va désensibiliser tes cellules à l'insuline. Surtout avec Lantus et ce genre de régime.

Je suis surpris que tu ne sois pas gros avec tout ce lantus et cette farine grasse que tu ingurgites
J'ai entendu dire 15 jours avec insuline et 15 jours sans insuline comme protocole pour éviter la désensibilisation.
Wtf you are eating like everyday it's a cheatmeal... Man you gonna drop the lantus soon right? 120IU landus and 80IU humalog? Holy cow!
Hahaha not every day is like that. That amount of insulin + shitty food is definitely not the norm for me. Just when I know it’s going to be one of those days.
You need to be careful, you must have strong insulin resistance at the moment, the more you keep going the more it will desensitize your cells from insulin. Especially with lantus and eating like that.
Oh for sure. I know nothing about that is sustainable. It’s really just the remainder of the month or even less.
I'm surprised you are not fat with all that lantus and fat meal you are ingurgitating
I’m doing my best to get fat! Lol.
Sorry :)

I have heard 15 days on insulin and 15 days without insulin as a protocol to avoid desensitization.
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Hahaha not every day is like that. That amount of insulin + shitty food is definitely not the norm for me. Just when I know it’s going to be one of those days.

Man, i thought using insulin with shit food or high fats in general is the best thing to end up getting fat. Is this wrong?

When i do cheat meals I avoid even GH, I'm just adding an extra serving of my usual GDAs.

