GG-Pharma (USA) Domestic

Both paragraphs imply that this setup was for the products you make for women. And, also that you have more equipment but it's next to house hold items. Assuming you have things in a kitchen, and you can see your toaster with some pop tarts cooking.
Once again you are making assumptions from your own personal interpretation here. I hope you give us a try at some point because i think the best way to experience something is to try it first hand.
Once again you are making assumptions from your own personal interpretation here. I hope you give us a try at some point because i think the best way to experience something is to try it first hand.
Then explain to me what you meant by house hold items? Was it a couch then? Also explain what you meant by equipment primarily used for female orals?

This all seems pretty straight forward wording to me. I didn't interpret anything wrong it's literally your words.
Then explain to me what you meant by house hold items? Was it a couch then? Also explain what you meant by equipment primarily used for female orals?

This all seems pretty straight forward wording to me. I didn't interpret anything wrong it's literally your words.
First and foremost, English is not my first language, which is why I use auto-correction through GPT to refine my responses.

Regarding the scale, I specifically use it to weigh raw materials for female Anavar and Test C dosed at 50mg/mL, as these products are made in small batches. My tablet-making equipment and raw materials are not stored at the lab—that’s simply the way I choose to operate. I prefer not to go into further detail about this, and I hope you can respect that decision.

When I mentioned household products, I was referring to the fact that my lab is in a dedicated room, not a kitchen or bathroom. While it is not a medical facility, I believe my setup is on par with most domestic UGL labs in terms of equipment and production processes. I have seen some impressive filtration methods, and I am constantly learning from others to further refine my craft and improve the quality of the products I provide.

No one should ever stop learning, especially in this field. As technology evolves, new advancements—whether in filtration methods, testing processes, or automation—help us enhance quality and efficiency. Platforms like Jano, Meso, and knowledgeable individuals like yourself contribute to this growth, and I truly respect the discussions that push for higher standards.

I understand why these questions are being asked—it’s about improving the quality of products for the Meso community, and I think that’s a great thing. I will always listen to reasonable feedback, as long as it does not compromise my business or personal safety. I believe we can all agree that the risks involved in this space are significant, and we each must make calculated decisions to protect ourselves and continue providing quality products.

I appreciate the conversation, feedback, and shared goal of bettering the industry.
I think we’ve seen enough. His lab is a stainless steel table in a bedroom with a few cheap pieces of equipment. There is 0 air filtration, which should be the nail in the coffin. He’s been caught in a lie almost every time he’s posted as well. Does this look like an operation that’s been operating for years? Does it even look like an operation? He stated he has a AD60 scale like we should be impressed that he has a $500 scale to measure raws but it’s a paperweight since it won’t weigh over 60g. He has also told us where he lives and what day he is having a particular surgery so quite frankly he’s an idiot.

Had this guy came in and stated that he was new to the game and been completely honest I doubt I would have even messed with him. It wasn’t until he started with the BS and silly family recipe that I chimed in. I take that back, it was the free gear to buy his way in that caught my attention. Adding your BB in last after your raws are in solution of the oil is silly. The bb actually does most of the work for you. You can put most raws simply in bb and let it sit and the raws will dissolve. Why, because that’s the main propose of bb as it’s a solvent and why it’s used to hold products into solution. I can’t Imagine brewing something like test cyp with no bb. He’s got that heat cranked way up. Probably why he doesn’t use clear vials for his testosterone as it may look like tren.

Fact of the matter is Meso is a free board that anyone can join and source on. It’s why most labs try to start here. Can you imagine all the trash labs that would be here if we allowed labs like this and didn’t vet them? Sad thing is some of you guys wouldn’t care if he brewed over his toilet as long as you got a free sample. As soon as the bs started he should have been shown the door.
I think we’ve seen enough. His lab is a stainless steel table in a bedroom with a few cheap pieces of equipment. There is 0 air filtration, which should be the nail in the coffin. He’s been caught in a lie almost every time he’s posted as well. Does this look like an operation that’s been operating for years? Does it even look like an operation? He stated he has a AD60 scale like we should be impressed that he has a $500 scale to measure raws but it’s a paperweight since it won’t weigh over 60g. He has also told us where he lives and what day he is having a particular surgery so quite frankly he’s an idiot.

Had this guy came in and stated that he was new to the game and been completely honest I doubt I would have even messed with him. It wasn’t until he started with the BS and silly family recipe that I chimed in. I take that back, it was the free gear to buy his way in that caught my attention. Adding your BB in last after your raws are in solution of the oil is silly. The bb actually does most of the work for you. You can put most raws simply in bb and let it sit and the raws will dissolve. Why, because that’s the main propose of bb as it’s a solvent and why it’s used to hold products into solution. I can’t Imagine brewing something like test cyp with no bb. He’s got that heat cranked way up. Probably why he doesn’t use clear vials for his testosterone as it may look like tren.

Fact of the matter is Meso is a free board that anyone can join and source on. It’s why most labs try to start here. Can you imagine all the trash labs that would be here if we allowed labs like this and didn’t vet them? Sad thing is some of you guys wouldn’t care if he brewed over his toilet as long as you got a free sample. As soon as the bs started he should have been shown the door.
The last paragraph hits the hardest because it's such a fact. People actually accepting his free gear, and giving reviews on it blows me away.





Many assumption but no truth it it all. Unless you tied the product please don't spread the; lies
If you make a statement and an accusation you should at least back up the claims if not it’s not valid.
I don’t have to backup shit, I said you’re probably doing it, now it’s your job to prove you aren’t. The probably is based on your disingenuous attitude wrt all the other things you’ve been called out for.
Just a head up People been placing orders with us and we greatly appreciate your support and willingness to give us a try. There has been glitches with proton mail. We suggest if you don't get a responsory within 24 hrs. Please contact me on telegram directly @GG-Pharma

Thank you all again for your support
I think we’ve seen enough. His lab is a stainless steel table in a bedroom with a few cheap pieces of equipment. There is 0 air filtration, which should be the nail in the coffin. He’s been caught in a lie almost every time he’s posted as well. Does this look like an operation that’s been operating for years? Does it even look like an operation? He stated he has a AD60 scale like we should be impressed that he has a $500 scale to measure raws but it’s a paperweight since it won’t weigh over 60g. He has also told us where he lives and what day he is having a particular surgery so quite frankly he’s an idiot.

Had this guy came in and stated that he was new to the game and been completely honest I doubt I would have even messed with him. It wasn’t until he started with the BS and silly family recipe that I chimed in. I take that back, it was the free gear to buy his way in that caught my attention. Adding your BB in last after your raws are in solution of the oil is silly. The bb actually does most of the work for you. You can put most raws simply in bb and let it sit and the raws will dissolve. Why, because that’s the main propose of bb as it’s a solvent and why it’s used to hold products into solution. I can’t Imagine brewing something like test cyp with no bb. He’s got that heat cranked way up. Probably why he doesn’t use clear vials for his testosterone as it may look like tren.

Fact of the matter is Meso is a free board that anyone can join and source on. It’s why most labs try to start here. Can you imagine all the trash labs that would be here if we allowed labs like this and didn’t vet them? Sad thing is some of you guys wouldn’t care if he brewed over his toilet as long as you got a free sample. As soon as the bs started he should have been shown the door.
Shhhh , GG is great man. I ran through like 15 vials of his tren Ace. No infections also used his GH red top with no alch wipes never got infected. This guys gear changed my life so I will fight for his presence here man. He’s a standup businessman and delivers a great product in a timely manner. He is most definitely a threat to the other sources here. Guy really puts a corporate twist on being a roid source lmao