GH dosing if small amounts available


10+ Year Member
Hi all, hoping for some input

Available: About 180 units of human grade GH

... I know lots of BB'ers dose like 4-6 units per day. If I did that this amount would quickly be gone, however. I simply cannot get that much.

What is a good dosing protocol if I want to hit a rational dosing with the amounts considered? Best comparison I can give is to hit a dosing like Test is for t tevels... like the GH equivalent of doing ~300mg test/per week for T levels.... hope you get my analogy.

I just want to use enough for it to matter and give a boost, but nothing dramatic or crazy, as the AAS dosing is also medium, not heavy.

My guess....2.5 units per day?
Hi all, hoping for some input

Available: About 180 units of human grade GH

... I know lots of BB'ers dose like 4-6 units per day. If I did that this amount would quickly be gone, however. I simply cannot get that much.

What is a good dosing protocol if I want to hit a rational dosing with the amounts considered? Best comparison I can give is to hit a dosing like Test is for t tevels... like the GH equivalent of doing ~300mg test/per week for T levels.... hope you get my analogy.

I just want to use enough for it to matter and give a boost, but nothing dramatic or crazy, as the AAS dosing is also medium, not heavy.

My guess....2.5 units per day?
I would do 2ius and get 90 days out of it.
If using it for recovery take 1iu post workout and 1 bedtime. For fat loss do 1 at wake and 1 pre workout. If both, do 1 wake and 1 bedtime.