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using gh at 4ui a day or 8 every other day? The igf will have better spike ? Not heard alot on eod use.I would like to hear your opinions on this topic thanks
There is a lot of discussion on this if you search for it.

As far as results, there wont be much difference. ED will favor fat loss slightly. Igf levels will be similar with either approach.

I dose 3x a week as it significantly reduces/eliminates hgh side effects, allowing me to run much higher doses. As low as 2iu ED eventually gives me problems that make me have to stop. Everyones body is different, find what works for you.
@Type-IIx knows a lot about this. In my opinion I think gh is more effective when blasting a high amount at once like if im doing 8iu ill shoot it all at once that day. But eod im not sure about it might cause more sides? And maybe not even be that much better.
I've been enjoying the ED approach personally. Splitting it 2iu am fasted before my workouts, then 2iu PM before bed.

Only sides are some water retention, and good sleep

I am kind of getting tired of the constant pinning though. Might switch to jabbing it all am fasted pre workout in 4 weeks or so, so that ive had some more time to evaluate the am+pm approach
I've been enjoying the ED approach personally. Splitting it 2iu am fasted before my workouts, then 2iu PM before bed.

Only sides are some water retention, and good sleep

I am kind of getting tired of the constant pinning though. Might switch to jabbing it all am fasted pre workout in 4 weeks or so, so that ive had some more time to evaluate the am+pm approach

You on the pen train yet? Makes pinning peptides way more convenient.
You on the pen train yet? Makes pinning peptides way more convenient.
I'll definitely check this out. I think I just need to rotate sites more for the subq GH injections. Kind of running out of lower abdomin fat to provide cushion for the injections and the area is starting to get a little irritated, but I don't really have many other "fatty" areas to use.

Might try a slin pin in Biceps, or perhaps subq glutes or something. I'll check out that thread now though

It doesn't actually reduce the amount of jabbing though does it, just makes it easier to load doses?
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I'll definitely check this out. I think I just need to rotate sites more for the subq GH injections. Kind of running out of lower abdomin fat to provide cushion for the injections and the area is starting to get a little irritated, but I don't really have many other "fatty" areas to use.

It's mostly a convenience thing. Grab pen, set dial, jab the whole thing in and press the button. It's only like a 1/4 inch pin and I don't have much body fat either so don't even bother pinching skin. Just grab and go.
It doesn't actually reduce the amount of jabbing though does it, just makes it easier to load doses?

You can load multiple peptides into the same cartridge to cut down on jabbing frequency. I usually make a few cartridges on the weekend to use all week.

Cuts down on injection time and frequency quite a bit.
using gh at 4ui a day or 8 every other day? The igf will have better spike ? Not heard alot on eod use.I would like to hear your opinions on this topic thanks
Daily (q.d.) for IGF-I (increases to total-body & muscle size) increases. Every other day (q.o.d.) or thrice weekly (t.i.w.) for benefits to metabolic health (reduced fasting insulin & HOMA-IR).
You can load multiple peptides into the same cartridge to cut down on jabbing frequency. I usually make a few cartridges on the weekend to use all week.

Cuts down on injection time and frequency quite a bit.
This sounds very appealing. I'm looking around for pens to buy and there don't seem to be any good online places for pens and cartridges.
Daily (q.d.) for IGF-I (increases to total-body & muscle size) increases. Every other day (q.o.d.) or thrice weekly (t.i.w.) for benefits to metabolic health (reduced fasting insulin & HOMA-IR).

Haven't seen you around in a while! You good?

Since you're already here, ... Do you have any data at hand in regards to hepatic igf-1 response of single bolus i.v. administrations vs im/subq? Bioavailability/dose being equated for, does the shorter auc of i.v. result in a significantly lower hepatic igf-1 response?

Also, since we're at the topic of i.v.; do you have any ideas about the differences in lypolisis (ffa's mobilisation) i.v. vs sub/im?
Kind of running out of lower abdomin fat to provide cushion for the injections and the area is starting to get a little irritated, but I don't really have many other "fatty" areas to use.
I kept getting irritation around the lower stomach area but now I do all my subq shots lower in my upper groin area where there’s no fat and it never gets irritated
I kept getting irritation around the lower stomach area but now I do all my subq shots lower in my upper groin area where there’s no fat and it never gets irritated

Tbh I'm kinda fast and loose with these tiny pen needles. 1/4 inch??

No skin pinching, just jab them in. Sometimes in stomach area, sometimes in flank/side where spare tire would be.

Still gets the job done (expected effects) so the drug gets in one way or another. No irritation.

^not recommended, just what works for me. Plus, convenience.
Daily (q.d.) for IGF-I (increases to total-body & muscle size) increases. Every other day (q.o.d.) or thrice weekly (t.i.w.) for benefits to metabolic health (reduced fasting insulin & HOMA-IR).
Would dosing once per day (say 10iu) pre-workout would be a good middle ground? for muscle size