Melanotan 2 dosing protocol

I use the absolute smallest amount possible and still got an amazing tan. I went 3-4 days steady and then when I got the tan I wanted I stopped and went 1x weekly. It hurts my stomach way too much now so I don’t do it anymore but this is something you don’t need a lot of at all. I would put 1ml in the bottle and then draw up the lowest amount on the slin pin.
Been using MT-2 for almost a year now at a pretty high dose because I enjoy the boners it gives as well. My nails are perfect
While MT-2 makes me DARK even at a low dose (for reference I have been told I get as dark as people from India) I’m not that lucky and get nail discoloration.
I just started experimenting with MT2. I bought a 1 month membership at a tanning place and started going MWF. I started with 5 minutes per, then increased 1 minute per week. I used MT2 the last week of the month, only on tanning days. I actually maybe used it for 4 sessions. I pinned 165ug just before driving to the tanning place.

Holy shit. I started getting comments from TONS of people at work. The first comment shocked me. This guy I rarely see saw me and said "holy shit, you are super tan!". I must have gotten 10 comments from people. Honestly it makes me feel a bit awkward.

Takeaway - 3 weeks of tanning, followed by 1 week tanning with MT2 will give STRIKING results. I should add - I don't try to tan my face. The tanning bed I use can be laid in either direction, if you lay with your head towards one end there is a covered spot where your face is. Only 1 time did I lay oriented so that my face got light on it.
As the half life is like a hour i take it shortly before i tan. 125-200. Makes me far tanner and people ask where i have been. Been doing that for several years now.
what would be a good begginer dose to get fair skin tanned to a nice tan? 100 mcg 2-3 times a week or a little bit more?
I followed more dates more plates protocol it's quite good I believe but starts at a low dosage. Not sure about link sharing yet so I won't share it but dm me for it if you want.
I started at 100 mcg every other day. Tanning at the 30 min mark after taking it. Then went up to 150 mcg for the next week. I kept it at every other day for first 3 weeks or so. I went from 150 mcg to 250 mcg on week 3 as I wasn't getting much on the way of sides. I maintain a decent tan now at 300 mcg and 2 times a week tanning. I did make it up to 600 mcg before dialing it back down.

1ml syringe (U100), 1ml BW to reconstitute
Calculations for a desired 500mcg dose:
Step 1= 1ml syringe
Step 2= 10mg MT-II
Step 3= 1ml bact water
Step 4= 500mcg dose
=> 5 ticks on your insulin pin or 10 units

Needles: 29-31 gauge X 1/2", 1 CC (100 unit). That is a typical large insulin needle used to mix as well as inject. Use needles one time only (meaning draw from the vial, inject, then discard). Once your technique perfected, injections are about painless. Smaller syringes are nice for accurate measurement...large syringes can be bulky and less precise.

Starting dose: Your first injection should be a very small dose, for example .25mg (250mcg) or better yet 100mcg (or less). See how you react as sensitivity varies greatly. Goal should be to feel nothing, why get sick right? Dose after dinner, before bed. Any dosing chart stating that you should take a high dose (according to your weight) is dated and dangerous.

Loading dose: Load with 0.5-1mg once a day. Folks who have used doses in this range generally report getting excellent results. Don?t worry about missing occasional days/doses - this is a lifestyle product meant to be used intermittently. Developing desirable pigment changes while on synthetic melanocyte stimulating hormone(s) can take weeks to months for results.

Maintaining on Melanotan: Maintenance dosing Melanotan 2 is taking doses less frequently (and/or with less dosage) to avoid becoming darker than desired. Tanning on melanotropins will likely yield a super-physiologic pigmentation. A maintenance dose can help prolong photo-protection delivered through greater melanin density.
Hi guys, running MT2 for 3 months, first week 2x 500mcg, after 2x 250mcg a week.
I have a pretty color, I'm not looking for more tanning, just maintenance.
In a few days I have an event on the beach... 3-4 in the sun, what precautions can i take, 50% protection and any more suggestions? I have many freckles on my back.
Hi guys, running MT2 for 3 months, first week 2x 500mcg, after 2x 250mcg a week.
I have a pretty color, I'm not looking for more tanning, just maintenance.
In a few days I have an event on the beach... 3-4 in the sun, what precautions can i take, 50% protection and any more suggestions? I have many freckles on my back.
Have you use MT-2 before?
I have MT2 on the way. I ordered it 10mg, and wondering what I need to draw into my insulin pin.
I read to mix 10mg with 1cc of bac water. I need help as to what I should draw back to before pinning. I’m 6ft, 220 lbs if body weight matters
Any advice would be appreciated.
I have MT2 on the way. I ordered it 10mg, and wondering what I need to draw into my insulin pin.
I read to mix 10mg with 1cc of bac water. I need help as to what I should draw back to before pinning. I’m 6ft, 220 lbs if body weight matters
Any advice would be appreciated.
This is the best protocol I've found.

1cc is probably not enough bac water at the small doses you will be taking. I did 2 cc and even that made 100mcg only 2 units.

The protocol linked said to start at 50-75 mcg to assess response to a very low dose first and taper up from there. I ended up starting at 100mcg to start. Give the protocol a read and let me know if you have any questions.
This is the best protocol I've found.

1cc is probably not enough bac water at the small doses you will be taking. I did 2 cc and even that made 100mcg only 2 units.

The protocol linked said to start at 50-75 mcg to assess response to a very low dose first and taper up from there. I ended up starting at 100mcg to start. Give the protocol a read and let me know if you have any questions.

Thanks for the insight. I’ll start as advised above. Give updates when the results start showing, or if any sides.
The protocol I followed was pinning MWF right before tanning. First week was 0.2 mg, second week on was 0.4mg until I hit my target tan. From that point on I'd only pin/tan if my tan had faded. Maintenance for me was 0.2mg maybe once every couple of months.

My skin is very fair, and I have always been more of a burn and peel rather than tan. My current girlfriend is similar, and I am helping her with the same protocol. She had noticeable color after 3 pin/tan sessions, and our plan is to up her dose this week. We shall find out how well she can hold the tan once she hits her target.

We are using it primarily for the tanning benefit. The only noticeable side effect thus far is the slight flushing after pinning which dissipates quickly.