Melanotan 2 dosing protocol

ill be starting my MT2 protocol soon based on the feedback in this thread.

really appreciate everyone that replied and gave insight, looking forward to getting a nice tan!

think ill start with 200mcg like 3x a week before tanning, then just maintain on like 200-400mcg a week once I get my desired color

starting at 200mcg should be low enough were I can hopefully avoid sides, then ill just adjust the frequency as needed.
The protocol I followed was pinning MWF right before tanning. First week was 0.2 mg, second week on was 0.4mg until I hit my target tan. From that point on I'd only pin/tan if my tan had faded. Maintenance for me was 0.2mg maybe once every couple of months.

My skin is very fair, and I have always been more of a burn and peel rather than tan. My current girlfriend is similar, and I am helping her with the same protocol. She had noticeable color after 3 pin/tan sessions, and our plan is to up her dose this week. We shall find out how well she can hold the tan once she hits her target.

We are using it primarily for the tanning benefit. The only noticeable side effect thus far is the slight flushing after pinning which dissipates quickly.m

How much bac water did you use? If I don’t go tanning will it still darken my skin or is it necessary to tan? If so, how long? I’m fair skin as well
Thanks for the advice
How much bac water did you use? If I don’t go tanning will it still darken my skin or is it necessary to tan? If so, how long? I’m fair skin as well
Thanks for the advice
My MT2 came as 2mg/vial and I added 1ml bac so that every 0.1ml (10 units on slin pin) has 0.2mg of MT2. I could have just as easily reconstituted with 0.5ml bac and then dosed using 0.05ml or 5 units on the slin pin. It's all about working with fractions.

If you are dosing MT2 for the tanning effects, I am a believer in tanning within 30 minutes of pinning my dose, and I will not pin unless I am planning on tanning. I've not used MT2 without using a tanning bed, so I can't offer any anecdotal information on the matter.

My understanding of how we tan is that the MT2 instructs our body's melanocytes to produce more melanin, but it is the areas exposed to intense UV radiation that produce the most. We all have some areas of our body that are darker than others normally, and I suspect that without the UV radiation to inform the body where the melanin is most needed, those normally darker areas may get darker while the other areas see minimal/negligible change. Speculation on my part, so take that for what it's worth.

I can't really comment on dosing MT2 for other purposes as I have no relevant experience.
My MT2 came as 2mg/vial and I added 1ml bac so that every 0.1ml (10 units on slin pin) has 0.2mg of MT2. I could have just as easily reconstituted with 0.5ml bac and then dosed using 0.05ml or 5 units on the slin pin. It's all about working with fractions.

If you are dosing MT2 for the tanning effects, I am a believer in tanning within 30 minutes of pinning my dose, and I will not pin unless I am planning on tanning. I've not used MT2 without using a tanning bed, so I can't offer any anecdotal information on the matter.

My understanding of how we tan is that the MT2 instructs our body's melanocytes to produce more melanin, but it is the areas exposed to intense UV radiation that produce the most. We all have some areas of our body that are darker than others normally, and I suspect that without the UV radiation to inform the body where the melanin is most needed, those normally darker areas may get darker while the other areas see minimal/negligible change. Speculation on my part, so take that for what it's worth.

I can't really comment on dosing MT2 for other purposes as I have no relevant experience.

This is perfect. Exactly what I needed. I really appreciate it.