That's just a really strange way to look at it.
By not posting the members publicly, that are shaking down sources, you are tainting every review from here on out. Everybody can see that.
Besides why should flounder be ousted as the scammer, when he and GiantZeus said there's multiple people involved.
It changes everything as a member, when you see other members going after a source. Then you're thinking, just another shake down. But maybe I don't think the same with everybody else. Actually, I'm pretty sure I don't, most of the time.
Bro I don't disagree with you or any of your post on this matter... I'm just thinking realistically is all... we can want these guys to show some honor and do the right thing by coming forward but they've already proven they don't have any honor so we would only be fooling ourselves to expect them to just step forward.
Mands, you know this is not the way meso usually operates.
It was not that long ago, you yourself was Under Fire, just for simply mentioning, seeing if TP would come to meso.
You were doing it for all the right reasons, and it was like you had backstabbed half the members. This this is blatant reverse scamming, at its best. Can't really understand the sudden double standard.
I don't know Flounder, but he and his friends must be very influential members.

I know you're mainly talking to mands right now so please excuse the interruption.

I don't see a double standard here. The member was exposed. There's nothing left to do at this point.

Why you bring up that TP thread and mands I don't know but it's not relevant.
I know you're mainly talking to mands right now so please excuse the interruption.

I don't see a double standard here. The member was exposed. There's nothing left to do at this point.

Why you bring up that TP thread and mands I don't know but it's not relevant.
How are you bypassing the fact, that GiantZeus said, he was being strong-armed by multiple members through wicker accounts. He said anybody with Mod powers, that would ask him to , and he would release the names.
Simple as that.
But they're not even being asked for. I mentioned that deal with mands, because I watched him get railroaded just trying to help members. And his name is impeccable. You don't call that a double standard? Interesting.
someone said earlier that he's been caught "a few times with his hand in the cookie jar" and PM'd that he wouldn't do it again etc, so given that, why do so many sound surprised about it this time??
Anybody can see this is a one-sided Pony show. So I'm pretty much done with this, unless something new happens.
If you guys don't care, and I don't care.
I don't even buy gear here. But plenty of noobs that never post do. And that's the ones that meso should be protecting.
I know you're mainly talking to mands right now so please excuse the interruption.

I don't see a double standard here. The member was exposed. There's nothing left to do at this point.

Why you bring up that TP thread and mands I don't know but it's not relevant.
Manhore was hunted down like an animal, but now knowing the names of scammers, is unimportant???
But you can't see a double standard?
I guess, I just don't see it that way. But I must be in the minority here.
someone said earlier that he's been caught "a few times with his hand in the cookie jar" and PM'd that he wouldn't do it again etc, so given that, why do so many sound surprised about it this time??
This is on a way bigger scale than simply taking free gear...

Anybody can see this is a one-sided Pony show. So I'm pretty much done with this, unless something new happens.
If you guys don't care, and I don't care.
I don't even buy gear here. But plenty of noobs that never post do. And that's the ones that meso should be protecting.
Everytime I read your posts, I hear Forrest Gs voice reading it out loud in my head....but anyway, I see your point and frustration here....
Anybody can see this is a one-sided Pony show. So I'm pretty much done with this, unless something new happens.
If you guys don't care, and I don't care.
I don't even buy gear here. But plenty of noobs that never post do. And that's the ones that meso should be protecting.

I'm not sure I understand what your goal is here that you'd like to see accomplished?
How are you bypassing the fact, that GiantZeus said, he was being strong-armed by multiple members through wicker accounts. He said anybody with Mod powers, that would ask him to , and he would release the names.
Simple as that.
But they're not even being asked for. I mentioned that deal with mands, because I watched him get railroaded just trying to help members. And his name is impeccable. You don't call that a double standard? Interesting.
Was it not already expressed that Millard was notified? Do you have mod powers here that will allow you to receive the remaining names? Pm's have been sent to Millard and giantzeus so what exactly are you going on about? When more is known it will undoubtedly be posted. If giantzeus does not give up additional names then obviously flounder is the fall guy. I'm really confused at what you think needs to happen here that isn't already happening.
How are you bypassing the fact, that GiantZeus said, he was being strong-armed by multiple members through wicker accounts. He said anybody with Mod powers, that would ask him to , and he would release the names.
Simple as that.
But they're not even being asked for. I mentioned that deal with mands, because I watched him get railroaded just trying to help members. And his name is impeccable. You don't call that a double standard? Interesting.

I'm not bypassing any facts. On the contrary, I'm only sticking to the facts, unlike you.

The facts:

- @Flounder was soliciting the source for free samples

That's it. Done. If you want unsubstantiated claims:

- There's other members and/or wicker personas trying to shake down the source
- Flounder has friends
- Flounders friends want free samples
- Flounders friends are members of Meso

If you want conspiracy:

- Flounders friends are established,well-known members of Meso with vast powers to suppress the truth from coming out.

What's currently happening:

We're waiting for more information. Until then, @Flounder has been exposed.

So, again, what is your problem with the way it's being handled?
I'm not sure I understand what your goal is here that you'd like to see accomplished?
Eman, how can you watch a source go under Fire from this point on, without second-guessing everything that's being said, knowing that there's a group of guys that shake down sources for free gear.
And we don't even want to know who they are?
I guarantee you, there's a bunch of newbies, watching this, thinking they want to know who they are.
Anybody can see this is a one-sided Pony show. So I'm pretty much done with this, unless something new happens.
If you guys don't care, and I don't care.
I don't even buy gear here. But plenty of noobs that never post do. And that's the ones that meso should be protecting.

Now you're getting it!
Eman, how can you watch a source go under Fire from this point on, without second-guessing everything that's being said, knowing that there's a group of guys that shake down sources for free gear.
And we don't even want to know who they are?
I guarantee you, there's a bunch of newbies, watching this, thinking they want to know who they are.

Who said we don't want to know who they are? If you can't point out a single post that says that, please stop with the accusations.
Eman, how can you watch a source go under Fire from this point on, without second-guessing everything that's being said, knowing that there's a group of guys that shake down sources for free gear.
And we don't even want to know who they are?
I guarantee you, there's a bunch of newbies, watching this, thinking they want to know who they are.
As of right now there is no evidence of anyone shaking down a source except for @Flounder. You are creating hysteria and conclusions before we know the entire story. Relax and let those who have been here more than a minute find out more information.
Eman, how can you watch a source go under Fire from this point on, without second-guessing everything that's being said, knowing that there's a group of guys that shake down sources for free gear.
And we don't even want to know who they are?
I guarantee you, there's a bunch of newbies, watching this, thinking they want to know who they are.

I think you're getting ahead of yourself, Hat.

No one said we didn't want to know the others that are involved...

The only person that knows who it is would be and he should disclose who, IMO. I understand why he is hesitant to do so though.
You don't call that a double standard? Interesting.
You want to hear about double standard? When GiantZeus arrived here he was welcomed by the typical "firing squad " I rode him hard and called him out on giving Mktrull57 freebies. His reply was to start a rumor and accused me of "strong arming" sources. Smh The kicker was after GiantZeus found out MK57 was soliciting other sources. He then asked us for help to expose MK57. Lol He also admitted he was going to send freebies to MK57. So imo he's just as shady in the end.