Global anabolics


New Member
Received some adex from these guys but having dick issues(semi erect and forever to bust) and nips are getting sensitive. Been running 1mg eod. Anybody have experience with them? Running 900 test with 500 tren. Maybe it's the other compounds. Never ran high test lower tren.
Ok, keep running it at 1mg ED...You don't really need to run such high test with tren either...

Also, if the adex is in pill form, make sure to chew it up, shouldn't have much of a taste...

Maybe that's the issue. Fighting for receptors. I usually run high tren with low t but read the old school high t lower tren is better for strength due to the water retention
Received some adex from these guys but having dick issues(semi erect and forever to bust) and nips are getting sensitive. Been running 1mg eod. Anybody have experience with them? Running 900 test with 500 tren. Maybe it's the other compounds. Never ran high test lower tren.

Go find some Prami for your dick issues. I'm trying out .25mg/ED.
Essentially something to lower prolactin.
Worked miracles for me....
So I dropped my test down to a trt dose and left my tren at 500 a week. The wife is happy again lol. Thinking the ai is under dosed but that's a risk with ugl. Thanks for the feedback though guys
So I dropped my test down to a trt dose and left my tren at 500 a week. The wife is happy again lol. Thinking the ai is under dosed but that's a risk with ugl. Thanks for the feedback though guys
I had or am having the same issue as you and running almost the same cycle plus 600 mg of npp.... I have been running adex pharma grade at 1mg eod along with some nolva because I had a gyno flare up.... I actually feel like I crashed my e2 vs it being to high...... doing mid cycle bloods tomorrow so I will know more in a few days.
I used Global Anabolics halo recently and it is strong at 20mg day.

Not really an AI, but it is definitely legit.
1mg ed? I do .5 e3d never have an issue. I always run my test and tren even, I get better results. My last bulk was 1g each with adex e3d and my estrogen was 24.

Anyway op get blood work done, it's not something you want to risk guessing if your estrogen is high or low.
That's toxic as fuck . how long did you use it for ?
Preworkout 3x per week on heavy days @ 20mg. Did it for 4 weeks. Even not dosing it daily, the strength gains are some serious shit. If I ran 30mg ed for 4 weeks, I can't imagine how much stronger it would be. Ridiculous.