GodbullRaw ( us & international raw source)

My gf using the 2mg Semaglutide and it’s her first time. She’s just started her 2nd week/2nd shot Monday . Her appetite is already noticeably way way down and can already see lbs Comin off. Not sure about just how much yet but wanna do official weight check at the 1month time line. Shes only been using .25mcg week cause she’s still gettin the stomach pain/nausea issues that come along with it normally. Do have question for those experienced . She said she feels bloated all the time. Is this normal?
My gf using the 2mg Semaglutide and it’s her first time. She’s just started her 2nd week/2nd shot Monday . Her appetite is already noticeably way way down and can already see lbs Comin off. Not sure about just how much yet but wanna do official weight check at the 1month time line. Shes only been using .25mcg week cause she’s still gettin the stomach pain/nausea issues that come along with it normally. Do have question for those experienced . She said she feels bloated all the time. Is this normal?
Slows down GI tract, increases gas and constipation
Cridi what supplements if any is there out there to help with this issue? She’s always had constioation and bloat issues before this, but now it’s gotten worse. It’s definetly doing what it’s suppose to do weight and apetite wise but those other issues are really bad for her. I’ve been doin my homework researching what could help the situation and the main things people tend to constant mention is glutamine and a good probiotic . Do you have any other recommendations? Or know of a higher quality probiotic that she should use?
Godbullraw start to accept small order on 10g as min order each items and 200usd as min order amount international way , welcome to message us
Local STOCK:

Ment. 200g
Superdrol 500g
Cialis 5kg
Eq. 4kg
Test cyp 6500g
turinabol 800g
mast prop 750g
Tren ena. 600g
Test enan 2500g
Anavar 1700g
Deca 2750g
Sustanon 3500g
Dianabol 900g
Anadrol 1KG
Winstrol 800g
Proviron 2kg
Aromasin 750g
Hgh blue top 440kits
Hcg red top 50kits


order email: gdbraw@securenym.net
Post an updated price list, international and domestic
over sea list PDF attched and domestic raw text below

Domestic Raws & HGH

Testosterone Enanthate $80/50g,$120/100g,$210/250g,$320/500g,$500/1kg
Testosterone Cypionate $80/50g,$120/100g,$220/250g,$340/500g,$550/1kg
Testosterone Propionate $80/50g,$150/100g,$250/250g,$420/500g,$500/1kg
Sustanon 250 $110/50g,$170/100g,$320/250g,$530/500g,$900/1kg
DHB $380/50g,$580/100g,$1380/250g,$2590/500g,$4920/1kg
Trenbolone Acetate $320/50g,$500/100g,$1180/250g,$1950/500g,$3600/1kg
Trenbolone Enanthate $320/50g,$500/100g,$1180/250g,$1950/500g,$3600/1kg
Trenbolone Base $320/50g,$500/100g,$1180/250g,$1950/500g,$3600/1kg
Nandrolone Decanoate $160/50g,$250/100g,$530/250g,$850/500g,$1550/1kg
Nandrolone Phenylpropionate $160/50g,$250/100g,$530/250g,$850/500g,$1550/1kg
Boldenone Undecylenate/Equipoise $140/50g,$190/100g,$350/250g,$590/500g,$950/1kg
Drostanolone Propionate $350/50g,$550/100g,$1125/250g,$2000/500g,$3750/1kg
Drostanolone Enanthate $350/50g,$550/100g,$1125/250g,$2000/500g,$3750/1kg
Methenolone Acetate $990/50g,$1780/100g,$3825/250g,$6950/500g,$12000/1kg
Methenolone Enanthate $990/50g,$1780/100g,$3825/250g,$6950/500g,$12000/1kg
Trestolone ace/MENT $1800/50g,$3450/100g

Turinabol $330/50g,$550/100g,$1225/250g,$2100/500g,$3850/1kg
Methyldrostanolone/Superdrol $350/50g,$550/100g,$1125/250g,$2000/500g,$3750/1kg
Anavar/Oxandrolone $350/50g,$550/100g,$1125/250g,$2000/500g,$3750/1kg
Mesterolone/Proviron $350/50g,$550/100g,$1125/250g,$2000/500g,$3750/1kg
Dianabol $160/50g,$250/100g,$530/250g,$850/500g,$1550/1kg
Oxymetholone/Anadrol $160/50g,$250/100g,$530/250g,$850/500g,$1550/1kg
Stanozolol/winstrol $160/50g,$250/100g,$530/250g,$850/500g,$1550/1kg
Fluoxymesterone/Halotestin $1950/50g,$3600/100g
T3 $1250/50g,$2350/100g

Tamoxifen Citrate/Novadex $120/50g,$180/100g,$320/250g,$460/500g,$780/1kg
Clomifene Citrate/Clomid $130/50g,$240/100g,$380/250g,$600/500g,$990/1kg
Anastrozole/Arimidex $780/50g,$1390/100g,$2280/250g,$4150/500g,$7980/1kg
Letrozole $260/50g,$390/100g,$690/250g,$1080/500g,$1980/1kg
Exemestane/Aromasin $480/50g,$650/100g,$1330/250g,$2459/500g,$4680/1kg
Raloxifen Citrate $320/50g,$420/100g,$950/250g,$1600/500g,$3000/1kg
Tadalafil $130/50g,$190/100g,$330/250g,$530/500g,$950/1kg
Viagra $95/50g,$130/100g,$210/250g,$320/500g,$520/1kg

HCG(5000IU) 10vials/kit $100/kit
HGH(10IU) 10vials/kit (blue top,god top)
1-10kits $110/kit
10-20kits $100/kit
>20 kits $90/kit


  • GDB oversea list.pdf
    82.1 KB · Views: 143
While I am waiting for some international raws I ordered some domestic raws of cialis. I will let everyone know how it goes.
While I am waiting for some international raws I ordered some domestic raws of cialis. I will let everyone know how it goes.
thanks for your order, i have confidence you will like the raw ,sorry for anavar sold out, will tell you when restock next time
I pulled the trigger on godbull, I needed a few things(raws) and didn't wanna use my go to because of current feedback and no presence on the board. So here's my 2 cents:

Communication was what you'd expect in this industry, especially considering you're dealing with someone who's probably on the other side of the world. Some emails where answered within an hr or 2. All emails within 12hrs or so. Like I said it's about what you'd expect.

It took about 15days to get to me. Again thats pretty good considering it's international to North East usa. I got tracking soon after payment. Which helps.

Everything weighed what it was supposed to. I won't talk about packaging because I don't wanna reveal anything I shouldn't.

Realistically, I'd love to send it all out for testing. I know I won't tho. I may send 1 out for testing(var raws) just for peace of mind. I'll post here if I do. But the tren has the yellowish hue you'd expect. The deca was melted like you'd expect. You can get a $50 credit for testing which doesn't really make it worth while. Like I said I may send var out for peace of mind.

Overall I'm satisfied.

@godraw by any chance do you carry telmisartan?.
yes, ,we have telmisartan and thanks for your truth updated and appreciation on my raw ,although i don't have authentic english,but we could understand each other 100%, Godbullraw could supply professional service i think