gum problems


New Member
Has anyone ever had gum problems after a cycle. I ended a tren only cycle and my gums became swollen and very sore to the point i couldnt eat much. Is this normal?
Has anyone ever had gum problems after a cycle. I ended a tren only cycle and my gums became swollen and very sore to the point i couldnt eat much. Is this normal?

this happens to me but only the roof of my mouth, it happened when i used to do drugs though...not steroids. After a certain amount of toxicity they'll swell up when i take a bite of something like an allergic reaction.
I don't do drugs, not even alcohol. I was drinking a bunch of caffeine and smoking a couple cigs everyday. Idk iv read a couple guys having similar problems post cycle but damn would appreciate the docs we have on the forum to chime in. I also read it could be from vitamin-b deficiency
After every pin of tren a I felt pain in my teeth, jaw and ear. It even made my glands swollen in my throat like I had strep. Go figure?? Weird shit
Gains came pretty quick and dry though. I think ill do a lower dose and longer ester next time. Iv heard sides are worse on acetate than enanthate. Plus I did a trenA only cycle this past time. prolly not a the best idea
Gains came pretty quick and dry though. I think ill do a lower dose and longer ester next time. Iv heard sides are worse on acetate than enanthate. Plus I did a trenA only cycle this past time. prolly not a the best idea
It's the other way around, if anything.