Gyno lump developing using aromasin, add Nolva?


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10+ Year Member
I've noticed behind one nipple I have a lump developing that hurt like hell when my girl laid her head on it. Currently on 500mg test and 12.5mg pharmaceutical. aromasin ed.

I have pharma Nolva on hand, should I start that at 20mg ed to combat it? Or is this an instance I need Letro?
Keep us updated. Hope that works for you.
Thank you, will do

Let me explain my decision for others who may search for an answer in the future.

I'm using a higher dose of aromasin to lower total estrogen and starve the gland. I'm using aromasin instead of Letro, since Letro can completely crash your e2 and have some crappy side effects. Also I have pharma aromasin on hand.

I am using Nolva, also pharma, to prevent any further estrogen from binding to the receptors at the gyno.