mands, how do you make it this long on a board without reading? I am not your dad so do not expect me to keep repeating what I have said. The FDA claims are not private knowledge. Do you dispute that the FDA considers "significant difference" to be up to 20%? Yes or no? Man up.. yes or no?
Are you trying to say that if you have a difference of up to 20% that this is negligible?
Since when does what is published in the orange book look at daily production of generics? It would have to do this if it were to do what you seem to be implying it does. The deviation of a generic or even a name brand drug while being produced occurs during production. It can deviate without immediate detection. Have you ever worked in a FDA approved pharmaceutical lab, which mass produces various pharmaceuticals around the clock? yes? no? If you haven't, your just another wannabee expert if your trying to lecture us on the infalliable dependability and reliability of script grade drugs.
Here is the orange book for those of you curious
it has nothing to do with the daily production on factory floors.
Simply reading what I have written and comprehending it would go a long way toward understanding what I am saying. Instead, you seem to be reading what you want. You said I had a degree in Chemistry. I never made such a claim. Seriously bro... READ. you cannot care about simple arithmetic, but I wouldn't go engaging in debates with mathematicians if I could not add and subtract. I never said to source on the board. I said PM them sources... stop being an obstruction and start helping the newbies beyond saying all UGLs are crap. At least PM them and point them in the right direction.
If you aren't a source board then why are you allowing sources to advertise, post and market here? Sounds like a source board to me.
Bro, try "hooked on phonics". It will tremendously improve your reading comprehension.