Hard HPTA shutdown


New Member
Hi guys,

I am trying to recover my hpta after being on for about a year.

I am a bit confused by my blood results. For the last two month I was on HCG, also added a little bit of HMG at the end.

Results before starting the PCT were the following: T = 2.2 (normal range 9.9-18.1 IU/l), LH <0.1 (well below normal range), FSH 0.4 (well below normal range).

After one month of HCG treatment the results were T = 10.8 (normal range 9.9-18.1), LH = 0.1, FSH 0.4.

So, testosterone went up, but LH and FSH didn't move.

After another month the results were T=14.1, LH <0.1, FSH = 1.8 (just in the normal range 1.5-12.4 )...the higher FSH was probably due to adding some HMG.

...shouldn't LH level be higher after 2 months of HCG treatment of 2,000IU twice a week? ...I find it quite strange that my T is now normal and FSH is almost in the normal range, bu LH didn't even move.
I've read about Dr. Scally's PCT protocol and have just started taking Clomid and Nolva.
The above results I've got using HCG only.
HCG acts like LH - stimulating the leydigs cells on the testes to secrete testosterone. It does not stimulate Luteinizing Hormone.

Let me give you a quick lesson on the HPTA...

The hypothalamus releases gonadotrophin releasing hormone which then in turn stimulates the secretion of LH and FSH from the Pituitary. These hormones then go on to make Test and Sperm basically.

When Exo Test is taken there is no need for any of the (domino effect-like) processes mentioned above to take place, as there is a whole load of test available.

If you inject HCG, then the testes DO suddenly need to secrete test as the last step has been stimulated again - the stimulation of the leydigs.

So.. as is the case with full HPTA suppression from exo test.. (supplying the final hormone so making all prior processes unnecessary) HCG does not stimulate LH and FSH.. it REPLACES LH so these hormones will not improve. At all, as they have no need to with the extrenal introduction of "LH".

Your results seem accurate - what was your PCT in detail? Just HCG? That is a little... um... it leaves quite a lot to be desired TBH.

I would always recommend the use of a long-arse test taper with the concurrent use of HCG during the beginning stages of it along with a SERM protocol.. and even IGF might be a nice tough. Depending on the substances used then i might want to use Caber too for such a hard recovery.. cialis and maca making an appearance too - among other finer points of course.

Thanks a lot, Brook.

...so if HCG doesn't stimulate LH why is it used for treating hypogonadism? just to raise a T level?

...also, my FSH level jumped to the normal range...but this might be due to adding some HMG (repronex) which stimulates FSH.

So, so far it was just HCG and some HMG.

...is it a good idea to stop using HCG and just take clomid and nolva?

My doc said that I should just increase the dose of HCG........go figure!
Tell us the following:

Last drugs and doses used over the past 3 months of "cycle"..
FULL PCT undertaken so far.. drugs, doses, timeframe.. and results.

Assuming you have been on Bb doses of gear for a year or more i would first go to a HRT level of test for a few weeks to stabilize and normalize the body. During this time i would use HCG at 250IU 3x/wk or 100iuED.
I would stay ont eh HRT for around 6-8 weeks. Then i would drop 10mg every 2 weeks. So -

Wk1-8 100mg test/wk
Wk1-8 100iu HCG/d
Wk9+10 90mg test/wk
Wk9+10 HCG 50iu/d
Wk9+10 20mg Nolvadex/d
Wk11+12 80mg test/wk
Wk11+12 HCG 50iu/d
Wk11+12 20mg Nolvadex/d
Wk13+14 70mg test/wk
Wk13+14 HCG 50iu/d
Wk13+14 20mg Nolvadex/d
Wk15+16 60mg test/wk
Wk15-16 HCG 50iu/d
Wk15+16 20mg Nolvadex/d
Wk17+18 50mg test/wk
Wk17+18 20mg Nolvadex/d
Wk19+20 40mg test/wk
Wk19+20 20mg Nolvadex/d
Wk21 30mg test/wk
Wk21 20mg Nolvadex/d
Wk22 20mg test/wk
Wk22 20mg Nolvadex/d

It is an extended taper after a stabilizing period on HRT doses - which i know is a method used by many BB's who have been on for the longest times.

In answer to your question why use HCG - it is simply because it IS better to have at least one piece of the puzzle working than all pieces inhibited fully! With the testes working to make test, the idea is that the serm will be more able to kick the Hypothalamus and pituitary into gear.
Trouble is.. with the fact that testosterone itself is the suppressive factor in inhibition of endo levels (well estrogen too but i digress...)- so when one takes large doses of HCG then the resulting test increase ends up being suppressive too! crazy huh?!
I have known a couple of guys who have used as little as 50iu a day and 100iu EOD with positive benefits to test production with no notable suppression. I believe i remember Bill Roberts mentioning that 100iu/d is not too high of a dose and is definitely a good test stimulating dose.

If sex is needed to be had during the recovery period i would not be adverse to use cialis. daily if needed. it is a great drug and very helpful.

Hope this helps a little..
thanks, Brook.

I was taking Deca, Test, Tren, and Dianabol....was changing the ingredients time to time (say, 6 weeks deca, 6 weeks tren etc...). The cycle lasted for about a year.

My main goal is to have a baby. Therefore HRT is not an option, as it will not start spermatogenesis, and may make the problem even worse...

Also, my T level anf FSH level are in the normal range now. Shouldn't I just drop HCG and use clomid/Nolva for some time to bring up LH?

sorry for being stupid, I am a bit lost in all kinds of (sometimes completely opposite) suggestions....
thanks, Brook.

I was taking Deca, Test, Tren, and Dianabol....was changing the ingredients time to time (say, 6 weeks deca, 6 weeks tren etc...). The cycle lasted for about a year.

My main goal is to have a baby. Therefore HRT is not an option, as it will not start spermatogenesis, and may make the problem even worse...

Also, my T level anf FSH level are in the normal range now. Shouldn't I just drop HCG and use clomid/Nolva for some time to bring up LH?

sorry for being stupid, I am a bit lost in all kinds of (sometimes completely opposite) suggestions....

Truthfully - there is no way you can take any one drug or combo of drugs that will kick start your HPTA. Including SERMS. they will work to some extent but from the very severe suppression you have - now i know due to the aas you used primarily - you need time. Simple as that.

Cabergoline will be a very useful drug to reduce prolactin and give a much improved libido by a few mechanisms. Cialis with this will also be good for the wood and desire - which is very important too.

As for your healthy HPTA function i have told you what i personally would choose to do. The hrt dose isnt with the idea of just replacing the androgen missing.. but it is to get the body used to normal levels of the endogenous hormone for a short period - to normalise the body and sensitivity of the AR's etc. 100mg of ext test and SERM has been shown to be not suppressive. 25mg of test with no SERM is also shown to be not suppressive. This is the thought behind the taper being in the manner it is.. the test is there to allow life to be as normal as possible, while being at a dose that is normal and healthy for the body, plus at a dose that with SERM use is less or not suppressive.
The HCG stimulates the testes - and the SERM stimulates the HP.

I understand you need to choose between many views but please understand that i would not comment or advise if i was not sure of the protocol.

However, it is ultimately your system, but please know that you are not going to recover in the short term. If you just used large doses of test you wouldnt recover in the short term... let alone deca - which with its ester and modes of action it is suppressive and for a long time.
As i said above, caber is the single best libido drug following 19-nor suppression.

If you are that adverse to a test stasis and taper - then you could try the following:

2 Weeks
Caber 0.5mg 2x/wk
HCG 100mg/day
Nolvadex 20mg/day

2 Weeks
Caber 0.5mg 2x/wk
HCG 75mg/day
Nolvadex 20mg/day

2 Weeks
Caber 0.5mg/wk
HCG 50mg/day
Nolvadex 20mg/day

2 Weeks
Caber 0.5mg 2x/wk
Nolvadex 20mg/day

2 Weeks and longer if necessary
Nolvadex 20mg/day

This is something i have been thinking about a bit - it is based on the test taper but using HCG to provide the test - test is test right? Well with the serm also and the use of caber to reduce the prolactin and really keep things 'perky' it might just work.

I must tell you, i have never done this and i cant say it can or will work.. but nothing wrong with a little brainstorming in this situation as long as the person in question doesnt take everything as fact.

Truthfully - there is no way you can take any one drug or combo of drugs that will kick start your HPTA. Including SERMS. they will work to some extent but from the very severe suppression you have - now i know due to the aas you used primarily - you need time. Simple as that.

Cabergoline will be a very useful drug to reduce prolactin and give a much improved libido by a few mechanisms. Cialis with this will also be good for the wood and desire - which is very important too.

As for your healthy HPTA function i have told you what i personally would choose to do. The hrt dose isnt with the idea of just replacing the androgen missing.. but it is to get the body used to normal levels of the endogenous hormone for a short period - to normalise the body and sensitivity of the AR's etc. 100mg of ext test and SERM has been shown to be not suppressive. 25mg of test with no SERM is also shown to be not suppressive. This is the thought behind the taper being in the manner it is.. the test is there to allow life to be as normal as possible, while being at a dose that is normal and healthy for the body, plus at a dose that with SERM use is less or not suppressive.
The HCG stimulates the testes - and the SERM stimulates the HP.

I understand you need to choose between many views but please understand that i would not comment or advise if i was not sure of the protocol.

However, it is ultimately your system, but please know that you are not going to recover in the short term. If you just used large doses of test you wouldnt recover in the short term... let alone deca - which with its ester and modes of action it is suppressive and for a long time.
As i said above, caber is the single best libido drug following 19-nor suppression.

If you are that adverse to a test stasis and taper - then you could try the following:

2 Weeks
Caber 0.5mg 2x/wk
HCG 100mg/day
Nolvadex 20mg/day

2 Weeks
Caber 0.5mg 2x/wk
HCG 75mg/day
Nolvadex 20mg/day

2 Weeks
Caber 0.5mg/wk
HCG 50mg/day
Nolvadex 20mg/day

2 Weeks
Caber 0.5mg 2x/wk
Nolvadex 20mg/day

2 Weeks and longer if necessary
Nolvadex 20mg/day

This is something i have been thinking about a bit - it is based on the test taper but using HCG to provide the test - test is test right? Well with the serm also and the use of caber to reduce the prolactin and really keep things 'perky' it might just work.

I must tell you, i have never done this and i cant say it can or will work.. but nothing wrong with a little brainstorming in this situation as long as the person in question doesnt take everything as fact.


Applause to your advice in general. Good to have you around, Brook.:)

Yes, he may need to be on SERMs for even longer.

Applause to your advice in general. Good to have you around, Brook.:)

Yes, he may need to be on SERMs for even longer.


Thanks alot - that is very nice of you to say. i was concerned that posting such a post on a site where i am not known yet, as it often leads to (cyber-) fights! lol!

I have used this site many times over the years for its wealth of articles and by that reckoning i thought that the members of the forum are likely to be educated and sensible in their use.

You seem to be just that. Glad to be here. ;)

Hi guys,

I am trying to recover my hpta after being on for about a year.

I am a bit confused by my blood results. For the last two month I was on HCG, also added a little bit of HMG at the end.

Results before starting the PCT were the following: T = 2.2 (normal range 9.9-18.1 IU/l), LH <0.1 (well below normal range), FSH 0.4 (well below normal range).

After one month of HCG treatment the results were T = 10.8 (normal range 9.9-18.1), LH = 0.1, FSH 0.4.

So, testosterone went up, but LH and FSH didn't move.

After another month the results were T=14.1, LH <0.1, FSH = 1.8 (just in the normal range 1.5-12.4 )...the higher FSH was probably due to adding some HMG.

...shouldn't LH level be higher after 2 months of HCG treatment of 2,000IU twice a week? ...I find it quite strange that my T is now normal and FSH is almost in the normal range, bu LH didn't even move.

For the whole year what did your cycle consist of?
Hi guys,

I am trying to recover my hpta after being on for about a year.

I am a bit confused by my blood results. For the last two month I was on HCG, also added a little bit of HMG at the end.

Results before starting the PCT were the following: T = 2.2 (normal range 9.9-18.1 IU/l), LH <0.1 (well below normal range), FSH 0.4 (well below normal range).

After one month of HCG treatment the results were T = 10.8 (normal range 9.9-18.1), LH = 0.1, FSH 0.4.

So, testosterone went up, but LH and FSH didn't move.

After another month the results were T=14.1, LH <0.1, FSH = 1.8 (just in the normal range 1.5-12.4 )...the higher FSH was probably due to adding some HMG.

...shouldn't LH level be higher after 2 months of HCG treatment of 2,000IU twice a week? ...I find it quite strange that my T is now normal and FSH is almost in the normal range, bu LH didn't even move.

I am reposting the following post for you (below). From the other posts, it is clear there is no good understanding for PCT. A few comments:

The use of cabergoline without a clinical indication of hyperprolactinemia is worthless and probably harmful.

There is published literature (mine) on successfully restoring the HPTA after AAS cessation.

It is fully expected the LH and FSH will decrease after hCG administration. The measuring of these hormones during hCG treatment is a waste of time, money, and resources. They provide nothing! The TT is the important level. See bold-faced in repost.

Tapering is a myth. It is also worthless. All drugs have half-lives, which act as an inherent taper. Further, there is absolutely no evidence to support tapering to restore the HPTA.

Repost: https://thinksteroids.com/community/posts/662426

I am a proponent of hCG use during TRT or cycling. The question is the dose. I have written often that 250 IU is inadequate. I prefer 500 IU SC Q3D throughout the AAS administration. I do think that it aids it bringing the testes back online. However, this does not mean to stop hCG after stopping AAS. One must have a sense of the testes response to hCG. Also, from the posts I have read, the HPTA is not in an environment for functioning after AAS administration. The half-lives of the AAS must be taken into consideration.

The first phase of the HPTA protocol examines the functionality of the testicles by the direct action of hCG. hCG raises sex hormone levels directly through the stimulation of testis and secondarily decreases the production and level of the gonadotropin LH. The increase in serum testosterone with the hCG stimulation is useful in determining whether any primary testicular dysfunction is present.

This initial value is a measure of the ability of the testicles to respond to stimulation from the hCG. Demonstration of HPTA functionality is by an adequate response of the testicles to raise the serum level of T well into the normal range. If this is observed the hCG is discontinued. The failure of the testes to respond to an hCG challenge is indicative of primary testicular failure.

In the simplest terms, the first half of the protocol is determine testicular production and reserve by direct stimulation with hCG. If one is unable to obtain adequate (normal) levels successfully to the first half there is little cause or reason to proceed to the second half.

The second phase of the HPTA protocol, clomiphene and tamoxifen, examines the ability of the hypothalamo-pituitary to respond to stimulation by producing LH levels within the normal reference range.

Clomiphene is a mixed agonist/antagonist. This is due o the fact that clomiphene is composed of two isomers: enclomiphene (trans-clomiphene) and zuclomiphene (cis-clomiphene). Enclomiphene is an estradiol receptor antagonist. Zuclomiphene is an estradiol receptor agonist. In all likelihood, the net antagonist effect might be due to the composition being 70% trans (enclomiphene) and 30% cis (zuclomiphene). Tamoxifen is more of a strict antiestrogen, decreases the effect of estrogen in the body, and potentiates the action of clomiphene. This combination came about after 100s of clinical experience.

Tamoxifen and clomiphene citrate compete with estrogen for estrogen receptor binding sites, thus eliminating excess estrogen circulation at the level of the hypothalamus and pituitary allowing gonadotropin production to resume. Administration produces an elevation of LH and secondarily gonadal sex hormones. The administration leads to an appropriate rise in the levels of LH, suggesting that the negative feedback control on the hypothalamus is intact and that the storage and release of gonadotropins by the pituitary is normal. If there was a successful stimulation of testicular T levels by hCG but an inadequate or no response in LH production than the patient has hypogonadotropic, secondary, hypogonadism.

In the simplest terms, the second half of the protocol is to determine hypothalamo-pituitary production and reserve with clomiphene and tamoxifen. The physiological type of hypogonadism—hypogonadotropic or secondary—is characterized by abnormal low or low normal gonadotropin (LH) production in response to clomiphene citrate and tamoxifen. In the functional type of hypogonadism, the ability to stimulate is present.

Further, in my experience, an inadequate gonadotropin response is not reason for giving up on HPTA restoration. As I have said, discontinuing on a 12-18 month basis is still advocated. I have had success by this regimen.
Last edited:
I am reposting the following post for you (below). From the other posts, it is clear there is no good understanding for PCT. A few comments:

The use of cabergoline without a clinical indication of hyperprolactinemia is worthless and probably harmful.

There is published literature (mine) on successfully restoring the HPTA after AAS cessation.

It is fully expected the LH and FSH will decrease after hCG administration. The measuring of these hormones during hCG treatment is a waste of time, money, and resources. They provide nothing! The TT is the important level. See bold-faced in repost.

Tapering is a myth. It is also worthless. All drugs have half-lives, which act as an inherent taper. Further, there is absolutely no evidence to support tapering to restore the HPTA.

Repost: https://thinksteroids.com/community/posts/662426

I am a proponent of hCG use during TRT or cycling. The question is the dose. I have written often that 250 IU is inadequate. I prefer 500 IU SC Q3D throughout the AAS administration. I do think that it aids it bringing the testes back online. However, this does not mean to stop hCG after stopping AAS. One must have a sense of the testes response to hCG. Also, from the posts I have read, the HPTA is not in an environment for functioning after AAS administration. The half-lives of the AAS must be taken into consideration.

The first phase of the HPTA protocol examines the functionality of the testicles by the direct action of hCG. hCG raises sex hormone levels directly through the stimulation of testis and secondarily decreases the production and level of the gonadotropin LH. The increase in serum testosterone with the hCG stimulation is useful in determining whether any primary testicular dysfunction is present.

This initial value is a measure of the ability of the testicles to respond to stimulation from the hCG. Demonstration of HPTA functionality is by an adequate response of the testicles to raise the serum level of T well into the normal range. If this is observed the hCG is discontinued. The failure of the testes to respond to an hCG challenge is indicative of primary testicular failure.

In the simplest terms, the first half of the protocol is determine testicular production and reserve by direct stimulation with hCG. If one is unable to obtain adequate (normal) levels successfully to the first half there is little cause or reason to proceed to the second half.

The second phase of the HPTA protocol, clomiphene and tamoxifen, examines the ability of the hypothalamo-pituitary to respond to stimulation by producing LH levels within the normal reference range.

Clomiphene is a mixed agonist/antagonist. This is due o the fact that clomiphene is composed of two isomers: enclomiphene (trans-clomiphene) and zuclomiphene (cis-clomiphene). Enclomiphene is an estradiol receptor antagonist. Zuclomiphene is an estradiol receptor agonist. In all likelihood, the net antagonist effect might be due to the composition being 70% trans (enclomiphene) and 30% cis (zuclomiphene). Tamoxifen is more of a strict antiestrogen, decreases the effect of estrogen in the body, and potentiates the action of clomiphene. This combination came about after 100s of clinical experience.

Tamoxifen and clomiphene citrate compete with estrogen for estrogen receptor binding sites, thus eliminating excess estrogen circulation at the level of the hypothalamus and pituitary allowing gonadotropin production to resume. Administration produces an elevation of LH and secondarily gonadal sex hormones. The administration leads to an appropriate rise in the levels of LH, suggesting that the negative feedback control on the hypothalamus is intact and that the storage and release of gonadotropins by the pituitary is normal. If there was a successful stimulation of testicular T levels by hCG but an inadequate or no response in LH production than the patient has hypogonadotropic, secondary, hypogonadism.

In the simplest terms, the second half of the protocol is to determine hypothalamo-pituitary production and reserve with clomiphene and tamoxifen. The physiological type of hypogonadismhypogonadotropic or secondaryis characterized by abnormal low or low normal gonadotropin (LH) production in response to clomiphene citrate and tamoxifen. In the functional type of hypogonadism, the ability to stimulate is present.

Further, in my experience, an inadequate gonadotropin response is not reason for giving up on HPTA restoration. As I have said, discontinuing on a 12-18 month basis is still advocated. I have had success by this regimen.

What are your thoughts on using HMG instead of or in combination with HCG?

Medline Abstracts for References of 'Induction of fertility in men with secondary hypogonadism'

Medline Abstract for Reference of 'Induction of fertility in men with secondary hypogonadism'

Also - what about administering HCG at a dose of 100iu ED while on a steroid cycle?