Has anyone used long expired amps? Like 3 years past.


I've got some Balkan Deca amps that I found in my drawer that expired 2021. Has anyone used amps that are a few years past it? I assume they are fine. Anyone?
I've pinned balkan amps with an expiry of 2019 recently, and some others with 2020 expiry. Have done so over past 6 months. No issues at all, and i've used at least 20+ of them. I didn't test the smell oops.
I have used some abu raihan test e, karachis and jelfa omnadrens that expired around 2013-2015. Blood test confirmed it is still potent, it didn’t smell rancid though.

Take it for what it’s worth. Search for expired medications, you will find more accurate answers based on manufacturer’s information if you need peace of mind.