Haven't really felt any sides from tren. Am I lucky?


New Member
First time on tren (E), currently 4 weeks in. Started at 200mg for the first 2 weeks and now at 300mg.

Also doing 400mg test and 400mg EQ.

Tren is from Stan so I know it's legit. So far my anxiety has gone from maybe a 3/10 to a 5/10 (I'm a naturally anxious person anyway), and irritability has gone up slightly. Libido up slightly. I had trouble sleeping during the first week but now it went back to normal. Of course it's hard to know which of these sides is from tren specifically or from the other compounds.

I've had no sweating during sleep which I've heard a lot of people suffer from. No paranoia either.

So far I've seen no real downsides to tren... am I lucky or are the side effects greatly exaggerated?
First time on tren (E), currently 4 weeks in. Started at 200mg for the first 2 weeks and now at 300mg.

Also doing 400mg test and 400mg EQ.

Tren is from Stan so I know it's legit. So far my anxiety has gone from maybe a 3/10 to a 5/10 (I'm a naturally anxious person anyway), and irritability has gone up slightly. Libido up slightly. I had trouble sleeping during the first week but now it went back to normal. Of course it's hard to know which of these sides is from tren specifically or from the other compounds.

I've had no sweating during sleep which I've heard a lot of people suffer from. No paranoia either.

So far I've seen no real downsides to tren... am I lucky or are the side effects greatly exaggerated?
Sh!t doesn't really hit me on Tren E until 3 to 4 weeks in
I used to think I was one of the lucky ones that didn't get sides...... before long you'll be laying in a pool of sweat with heartburn while you're searching through your woman's phone because you KNOW she's cheating
Oh thank you for reminding me -- I do get the occasional heartburn now. I forgot about that one lol
Tren is the bitch ass nga that will show up late night and mess you up while you are dreaming of rainbows and unicorns, thinking those lazy mfkrs on the forums got it all wrong and Tren is just another drug.
Some can handle Tren quite well, even with high test
I recently had to think about whether it was really luck or bad luck. Tren is still toxic cat pee. I think it's rather bad luck. If you feel bad on tren, you'll think twice about abusing it.
If you feel like a young god, with no problems sleeping, eating or training, then the little devil sits on your shoulder every time you plan a cycle and whispers in your ear: "take me, just one more time. we won't lose our minds this time either and will dose very low".

The stories of people who blast Tren perma all end pretty badly. At least the ones I've heard.
Too soon brother lol

First 5 weeks i felt like a god, then all the sides hit me one after one.

First the short fuse, then the worsened sleep, then the fatigue, then the acid reflux. Those are all manageable, but with time you will think, fuck man this aint worth it at all. This was on only 200mg per week of tren e.

Now i only run NPP. Night and day difference in terms of side effects, but very comparable gains wise.
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First time on tren (E), currently 4 weeks in. Started at 200mg for the first 2 weeks and now at 300mg.

Also doing 400mg test and 400mg EQ.

Tren is from Stan so I know it's legit. So far my anxiety has gone from maybe a 3/10 to a 5/10 (I'm a naturally anxious person anyway), and irritability has gone up slightly. Libido up slightly. I had trouble sleeping during the first week but now it went back to normal. Of course it's hard to know which of these sides is from tren specifically or from the other compounds.

I've had no sweating during sleep which I've heard a lot of people suffer from. No paranoia either.

So far I've seen no real downsides to tren... am I lucky or are the side effects greatly exaggerated?
Shit I’ve got some tren ace from QSC I’m currently on the fence about. I mean I see test after test of most of their products coming back nearly perfect, so it’d be hard to imagine I got a bunk pack of it.
It’s a bit lighter yellow than most tren I’ve used, but still yellow. No tren cough yet but neither of those are good indicators. My aggression is maybe slightly elevated. Sex drive is healthy nothing remarkable. Only been a week but I’ve been pinning 100mg ED. I’ve never gotten trensomnia nor sweats too bad so can’t speak on that.
yeah 4 weeks is kinda soon. They start to come on hard after 6 or so weeks. You also might not realize it until you come off either how fucked you were.

Personally about 1-2 weeks in I start to wake up earlier, which is actually really nice. After 4-5 weeks or so I start to feel a bit like a sleep deprived zombie from it. 6+ weeks and I start to get night sweats, indigestion, pissing blood...
Only thing I ever got on tren was night sweats and insane horniness

that being said I felt fine while on it but when it was out of my system I felt better if that makes any sense? lol Didnt really notice but I felt "lighter" when it was out of my system. Hard to describe
I used to think I was one of the lucky ones that didn't get sides...... before long you'll be laying in a pool of sweat with heartburn while you're searching through your woman's phone because you KNOW she's cheating
This is the exact truth lmao i remember it so vividly!! On the other hand I like it to much not to use lol just can’t do the 5-600 mg week dose ever again I think 400 is reasonable lol
If you start to think random people want to fight you within seconds of seeing them in your periphery or believe there are people coming together to plot against you, its the tren.
huge indicator is that you think everyone is lying to you

at a certain point people will be acting different towards you because you actually have been acting nuts and intimidating
Tren seems fine for a lot of people at first, but without realizing it, you’ll be rage-plowing elderly reproductive tunnels and clowns.

You ever used Tren ?

Thought you said you were tall and that was enough to look tough, so I would assume you never did, as Tren is the drug we all use to look tough ;)

I use Tren before going to the club to make sure no one assaults me, or before I go for a long drive to make sure I win every road rage along the way ;)