HCG and Clomid HELP


New Member
24 years old.
Ran labs prior to taking anything:
Results are as following:
FSH 4.0
Testosterone- 365
Free testosterone-8.17

Doctor told me to take 50mg colmid every day (25mg in the morning 25mg at night) 25 days on 5 days off with 600iu hcg daily for 35 days on 5 days off as well for 3 months.

Almost a month in, libido is 0, no morning wood, ejaculation volume is very very little, testicals feel as if they actually shrunk or became softer since starting use of hcg and clomid. Prior to taking anything my libido was fine and ejaculation volume was okay as well. I had low test from what I can see and what the doctor told me but otherwise felt fine. Any suggestions as to what could be happening? so far made an appointment to see the doctor in 4 days and stopped taking hcg and Clomid. Also other then Testosterone how are my other numbers? Estogen looks to be a little low as well but not sure what the norm is for FSH and LH.
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Your impatience is a problem
go SEE YOUR DOC dude! I can only hope you did NOT discontinue what your doc prescribed prematurely.

Bc your "low TT" is not the sole cause of what you're describing!

Exclusive of citing a height and weight how about posting a PICTURE of yourself absent identifying facial features.
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