Hcg and pct or cruise advice


New Member
Alright guys so I'm wanting to do Pct after being on cycle and crusing for about a year and half. Was previously on a cycle this summer and then cruised at 150 test enth / wk up to about 7 weeks ago before getting back on my current cycle. The cycle before that was an 18 week test enth 600 / EQ 500 cycle with Tren A 500 in the last 12 weeks.

I have my first physique contest in three weeks (Oct 29th) and intend to start pct with Nolva and Clomid after that or cruise again but I want it to be precise.

I also have the option of cruising again which I'm not opposed to, as I have test enth and also sust on hand but I would need to know when to start that since enth is a long Ester and would take a couple week to take effect which is why I mention the sust.

I also have Hcg on hand but need to know when to start it as I am very gyno prone and worry that if I start now, I will increase my gyno symptoms. Normally in the past I run it along side my cycle at 250 twice a week but to avoid estrogen issues and due to it being a light cycle, I didn't this time.

I recently had blood work done and found out my most recent batch of exemestane was bunk so my Estrogen level was at 134. I switched to letrozole @ 2.5mg to get it under control and it has subsided to normal levels but I do have gyno issues from it. I have since tapered down to 2mg ed.

Currently my cycle is as follows. It's not very heavy compared to past cycles which were about double.

TEST P - 265 / wk
TREN A - 200 / wk
MAST DI - 200 / wk
Winny @ 50 mg ED
Letrozole @ 2mg / day

Previously I was running the same compounds but a higher rate before I found out my est was pretty high.

Previously it was

TEST P - 385 / wk
TREN A - 300 / wk
MAST DI - 300 / wk
Winny @ 50 mg ED
Aromasin @ 18.75 mg / day

I have Caber, Prami, nolva, exemestane, clomid and hcg on hand.

What do you guys recommend? I know there's countless amounts of info out there but I'd just like a straight answer.

Just needing to know which compounds to take now and after the show.
From what I have gathered though and had planned. PCT would be as follows. This is mostly based on info pieced together from THE-DET-OAK and others

HCG start the day after last shot of Test/Tren/Mast @ 500 ED 10 Days
Wait 4 days...
Nolva @ 40/40/20/20
Clomid @ 100/100/50/50
Taper down Letro After last pin 2mg -> 1.5 (3 days) 1 mg (3 days) - .5 (3 days) ->0 Mg (Start Aromasin this day @ 12.5ED, day before SERMS come in and last day of HCG shot) is the taper necessary? Ive read that letro needs tapered every 72 hours and have also read you can switch right over to Aromasin. Not sure which is right.
Aromasin 12.5 ED Through PCT
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It's better to taper off letro. Otherwise it will release to much estrogen at once and your aromasin might not be enough to catch up.

Otherwise maybe choose relaxofine (unsure about spelling) instead of nolva. If not no reason to go higher than 20mg/day. I personally thing 6 weeks with nolva @20mg a day and clomid 100/50/25/12.5

But you have to find what works for you.
You might want to lower the aromasin during the pct. You don't want to crush your estrogen to much.

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Previously the traditional Nolva 40/40/20/20 & Clomid 100/100/50/50 has worked pretty well for me so I think ill stick with that on those compounds but my question is more based around the hCg I guess. I just haven't ever blasted post cycle before on prop and want to make sure its laid out right.

I just had blood work pulled today and will know more on that by tomorrow.
Blood work back.

Test Serum @ 1400, probably due to lowering the dose to only 265. That is nearly cruising level for me.
Est down to 95 from 135, possibly just from lowering test, I would think letro for 5 days at 2.5mg and 5 at 2mg would have dropped it lower.. Bumping back to 2.5mg Comments on that? Bunk letro as well? Evolution peptides is becoming questionable to me!