HCG dosing


New Member
I am thinking of running 300-400 test enanthane and 200 primo weekly as my first cycle, I am thinking of adding hcg to this 12 week cycle, but how much should i dose? Saw videos saying to run it 250-500 bi weekly while on cycle, others saying to take it 400-500 every month and some saying to take 100 3 times a week. so what is the correct amount as this deviates a lot and i dont want to trial and error it as i value my balls not shrinking too much. best regards
Hi! You're right, there are many options.
500 once a week starting in week 3 will be enough for your cycle.
I am thinking of running 300-400 test enanthane and 200 primo weekly as my first cycle, I am thinking of adding hcg to this 12 week cycle, but how much should i dose? Saw videos saying to run it 250-500 bi weekly while on cycle, others saying to take it 400-500 every month and some saying to take 100 3 times a week. so what is the correct amount as this deviates a lot and i dont want to trial and error it as i value my balls not shrinking too much. best regards
500iu EOD
My starting point from my TRT doctor was 250 IU every other day and I kept great numbers on my semen analysis. My wife and I are trying to conceive now, so he bumped me up to 500 IU every other day. I have definitely noticed a look of increased sperm in my semen, if that makes any sense at all, ejaculate volume is up, and texture has changed a bit. Semen is thicker. It all depends on the person, though, brother. I think 250 IU every other day is a good starting point, though.
I have used 250 iu 2x week for many years as that seems to be closely replicate what happens in the human body.