Hcg protocol for testicular atrophy


New Member
I was recommended 1000iu for 10 days straight upon cessation of cycle but that seems a little high. So far I have done 500iu since thursday for 4 days and then 1000iu today. I haven't had any side effects but should I switch to an eod or e3d protocol? What do you guys recommend?
Irrelevant, if I remember he stated somewhere that he blasted and cruised. Guessing it was longer than 6 months. 1000iu EOD is a mere amount.
Irrelevant? Why would you say it is irrelevant?

Do you really want to say that you would give the same advice to somebody who has been shutdown 5 years vs 10 weeks?...

Did you feel attacked by my post?
No I did not feel attacked by your post at all pal.
He stated he B&C (this make it irrelevant) Presumably for longer than 6 months... 1000iu EOD is not a lot regardless of what people may say.
A question of 'did you use hcg at all through your B&C?' Is very relevant.

I personally had 5000iu/ED during my recovery at one point, and increased it to 7500iu.

A dose of 1000iu EOD may not be enough, he may need more. Infact I'm sure he does. Ahem Scally.

Yeah @Sworder it may be relevant if the dose of 1000iu EOD does not elicit a desired response I.e. bloodwork.
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No I did not feel attacked by your post at all pal.
He stated he B&C (this make it irrelevant) Presumably for longer than 6 months... 1000iu EOD is not a lot regardless of what people may say.
A question of 'did you use hcg at all through your B&C?' Is very relevant.

I personally had 5000iu/ED during my recovery at one point, and increased it to 7500iu.

A dose of 1000iu EOD may not be enough, he may need more. Infact I'm sure he does. Ahem Scally.

Yeah @Sworder it may be relevant if the dose of 1000iu EOD does not elicit a desired response I.e. bloodwork.

Why are you arguing that the duration of shut down is irrelevant? Whatever. Have fun
Whether he has been shutdown for 6 months or 6 years, it all depends on blood results and how he feels, thus making the former irrelevant.
Do you understand what bloodwork actually is you complete dumb fuck?
It will show how well his testicles are responding to the dose of HCG he puts into his body.
And you're calling me an idiot? LOL.
And that is bullshit. If you want to be an anal little cunt then by all means.
1000iu is the standard amongst my pals.
Now kindly go and bash your meat at the most shredded page. Hahahahahah
Do you understand what bloodwork actually is you complete dumb fuck?
It will show how well his testicles are responding to the dose of HCG he puts into his body.
And you're calling me an idiot? LOL.

So you want to blast his leydigs with hCG and then check tT to see if it worked? Like a guess and check. Yes, I am calling you an idiot for saying that the duration of shutdown is irrelevant. Do you agree that was idiotic or do you disagree?

It is best to use the most suitable dose based on the duration of shut down. Guessing and checking is more for when you don't know how to solve a math problem and you pick random numbers as the answer.
YES I am saying a blast and check TT. How else will he know the state of his testicles? By fucking feeling them? He cannot dissect his testicles and look at his leydig cells under a microscope can he?

Now you can sit there for a moment and understand there is no other way to know the hcg response and the state of his testicles WITHOUT TESTING.
Fucking idiot.
YES I am saying a blast and check TT. How else will he know the state of his testicles? By fucking feeling them? He cannot dissect his testicles and look at his leydig cells under a microscope can he?

Now you can sit there for a moment and understand there is no other way to know the hcg response and the state of his testicles WITHOUT TESTING.
Fucking idiot.
Well you can ask him, "How long have you been shutdown?" and then you pick the appropriate dose.

Does that mean you agree that it was idiotic of you to say duration of shutdown is irrelevant?

You seem awfully feisty this morning, no marshmallows in your Lucky Charms? :)