Hcg protocol for testicular atrophy

What is an appropriate dose?
Show me the literature for this.
Unbelievable Jeff.
I am not going to have a long conversation with you.

I was mainly giving you crap for saying duration of shutdown is irrelevant. That wasn't very smart to say.
But unfortunately you have no evidence to back up anything you say.
Sorry for proving you are infact full of shit pal. Bye.

I have no evidence to support the notion that it is best to ask the person how long they have been shutdown before recommending a dose?

Yeah.. What is common sense?
So now you think that the duration of shutdown is relevant? :D

Make your mind up or stop throwing your fit. I heard you can buy the marshmallows separately don't worry.
No I was asking you to provide the evidence to back up what you are saying but.. what's that?... you have NON. Just a typical train of thought that assumes you can guess what dose to give someone after B&C appose scientific testing.

Unfortunately you have failed at every attempt to prove me wrong.
Unfortunately you have failed at every attempt to prove me wrong.
I am eating an Eggo...

I am not going to "prove you wrong" that you are supposed to get information from the patient before advising doses. That's common sense.

Besides that it is pretty amusing watching how much you are squirming.

Why not just say that your comment was incorrect? I can quote you from another thread where you stated that dosage depends on duration of shutdown if you want? You are being contradictory and extremely childish and foolish right now. Just say you misspoke, I know you are not an idiot. Well when you act like this it makes me doubt that...
What the fuck is an eggo? Your eating your ego more like. Typical american crap.

You said it was vital I say it is not.
You say you should guess at an appropriate dose I say you shouldn't.
I said a dose of 1000iu EOD because of exactly what you said - common sense.
1000iu of hCG is not a large amount but if he follows up with blood results, it will show how well his testicles react to the stimulation of hCG.

Yes quote me from another thread where I say that.