Hcg question


Well-known Member
From what I've seen most hcg comes in 5000 iu vials. My next cycle I'd like to use it at 500iu per week instead of just blasting the last two weeks like I did my last cycle.

From what I've read, degradation s starts to occur right around 30 days. What do you guys do to work around that? Or is the amount of degradation so small that it doesn't make a difference?

Really just looking for personal experiences. Sorry if this is a repeat post. I didn't see it when I searched because there's 8 million threads that mention hcg.
It's not expensive if you don't end up using it all at the 30day mark,do the math and figure out how much you wanna use and when and make it work.Worse comes to worse Toss what's left of use it a few days past.

Make sure to becareful when mixing let the Bac water flow down the side of the vial do not shake,Keep refrigerated after mix'd etc.
Good luck
anybody know why novarel is only good for 30 days and preg is good for 90.. my pharmacy couldn't get it for two months the preg so i went with novarel.. anybody know why they give you 30 iu of baters water for 10,000 ius in novarel..anybidy know how to make it last longer then 30 days... if anybody is getting preg hcg they getting fucked bc my pharmacy couldn't get it for two months they out and dont know if they will continue to make it i hear..
Keeping it away from heat,light, and oxygen should maximize its shelf life.

I also read an article from somewhere (I forgot from exactly where, but I remember that it was reliable and seemingly trustworthy) that you should dissolve it in the least amount of bacteriologic water as possible if you want to keep degradation at a minimum. I assume this is because less oxygen can be dissolved in smaller amounts of water.

I don't know the exact degradation profile of hcg, but degradation is an ongoing process-for some things, like testosterone, degradation by the natural elements is pretty darn slow;for sensitive, "complex" molecules like hcg, it's relatively fast. At thirty days exactly, it doesn't say, "Fuck it. Time to expire" and degrade

Personally, when I get towards the end of a vial thats been opened for a good while, I will gradually up the dose to account for potential potency loss.

Hope this helps!
If you're going to use HCG or any other DRUG, learn how to schedule their dosing based on their HALF LIFE, which for HCG approximates FOURTY EIGHT HOURS.

That means in order to reach steady state levels HCG should be pinned every 2-3 DAYS, "problem" solved.

For those using a lower dosage HCG (say 250IU QOD) can be FROZEN between injections which extends its shelf life considerably.

Nevertheless bc the potency of HCG is unknown after 60 days any unused portion should be discarded thereafter.

If one can't "afford" to sacrifice these "leftovers" welcome to the cost of using AAS on a risk/benefit basis, IMO
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yes i understabd everythung yall saying but wtf is novaral 30 days and goes bad and preg 60.. samething whats these reason or novarel is just trying to make more money or it realky does hust go bad at 30.. i have always froze mine too so.. aby help ty..
yes i understabd everythung yall saying but wtf is novaral 30 days and goes bad and preg 60.. samething whats these reason or novarel is just trying to make more money or it realky does hust go bad at 30.. i have always froze mine too so.. aby help ty..

Shelf lives of most medications are based on an FDA requirements and NOT bc big Pharma is out to biopsy consumers wallets.

The requirements vary considerably depending upon how important it is for a SPECIFIC DRUG dosage to correlate to the amount administered. In other words if you pin 500 IU of HCG that's what you actually receive on a physiologic basis.

For most parenteral drugs the expiration date ensures a potency of 95% is maintained IF the manufacturers provisos are complied with.

Bc HCG is a polypeptide it's quite prone to redux (decomposition reactions) reactions, so it can be RUINED relatively quick if not refrigerated or frozen as per the manufactures instructions AFTER its reconstituted.

For what should be obvious reasons, quality issues are anything but certain with many UGL products AND many imported "generic drugs" from abroad,

However the Indo-China and India regions seem to be particularly problematic IME.

The latter is one reason why I believe the use of legitimate Ph grade ancillaries are much more important than many realize.

Fail PCT bc of it, and you'll curse the day you purchased that "India shit", lol
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but wtf is novaral 30 days and goes bad and preg 60..

There should be no difference in the efficacy of these two HCG products even though one is manufactured via a recombinant process while the latter is collated from fractionated urine.

However the type or quantity of preservative used MAY account for the differing shelf lives between both products.

That being said, what SOURCE are you using for these products
reconstituted shelf life?

The MOST reliable info is the package insert found in EACH vial of HCG, providing it's Pharm grade!
im sorry you wrong man. i have plenty hcg prescription s of preg and it sixty days. i swear look it up or call your pharmacy..it 60 days...
However the type or quantity of preservative used MAY account for the differing shelf lives between both products.

And what's your damn point Big Ph
is our to screw us all. Well sue them bastards but stop whining noob!

Posts like yours exemplify WTF many vets wont even respond to noob posts.

You want to "prove me wrong" then post your evidence or shut the F up!
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bitch when you wrong you wrong fake ass doctor. when i go home tomorrow i will post it big flexx... fucking know it all bitch.. fucking hate this little winny ass people on here.. post will be up tom..

After mixing the powder with the liquid you must keep the mixture in the refrigerator. If you are using the Pregnyl brand of HCG, throw away any mixed medicine that you have not used within 60 days after mixing. If you are using the Novarel brand of HCG, throw away any mixed medicine that you have not used within 30 days after mixing.

Store Ovidrel prefilled syringes in the refrigerator. You may also store Ovidrel at room temperature protected from light, but you must use it within 30 days.

Carefully follow the mix
there fucking doctor know it all. that gets his shit off uk doc info..i never was a smartass to you there so many little bitches on here that dont know shit. thats is frim drugs.com meds.. okay tom i will ahow the actual prescription and show you the same fucking thing.. know it all fucking bitch.. fuck you got me mad.. fucking faggot
wheres your mouth dr jim now huh.. talk all that shit bc you been a member for longer then me.. man fuck off..
brother im far from a noob you hear me.. im done with this bullshit.. i proved you wrong.. if you want more prove i will give you both inserts on both tom bc i been prescribed for years to preg not nov.. im done here im going to watch a movie bc i new..lmao
bitch when you wrong you wrong fake ass doctor. when i go home tomorrow i will post it big flexx... fucking know it all bitch.. fucking hate this little winny ass people on here.. post will be up tom..
LMAO man!! That Dr. Jim is an asshole fuck. I've read several different threads and topics and the little CUNT has to chime in and be a little bitch to everyone. Sounds like he needs some HCG, TRT, Arimidex, Lithium, Psychotropic medications..and a fucking tampon for his pussy! .. lmfao.
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