Hcg question

Now why would I waste my time proving anything to some 18 post kindercare child, with such a limited vocabulary, LMAO!

I've seen the likes of Clowns such as you come over the years on Meso and like flies on feeding on horse shit you're no different, bc once you realize there's no food to suits your fancy you'll depart for another pile of dung.

Oh and it won't matter what handle you choose you'll still stink like SHIT, as well your IP address.

Enjoy, lol!
So DOCTOR JIM. Tell us interested people what your degree is in. I asked you this before and of course from a QUACK doctor you didn't respond. Tisk tisk. You seem to be quite the little bitch..

I should have know as much.. Some pussy wanna be pretending to be a doctor.. It's really pathetic that the internet is your social savior..IF your a REAL DR. ass bag, you don't need to come to a forum like this.. GET A LIFE PUSSY.
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Now why would I waste my time proving anything to some 18 post kindercare child, with such a limited vocabulary, LMAO!

I've seen the likes of Clowns such as you come over the years on Meso and like flies on feeding on horse shit you're no different, bc once you realize there's no food to suits your fancy you'll depart for another pile of dung.

Oh and it won't matter what handle you choose you'll still stink like SHIT, as well your IP address.

Enjoy, lol!
Where did you go to medical school DOCTOR JIM?.. TELL US.. Or maybe you really can't..I can't wait to run backround checks on this one.
"you'll depart for another pile of dung." Yes, Mr. JIM, you are that pile of shit. Glad you point that out for us to read.

Limited vocabulary? Well shit, I don't have to big fancy words that you purposely put in your post to try and prove your "above" everyone else. After all when trying to prove your actually a Dr. and your not, you have to employ such tactics. These would be the traits of a person such as yourself:

Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD)
THE NARCISSIST – This person is an elitist and exists to be adored and admired.
• A pervasive pattern of grandiosity, need for admiration, and a lack of empathy.
• Think Wall Street (Gordon Gecko) or American Gigolo (Richard Gere).

Sounds pretty close.. Or maybe egotistical sociopath. Now those are some big fancy words! Maybe you should research disorders such as these. Oh wait! Your a DOCTOR, you already know all this shit. I wasn't surprised you failed to deliver on my request of proof. Ya know, I have a little story. Back in 2000 when I built my first house, a real life DOCTOR built hers right next to me. Low and behold she was single! I was single as well, so of course we hooked up! Wouldn't you know it we go married and are together to this day. So tell me some Dr. shit JIM.. We'd love to hear about it.
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You fuck a doctor who likes little fuck boys... and that means what? She must love having your retarded ass around to boost the low self esteem that drove her through medical school and right into your down's syndrome arms. Hope you guys don't breed- it would be a shame to dumb down her lineage.

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You fuck a doctor who likes little fuck boys... and that means what? She must love having your retarded ass around to boost the low self esteem that drove her through medical school and right into your down's syndrome arms. Hope you guys don't breed- it would be a shame to dumb down her lineage.

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LOL!!.. you guys are funny. This 'little boy' is 6-2, 250 and 12%bf. lmao at you all. And if your 37 by the way your name might imply, I'm older than you. You'll be lucky to make it to your early 40's with all the juice you do. WWE Chyna's heart just exploded and she was 46? Good luck to you man.
LOL!!.. you guys are funny. This 'little boy' is 6-2, 250 and 12%bf. lmao at you all. And if your 37 by the way your name might imply, I'm older than you. You'll be lucky to make it to your early 40's with all the juice you do. WWE Chyna's heart just exploded and she was 46? Good luck to you man.
Wow. I was that big in high school... really quite impressive. If you only were as big as your mouth you could run it in my presence, but alas, you continue to be the quintessential Internet bitch.

Do you realize you are running around on a streroid harm reduction board wagging your dick holder saying steroids kill you? That prince should have laid off the juice too! And sting! Cycle after cycle.

Being an idiot will kill you Long before your trt does little man. Tell your wife if she insists on surrounding herself with ignorant people like you her medical value will drop precipitously.

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G870A using Tapatalk
Wow. I was that big in high school... really quite impressive. If you only were as big as your mouth you could run it in my presence, but alas, you continue to be the quintessential Internet bitch.

Do you realize you are running around on a streroid harm reduction board wagging your dick holder saying steroids kill you? That prince should have laid off the juice too! And sting! Cycle after cycle.

Being an idiot will kill you Long before your trt does little man. Tell your wife if she insists on surrounding herself with ignorant people like you her medical value will drop precipitously.

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G870A using Tapatalk
In my state, we only need 2 words. Concealed carry. Come get me tough guy. lmfao.
Will it help with the air that gets in there I fucked up last time and just pushed the plunger and my shit looked like there was air bubbles in there

Don't worry about a little air, you're not injecting into your veins, or so I hope. Even if you were to pump a full 1ml syringe of air right into a vein, no big deal.

The Hollywood murder plot with a bit of air won't work. And some air in your glutes certainly won't kill you.

Source: a friend who is a captain for an emergency response team - he says you have to dump a LOT of air into someone to kill them.

I looked it up - looks like dumping about 40ml of air into an ARTERY will do the job:
The Straight Dope: Can air injected into the bloodstream really kill you?

"How much air is needed to kill you? That's debatable and doubtless varies, but generally speaking, a lot. One journal article I saw boldly declared that 300 milliliters can be lethal — three-tenths of a liter! You'd need a bicycle pump to inject that. But much less will do the trick; it's said serious damage can result from as little as 20 milliliters, which still isn’t a small amount. In 1949 New Hampshire physician Hermann Sander ended the life of a terminal cancer patient by injecting her with 40 milliliters of air — four syringes of 10 milliliters each. (He called it a mercy killing when arrested but on the stand improbably claimed that he thought the patient was already dead; at any rate he was acquitted.) But people have survived much larger amounts. French doctors reported in 2006 on an 82-year old man scheduled for a CAT scan who was supposed to get 90 milliliters of contrast solution but instead got 90 milliliters of empty syringe. Prompt treatment with pure oxygen saved him."
LOL!!.. you guys are funny. This 'little boy' is 6-2, 250 and 12%bf. lmao at you all. And if your 37 by the way your name might imply, I'm older than you. You'll be lucky to make it to your early 40's with all the juice you do. WWE Chyna's heart just exploded and she was 46? Good luck to you man.
Chyna died from gear? Interesting corners office said it was mixing up prescription drugs and booze.

In my state, we only need 2 words. Concealed carry. Come get me tough guy. lmfao.
So your 6'2 250p & still a pussy huh ? :rolleyes:
Why don't you just bug off @JimBeam as you are hijacking a legit thread with your petty BS. The OP asked a good question and you decide to butt in just to attack @Dr JIM like the whiny child you are :rolleyes:
Trolls like this "me, me, me, child LEAVE when there's no longer an audience to complain to, bitch at or criticize.

Ah therein lies the miracle of Meso's IGNORE option:)
jesus chrisrmt i did but im a man of my word.. fuck here.. now i had a old box but not the insert on preg bit it says on side the box okay..here people


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And you will be gone as soon as you think you scored a hot source... just so you know- I hope pinning the gear you buy kills you. I hope it gives you MRSA and kills your whole fucking family.

He may be an asshole, but you are a worthless asshole. Much worse imo.

You are the one starting a thread that your stupid fucking ass could have googled. Lazy douchebag fuck.

really ty for that advise no fucking shit dumb fuck.. i thought talking to people on here would be fun but its fucking not at all. they have some cool guys and fucking know it all people on here.. you can google anything, i was just talking. people get some pussy or something fuck..
well wunderpus its baby powder bc i took a shower but thanks for your smartass conserns..
If you're going to use HCG or any other DRUG, learn how to schedule their dosing based on their HALF LIFE, which for HCG approximates FOURTY EIGHT HOURS.

That means in order to reach steady state levels HCG should be pinned every 2-3 DAYS, "problem" solved.

For those using a lower dosage HCG (say 250IU QOD) can be FROZEN between injections which extends its shelf life considerably.

Nevertheless bc the potency of HCG is unknown after 60 days any unused portion should be discarded thereafter.

If one can't "afford" to sacrifice these "leftovers" welcome to the cost of using AAS on a risk/benefit basis, IMO
Learning a lot
If you're going to use HCG or any other DRUG, learn how to schedule their dosing based on their HALF LIFE, which for HCG approximates FOURTY EIGHT HOURS.

That means in order to reach steady state levels HCG should be pinned every 2-3 DAYS, "problem" solved.

That addresses my current issue of sensitive nipples on 250ED, I'll switch to EOD and see how I react. Thanks @Dr JIM