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Hello Dr Scally

i have two doubts about hcg

if i use sustanon 500mg week with 400mg deca week with a forever cycle should i take hcg 500iu e3d forever too?

if i use sustanon 500mg week more 400mg deca week in 20 weeks....should i use hcg 500iu e3d on cycle,right?but when should i stop it?
A "forever cycle" is pointless at best and harmful in most (if not all) circumstances. The longer you run gear the higher your tolerence becomes to those substances and ped's in general. This is why people cycle- to give your androgen receptors- and your body a chance to recover.

A 20 week cycle is pretty long for a beginning cycle... what is your Cycle history? Age height weight time training diet? Pct plans?
If you are blasting and cruising make sure your cruise takes you down to normal test levels (under 850) for at least 4 (preferably 6) weeks. If you don't plan on coming off gear hcg doesn't have a lot of use. It is simply used to keep your man parts awake and ready to recover (to vastly oversimplify). If you do plan on coming off gear stop hcg when you stop pinning oils/taking orals.
you have to cut out the hcg, it does trick the body making natural produce. All research I have seen shows after time the body will realize this making the hcg useless. A good rule o thumb is stay off as long as on. I run it around 12- 16 wks.
I thought about using a constant dosage testosterone enantate 600mg deca 400mg and hcg for my testicles not atrophy when I stop one day
Hello Dr Scally

i have two doubts about hcg

if i use sustanon 500mg week with 400mg deca week with a forever cycle should i take hcg 500iu e3d forever too?

if i use sustanon 500mg week more 400mg deca week in 20 weeks....should i use hcg 500iu e3d on cycle,right?but when should i stop it?

If youre planning on being on cycle forever, what are you including the hCG for? Just curious as to your expectations.

And i would stop your hCG a few day before you begin PCT.
no point in trying to boost you natural T level if your planing on staying on the gear forever. So hcg would be pointless as others have stated