
New Member
I read from so many comments in so many threads about using HCG on cycle and during pct. Almost everyone recommends it. Aside from size and the testes shutting down due to exogenous testosterone, Why does everyone use HCG? Is there something I'm missing? Or are you using it to keep the misses happy lol? Does it make you more comfortable and more secure on your cycle? I just would like to know everyone's reasons for using HCG.
no one runs hCG while on PCT its used up until PCT... helps aid with testicular atrophy and helps regenerate natural testosterone production hense running it up until pct... if im not mistaken...i could be off about that one tho....
I read from so many comments in so many threads about using HCG on cycle and during pct. Almost everyone recommends it. Aside from size and the testes shutting down due to exogenous testosterone, Why does everyone use HCG? Is there something I'm missing? Or are you using it to keep the misses happy lol? Does it make you more comfortable and more secure on your cycle? I just would like to know everyone's reasons for using HCG.

Aside from size and the testes shutting down due to exogenous testosterone, what have YOU learned about hCG in your research before asking this question? Share that with us in order to save us from repeating everything you already know.
From my research It stimulates the testes by acting as LH. It keeps sperm count up, natural production up, and teste size normal. I read the Bill Roberts article on it but I'm not really seeing any major reason to take it. does the addition of the natural (300-800 ng/dl) really make a difference? That's why I am asking. From my research I can't find a reason to add it in for me. This is why I feel I am missing something.
From my research It stimulates the testes by acting as LH. It keeps sperm count up, natural production up, and teste size normal. I read the Bill Roberts article on it but I'm not really seeing any major reason to take it. does the addition of the natural (300-800 ng/dl) really make a difference? That's why I am asking. From my research I can't find a reason to add it in for me. This is why I feel I am missing something.

Well, it wont make you breakfast in the morning nor will it clean your bathroom or wash the shit stains out of your underwear. But it is important for all the above reasons. Not sure what else youre looking for.
@Northern Nutrition I'm not worried about teste size or sperm production because once you get off a cycle they should go back to normal. I don't have a reason to keep all that up while on cycle. I didn't know if it did something I hadn't read about that I may need. Thanks for clearing it up.
Fair enough but you dont always return to baseline after using AAS. Perhaps that would be a game changer if you discovered this to be true. Do more digging and perhaps you'll include it in your next cycle and discover the added benefits, including a smoother transition towards recovery.
@Northern Nutrition I'm not worried about teste size or sperm production because once you get off a cycle they should go back to normal. I don't have a reason to keep all that up while on cycle. I didn't know if it did something I hadn't read about that I may need. Thanks for clearing it up.

Fair enough but you dont always return to baseline after using AAS. Perhaps that would be a game changer if you discovered this to be true. Do more digging and perhaps you'll include it in your next cycle and discover the added benefits, including a smoother transition towards recovery.

I've never really heard of people running it until I got here. I Have acquantances who have been cycling since 14 and 15. Not bright in the slightest IMO. One of them didnt do pct for the longest. Waited like 3 or 4 cycles. One of them says their balls don't even shrink anymore on cycles so I don't know what that even means in terms of natural testosterone production and such. One never mentioned anything on cycle aside from 1g adex eod. So HCG is relatively new to me. I only know a little bit compared to you guys. I have acquantances who are I'll informed and I don't even have to be informed to know that. I'm trying to do this right as my inquiry about HCG. I'm assuming the dosing recommended by Bill Roberts works?
if your on a gram of adex EOD your in trouble brother lol or your taking a sugar pill ...you got your shit all buggered up ...I take .25mg EOD :rolleyes:
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