Hello all


New Member
How does one introduce themselves without sounding like a jackass, well here goes. I'm 36, father of 3, spent most of my twenties in the Army did 3 tours in the sandbox, came home got lazy, then fat, decided a couple years ago to stop being lazy and fat and went back to the gym consistently. About a year ago my body started crashing, started putting on fat and losing strength no matter how much I worked out or controlled my diet , come to find out I stopped producing Test to any decent degree, the highest I was at was 263 in 3 months of blood work. Currently am on TRT and will be for pretty much the rest if my life. The choice I made to go onto TRT was a life changer and helped me get back into my element and start lifting heavy again. I believe every single man should go and get his levels checked when he turns 30. I'm looking forward to expanding my knowledge on how to safely progress to the fitness and strength goals I'd like to achieve be that through TRT or some additions.