That's a good question...
I had umbilical hernia. Ran 8-10iu's a day for 2 weeks then scaled back to 3-4 following.
I did wait 5-6 weeks following to lift again as it is a common gym injury.
I would say yes, I would do it for surgery again in a heartbeat.
I lost sooo much fat eating like shit, slept great the first week after surgery.
All in All, it's how and why I ran GH for the first time.
Even now I always have injuries lifting, like tweaking my neck/shoulder. I've had no issues back in the gym at all.
Well theres where im prob getting the idea of placebo, i only run 2iu pd so obviously at 8-10 your prob seeing quicker results.
Thanks for your answer steve, im having my longhead bicep tendon re attached and a torn rotator cuff repaired , same shoulder. Im just tryin to figure out how i can get back in the gym quick as possible.