Help me find a new source


New Member
Hi there, I’ve been going through a domestic source for HGH for a few years now. They’ve been very reliable but very expensive. They’ve been out of stock on it for some time now so I’m taking this as a sign to branch out. I did order some HGH from QSC once before and it went well but they aren’t around right now and who knows when they will come back. I’m not a stranger to the grey market and can navigate crypto payments and such so hit me with some good sources with great pricing please.
g2g right here....

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g2g right here....

What's your takeaway?
Learn proper forum etiquette.

First, this begins by introducing yourself to the community with a thread in the New Member Introduction subforum. Tell us about yourself, your goals, your experiences, your expectations, etc. Use this subforum for your initial interactions with other members of the community.

Next, you should have many questions about AAS/PED use. Educate yourself by reading and posting your questions/experiences/feedback in one of the 24 relevant subforums. This should be done before you even consider participating in the "Steroid Underground" subforum.

Shortly after doing this, most New Members will quickly gain full access to the MESO Forums.

If you still don't have full access to all the features of the MESO, there is a simple solution: just continue reading, learning, asking, sharing, and posting. (NOTE: posting many threads on MESO-Rx Forum just for the sake of posting may be penalized. Be sure and take the time to post well-thought out questions and/or experiences and information to could be of value to others).

The last questions you should ask are the ones about source acquisition.
Hi there, I’ve been going through a domestic source for HGH for a few years now. They’ve been very reliable but very expensive. They’ve been out of stock on it for some time now so I’m taking this as a sign to branch out. I did order some HGH from QSC once before and it went well but they aren’t around right now and who knows when they will come back. I’m not a stranger to the grey market and can navigate crypto payments and such so hit me with some good sources with great pricing please.
Here, people typically don’t just hand out vendor recommendations - you’ll need to do some research yourself.

Best approach? Check out the Steroid Underground section and go through the vendor threads. Compare pricing, read feedback, and see what fits your budget and risk tolerance.

Also, this thread might help: International HGH price comparison Plenty of useful info on different options.