Help Noob Analyze Blood Work


New Member
So, I've done once cycle of 300mg test which ended late June and I've been cruising after that on 175mg and only decided to do bloodwork now (I know I'm gonna get shit on for this but it is what it is.) So results came back today and a few things are out of range. Here they are (far right is reference range):

-Note: I did NOT stop training for a few days (as I've heard to do) before I got bloods, and I got bloods Wednesday morning and I drank quite a bit Saturday night/Sunday early morning so maybe that's why AST and ALT are elevated, I'm not sure. Not sure what's up with the thyroid which is most concerning. What do you guys think?


0.450-4.500 UIU/ML

CBC With Differential/Platelet:

RBC6.10*H4.14-5.80 X10E6/UL
HEMOGLOBIN17.9*H13.0-17.7 G/DL
HEMATOCRIT53.4*H37.5-51.0 %

Comp. Metabolic Panel :
BUN22*H6-20 MG/DL
AST (SGOT)79*H0-40 IU/L
ALT (SGPT)75*H0-44 IU/L

What do you guys recommend doing? Plan is to drop to 110mg test and redo (how long should I wait to retest?) Also I was about to start my second cycle (375mg test, 300mg npp) but now I'm worried that I'm gonna die. How long should I put this off for after the retest? pls help.
So, I've done once cycle of 300mg test which ended late June and I've been cruising after that on 175mg and only decided to do bloodwork now (I know I'm gonna get shit on for this but it is what it is.) So results came back today and a few things are out of range. Here they are (far right is reference range):

-Note: I did NOT stop training for a few days (as I've heard to do) before I got bloods, and I got bloods Wednesday morning and I drank quite a bit Saturday night/Sunday early morning so maybe that's why AST and ALT are elevated, I'm not sure. Not sure what's up with the thyroid which is most concerning. What do you guys think?


0.450-4.500 UIU/ML

CBC With Differential/Platelet:

RBC6.10*H4.14-5.80 X10E6/UL
HEMOGLOBIN17.9*H13.0-17.7 G/DL
HEMATOCRIT53.4*H37.5-51.0 %

Comp. Metabolic Panel :
BUN22*H6-20 MG/DL
AST (SGOT)79*H0-40 IU/L
ALT (SGPT)75*H0-44 IU/L

What do you guys recommend doing? Plan is to drop to 110mg test and redo (how long should I wait to retest?) Also I was about to start my second cycle (375mg test, 300mg npp) but now I'm worried that I'm gonna die. How long should I put this off for after the retest? pls help.
Nothing here says you’re gonna die lol.

Liver values are elevated but fine for having not taken a break from training for bloodwork.

RBC/H&H are high but that’s normal. Go donate blood and/or consider some supps that lower those values.

I assume T3 and T4 are normal but TSH is high?
OP how is your water intake and what else are you taking? Age?

what is heavy drinking?

any Tylenol intake?
I am pretty sure ALT shouldnt be elevated from training.

It is typically AST.

OP how is your water intake and what else are you taking? Age?

what is heavy drinking?

any Tylenol intake?
To my knowledge this is incorrect. AST, ALT and other markers can stay elevated days after training with resistance.

My doctor, who’s wise on what I do with bodybuilding and has made a name as an athletes doc (not for prescribing drugs) has zero concern when they’re under 2x the normal range and wouldn’t implement a change until they reach triple digits/aren’t trending ip. This of course assumes OP trains intensely which we have no evidence of but. Just my .02.
To my knowledge this is incorrect. AST, ALT and other markers can stay elevated days after training with resistance.

My doctor, who’s wise on what I do with bodybuilding and has made a name as an athletes doc (not for prescribing drugs) has zero concern when they’re under 2x the normal range and wouldn’t implement a change until they reach triple digits/aren’t trending ip. This of course assumes OP trains intensely which we have no evidence of but. Just my .02.
You are right. unless its 2x the upper limits they usually do not with hold therapy and recheck on routine labs.

I wouldn't be too worried about OP with that. I was just discussing the differentiation. I have discussed this with some provider friends on the differentiation for patients who may have elevated markers, her boyfriend had 4x the upper limit for ALT and he trains regularly.

turned out he was drinking and taking Tylenol prior to his tattoo...(I guess he cant handle needle pain very well....)

I have seen the studies and it can be mixed in regards to AST/ALT elevation. It seems it has mixed reviews and there was another study that did discuss on Aerobic vs anerobic training. it showed that ALT actually improved with both of the groups.

This is from a clinical guidelines handbook for Family practicioners.


Even in this other resistance training study They only showed 5/14 subjects with ALT above reference range. All 14 were above the reference range.

Nothing here says you’re gonna die lol.

Liver values are elevated but fine for having not taken a break from training for bloodwork.

RBC/H&H are high but that’s normal. Go donate blood and/or consider some supps that lower those values.

I assume T3 and T4 are normal but TSH is high?
I unfortunately do not know if T3 and T4 are normal, I will have to go retest to find out. And thank you for the suggestion, I will definitely look into supplements to lower RBC/H&H. Is there any specific supp that you would recommend?
OP how is your water intake and what else are you taking? Age?

what is heavy drinking?

any Tylenol intake?
I'm not taking anything else and my water intake should be fine, I try to drink as much as I can throughout the day (never measured). I'm 21 and I drank a lot, got very drunk (I cant even remember how much I drank) 3 days before the the test. Also side note- I don't drink regularly, I just let myself get drunk once in a school year.
I'm not taking anything else and my water intake should be fine, I try to drink as much as I can throughout the day (never measured). I'm 21 and I drank a lot, got very drunk (I cant even remember how much I drank) 3 days before the the test. Also side note- I don't drink regularly, I just let myself get drunk once in a school year.
I guess some of us are just have better liver genetics.

Oh well. it could be a fluke. Just keep an eye on it.
I think my biggest concern right now is that this whole time I thought I was giving my body a break, I actually wasn't and now my plan was to start my second cycle now, but if I do it'll mean that my RBC/H&H will end up, by the end of the cycle, being elevated for almost an entire year. I don't know how dangerous this is so I'm kind of lost with what to do. Based on the reference ranges all three don't seem to be way over the limits but maybe it's still causing a lot of damage, I really don't know. Do you guys think it would be wise to lower trt dose and get retested and fix my numbers and just cruise for another 3 months to give my body a real break before I start my second cycle or just go ahead with it now and get bloods mid cycle? Thanks for the help and advice guys. @Cridi887 @Mac11wildcat
I think my biggest concern right now is that this whole time I thought I was giving my body a break, I actually wasn't and now my plan was to start my second cycle now, but if I do it'll mean that my RBC/H&H will end up, by the end of the cycle, being elevated for almost an entire year. I don't know how dangerous this is so I'm kind of lost with what to do. Based on the reference ranges all three don't seem to be way over the limits but maybe it's still causing a lot of damage, I really don't know. Do you guys think it would be wise to lower trt dose and get retested and fix my numbers and just cruise for another 3 months to give my body a real break before I start my second cycle or just go ahead with it now and get bloods mid cycle? Thanks for the help and advice guys. @Cridi887 @Mac11wildcat

You should be able to get those numbers in range in like a month or less if you take the proper steps to do so. They aren’t terrible. And stop getting hammered while running gear. Like really. Just do the work and schedule bloodwork 4-6 weeks from now. The peace of mind you will have from seeing good numbers will be worth it and set the stage for your next big push.
I think my biggest concern right now is that this whole time I thought I was giving my body a break, I actually wasn't and now my plan was to start my second cycle now, but if I do it'll mean that my RBC/H&H will end up, by the end of the cycle, being elevated for almost an entire year. I don't know how dangerous this is so I'm kind of lost with what to do. Based on the reference ranges all three don't seem to be way over the limits but maybe it's still causing a lot of damage, I really don't know. Do you guys think it would be wise to lower trt dose and get retested and fix my numbers and just cruise for another 3 months to give my body a real break before I start my second cycle or just go ahead with it now and get bloods mid cycle? Thanks for the help and advice guys. @Cridi887 @Mac11wildcat
Rbc have a life span of 3 months. Just s heads-up.
It doesn't need to be drained(or donated) unless you are symptomatic but if it gets too high and you do get symptoms, then you can't donate and will have to workaround it.

Word of caution, Sometimes kidneys can take a hit because it's harder to filter too.

It's a mild elevation of your liver function. Injectables shouldn't cause too much of an issue with it. Both of what you are talking is fairly safe.

I definitely would donate blood now. If you know anyone that could start an IV and let blood drain, that would be a good option.

Also before you go to a donation center, chug a bunch of water to make sure your blood waters down and they don't stop you.
I unfortunately do not know if T3 and T4 are normal, I will have to go retest to find out. And thank you for the suggestion, I will definitely look into supplements to lower RBC/H&H. Is there any specific supp that you would recommend?
You need 100 mg of levothyroxine. That should put you around 1.0 on your TSH with a level that high
I unfortunately do not know if T3 and T4 are normal, I will have to go retest to find out. And thank you for the suggestion, I will definitely look into supplements to lower RBC/H&H. Is there any specific supp that you would recommend?
They gave you TSH without t3 and t4? Weird.

Incomplete picture without those to accompany TSH.
They gave you TSH without t3 and t4? Weird.

Incomplete picture without those to accompany TSH.
My doctor wants me to go back and get more blood drawn to check T3 and T4. Is it possible that my TSH was elevated because I did not take any days off prior to getting blood drawn or is that irrelevant? Is it also possible that my RBC/H&H are elevated for the same reason? I understand that PEDs will increase RBC/H&H regardless but maybe mine was also impacted from not taking any days off the gym before the test?
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My doctor wants me to go back and get more blood drawn to check T3 and T4. Is it possible that my TSH was elevated because I did not take any days off prior to getting blood drawn or is TSH unrelated? Is it also possible that my RBC and H&H were also elevated for the same reason? I understand that PEDs will increase RBC/H&H regardless but maybe mine was also impacted from not taking any days off the gym before the test?
I have no knowledge on training elevating TSH. RBC and h&h certainly not acute/transient effects from training.
My doctor wants me to go back and get more blood drawn to check T3 and T4. Is it possible that my TSH was elevated because I did not take any days off prior to getting blood drawn or is that irrelevant? Is it also possible that my RBC/H&H are elevated for the same reason? I understand that PEDs will increase RBC/H&H regardless but maybe mine was also impacted from not taking any days off the gym before the test?
I don't think tsh has anything to do with training, from my personal bloodwork and past research. Your rbc was possibly elevated from your past cycle plus use of testosterone now. I'm glad to hear your doctor wants more thyroid testing, that's a high tsh that warrants a little more digging into imo.
Rbc have a life span of 3 months. Just s heads-up.
It doesn't need to be drained(or donated) unless you are symptomatic but if it gets too high and you do get symptoms, then you can't donate and will have to workaround it.

Word of caution, Sometimes kidneys can take a hit because it's harder to filter too.

It's a mild elevation of your liver function. Injectables shouldn't cause too much of an issue with it. Both of what you are talking is fairly safe.

I definitely would donate blood now. If you know anyone that could start an IV and let blood drain, that would be a good option.

Also before you go to a donation center, chug a bunch of water to make sure your blood waters down and they don't stop you.
donating blood may be good if it doesn't drop his feretin

letting someone IV him and drain his blood not at a medical facility? god no. I still can't believe people have done this before. insanity.
My doctor wants me to go back and get more blood drawn to check T3 and T4. Is it possible that my TSH was elevated because I did not take any days off prior to getting blood drawn or is that irrelevant? Is it also possible that my RBC/H&H are elevated for the same reason? I understand that PEDs will increase RBC/H&H regardless but maybe mine was also impacted from not taking any days off the gym before the test?
When you take a TSH test you're not supposed to be fasted. If you took it with your other blood work and you were fasted it will show up as a slow thyroid
donating blood may be good if it doesn't drop his feretin

letting someone IV him and drain his blood not at a medical facility? god no. I still can't believe people have done this before. insanity.
If you have a friend who is a nurse.... It's easy