Help Noob Analyze Blood Work

RBC lives for about 3 months, you wont see changes in a month after changing dose.

get a cystatin c to check your creatinine.

list all your current anabolics and ancillaries.
ok so after reading about this, RBC lives for about 120 days, which in that case could my RBC, and H&H levels just be elevated from my cycle that ended on June 25th? (it was 300mg/week test and 20mg dbol ed for the last 6 weeks.) I have been cruising since then and It has not nearly been 120 days yet since my cycle ended so I guess this is why RBC and H&H are still elevated?

I'm having trouble understanding just how dangerous having elevated RBC and H&H is. I can't tell if I'm overreacting to the results or not. 120 days is nearly 4 months and that will be more than equal to the time I spent on my cycle. From what I understand there is a general time on = time off rule most people follow. I'm not in a rush to start my second cycle but I don't know if I am just being hesitant due to overreacting. Is it safe for my RBC and H&H to stay elevated if I start the second cycle? What would you guys advise?

You're freaking out about high rbc and hematocrit, but do you have any idea where your total test levels are???? ? ...?
My test came back at 1300 on 175mg/week which is why I dropped to 150mg.

Thank you guys for everything.
ok so after reading about this, RBC lives for about 120 days, which in that case could my RBC, and H&H levels just be elevated from my cycle that ended on June 25th? (it was 300mg/week test and 20mg dbol ed for the last 6 weeks.) I have been cruising since then and It has not nearly been 120 days yet since my cycle ended so I guess this is why RBC and H&H are still elevated?

I'm having trouble understanding just how dangerous having elevated RBC and H&H is. I can't tell if I'm overreacting to the results or not. 120 days is nearly 4 months and that will be more than equal to the time I spent on my cycle. From what I understand there is a general time on = time off rule most people follow. I'm not in a rush to start my second cycle but I don't know if I am just being hesitant due to overreacting. Is it safe for my RBC and H&H to stay elevated if I start the second cycle? What would you guys advise?

My test came back at 1300 on 175mg/week which is why I dropped to 150mg.

Thank you guys for everything.

1300 how long after pin and what's the pining schedule?
ok so after reading about this, RBC lives for about 120 days, which in that case could my RBC, and H&H levels just be elevated from my cycle that ended on June 25th? (it was 300mg/week test and 20mg dbol ed for the last 6 weeks.) I have been cruising since then and It has not nearly been 120 days yet since my cycle ended so I guess this is why RBC and H&H are still elevated?

I'm having trouble understanding just how dangerous having elevated RBC and H&H is. I can't tell if I'm overreacting to the results or not. 120 days is nearly 4 months and that will be more than equal to the time I spent on my cycle. From what I understand there is a general time on = time off rule most people follow. I'm not in a rush to start my second cycle but I don't know if I am just being hesitant due to overreacting. Is it safe for my RBC and H&H to stay elevated if I start the second cycle? What would you guys advise?

My test came back at 1300 on 175mg/week which is why I dropped to 150mg.

Thank you guys for everything.
Idk. Are you symptomatic? If not then I wouldn't worry.

Keeping hct and hgb are important for cancerous blood conditions but not as much for secondary reasons.

Symptoms is the primary reason you need to blood let.

300mg a week is still a high dose to cause erythrocytosis
The answer is simple. Most on 200 a week sports trt donate 4x a year. More if you blast. 1. You only do power Reds twice a year ( takes out way more rbc) and the wait is more then 56 days after a power red. You may need two labs to do this. One you can do the power Reds at and then the other one you can do the whole bloods....that way you have more options and they don't make you wait as long in between.... but I still wouldn't do them more than 56 days on the whole Bloods.
2. Donate whole blood every 3 months.

Simple. Now take 1000mg a day grapefruit seed extract. Telmisartan lower rbc for some people. Your blood pressure goes up when your rbcs get over 51% after you do a power red donation or a whole blood donation you may notice in a few weeks your blood pressure goes back down. Just remember to donate a power red before a blast and then at the end of a blast donate a whole blood and you'll be good. You'll probably stay around 50 or 51 hematocrit and that is doable. It's not dangerous because people in Colorado get up to 54 all the time because of the high altitude and they don't have a higher number of heart attacks and strokes. Try not to let it get too high because if you go too high they will deny you but I think it's different from area to area....but the blood banks by me ... you don't want to be 20% on the finger stick or they will deny you. I doubt you will get that high that would mean you would be at like 60% hematocrit almost. Donating plasma doesn't do anything for hematocrit but you do get a free hematocrit check when you do it LOL. Hematocrit and rdcs go up the most on your first second and third cycles. You may notice that as you do more cycles your body doesn't freak out as much as when your a newbie.
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The answer is simple. Most on 200 a week sports trt donate 4x a year. More if you blast. 1. You only do power Reds twice a year ( takes out way more rbc) and the wait is more then 56 days after a power red. You may need two labs to do this. One you can do the power Reds at and then the other one you can do the whole bloods....that way you have more options and they don't make you wait as long in between.... but I still wouldn't do them more than 56 days on the whole Bloods.
2. Donate whole blood every 3 months.

Simple. Now take 1000mg a day grapefruit seed extract. Telmisartan lower rbc for some people. Your blood pressure goes up when your rbcs get over 51% after you do a power red donation or a whole blood donation you may notice in a few weeks your blood pressure goes back down. Just remember to donate a power red before a blast and then at the end of a blast donate a whole blood and you'll be good. You'll probably stay around 50 or 51 hematocrit and that is doable. It's not dangerous because people in Colorado get up to 54 all the time because of the high altitude and they don't have a higher number of heart attacks and strokes. Try not to let it get too high because if you go too high they will deny you but I think it's different from area to area....but the blood banks by me ... you don't want to be 20% on the finger stick or they will deny you. I doubt you will get that high that would mean you would be at like 60% hematocrit almost. Donating plasma doesn't do anything for hematocrit but you do get a free hematocrit check when you do it LOL. Hematocrit and rdcs go up the most on your first second and third cycles. You may notice that as you do more cycles your body doesn't freak out as much as when your a newbie.

Ok so the plan is to do a whole blood donation next week and start my cycle right after (350test/300npp). Does this plan seem safe given my bloodwork, I'm trying to make sure I'm not being reckless. Thank you guys for the help.

1300 how long after pin and what's the pining schedule?
Pinning eod. Drew blood in morning, right before pin.
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