Help Noob Analyze Blood Work

When you take a TSH test you're not supposed to be fasted. If you took it with your other blood work and you were fasted it will show up as a slow thyroid
I hope to god this is why my TSH is elevated. But that means I'm gonna have to get bloodwork twice again since I want to recheck my AST and ALT which I believe I have to be fasted for.
I agree with above, go donate blood, it's a good thing to do regardless since it literally saves life. Get healthier and as a bonus doing a good thing. :)

I can say that if you haven't done it before it looks damn scary, but it goes so fast and smooth. I throught they would drain a third of my body with bags that big, but it's a drop in the ocean.

Regarding drinking and AAS, skipping the usual comments - either you have a goal with that body and aim going pro since you start this early, or you drink and live life while training normal, don't do both. Talking from my own experience, I did AAS young from body dysmorphia, literally aimed for attention and girls (the Zyzz life - don't like that dude sorry guys). I ended up on Dr.Scally to get back to normal, it became bad.
OP your TSH is a bit high and that might be a mild hypo symptom, you should check T4, T3 levels and thyroid antibodies to make sure you don't have Hashimoto's, also getting an ultrasound done wouldn't hurt, your thyroid should accelerate not slow down on TRT, but there are many causes for that, like low D3 vitamin, low iron, stress, some kind of foods, and even toothpaste. Taking some supplements and fixing all the other issues should work since your TSH doesn't seem to be super high but of course you need to check T4 and T4 to be sure.
Hematocrits, Hemoglobin, and RBC, are probably still high from the blast I would wait and retest after a while, also check your blood pressure regularly.
Your liver enzymes might be high due to alcohol, overeating and training hard, you should find out which one and retest, also glutathione, milk thistle, NAC, and TUDCA should help with that.
You could also lower your test dose to 160mg.
I would definitely check your lipid profile, T and E2 levels as well.
Just my two cents.
OP some smart guys here giving you some good info…use it for your health. My .02 is that the thing to address first is hct, which could be as simple as drinking more water or worst cast donate blood at your local center. I don’t know near what @Mac11wildcat and others do…but you’re not on your way out too soon
If you have a friend who is a nurse.... It's easy
I know plenty of nurses, one is a pill popper the other a drunk who has a service dog. im sure as hell not letting them draw my blood in mine or their home. do they know how much to draw based on lab work? what if they take too much? I don't fuck either of my nurse friends anymore but I think if I texted them and said "hey can you come over and drain some blood" they would tell me im a fucking nut
I know plenty of nurses, one is a pill popper the other a drunk who has a service dog. im sure as hell not letting them draw my blood in mine or their home. do they know how much to draw based on lab work? what if they take too much? I don't fuck either of my nurse friends anymore but I think if I texted them and said "hey can you come over and drain some blood" they would tell me im a fucking nut
Standard blood letting for polycythemia is typically 250-300ml. It's standard of care for polycythemia , cancer or not

You don't drain out to get to a target number right away, do it little by little. Just as much as you would do if you donated blood.

Do they know you do steroids?
OP some smart guys here giving you some good info…use it for your health.
Thank you guys for the help and suggestions, seriously means a lot. I've dropped down to 120mg test and will get blood work done in about a month and will make sure to take time off before the draw this time. If everything comes back good, how long would you guys recommend to cruise at 120mg for, before starting my second cycle (350g test, ~250npp)?
Thank you guys for the help and suggestions, seriously means a lot. I've dropped down to 120mg test and will get blood work done in about a month and will make sure to take time off before the draw this time. If everything comes back good, how long would you guys recommend to cruise at 120mg for, before starting my second cycle (350g test, ~250npp)?
Why did you drop it?

Have you donated blood yet?

Are you a TRT guy or just BNC?

Time on and time off is a safe rule. But some people may fudge it. It's always tempting

Best cruise dose is most comfortable dose. Keep working hard in the gym to maintain gains. It sucks on the first month
Standard blood letting for polycythemia is typically 250-300ml. It's standard of care for polycythemia , cancer or not

You don't drain out to get to a target number right away, do it little by little. Just as much as you would do if you donated blood.

Do they know you do steroids?
don't know if they do, thats alot of blood lol

here's one horror story from online, I don't think any doctor or nurse would recommend doing this at home, ever

and he doesn't have a blood disorder he just took gear

don't know if they do, thats alot of blood lol

here's one horror story from online, I don't think any doctor or nurse would recommend doing this at home, ever

and he doesn't have a blood disorder he just took gear


He has a blood disorder. He has hemachromatosis, insurance covers that.. They drain out 250ml monthly. Same amount as a blood donation.

Doing test with that combo would lead to an insane amount of red blood cells

The shop vac is a dumb idea. they don't suck out blood, they let it flow out

Doctors and nurses wouldn't advise to administer steroids either but that's why you could ask for a nurse to drain it...
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He has a blood disorder. He has hemachromatosis, insurance covers that.. They drain out 250ml monthly. Same amount as a blood donation.

Doing test with that combo would lead to an insane amount of red blood cells

The shop vac is a dumb idea. they don't suck out blood, they let it flow out

Doctors and nurses wouldn't advise to administer steroids either but that's why you could ask for a nurse to drain it...

you have named two different blood disorders and stated he has one. did the doctor diagnosis him with one when seeing his blood work?

he ran gear his numbers are slightly high, so your saying he now has a blood disorder? I don't know what a shop vac is.

I just know you advocated blood letting at home and I said that is absurd. are you agreeing or disagreeing? I can't tell.

your saying ask the medical facility to drain it there or for a nurse friend to come over and drain out his blood and guess if its the right amount in her spare time on a weekend?
So, I've done once cycle of 300mg test which ended late June and I've been cruising after that on 175mg and only decided to do bloodwork now (I know I'm gonna get shit on for this but it is what it is.) So results came back today and a few things are out of range. Here they are (far right is reference range):

-Note: I did NOT stop training for a few days (as I've heard to do) before I got bloods, and I got bloods Wednesday morning and I drank quite a bit Saturday night/Sunday early morning so maybe that's why AST and ALT are elevated, I'm not sure. Not sure what's up with the thyroid which is most concerning. What do you guys think?


0.450-4.500 UIU/ML

CBC With Differential/Platelet:

RBC6.10*H4.14-5.80 X10E6/UL
HEMOGLOBIN17.9*H13.0-17.7 G/DL
HEMATOCRIT53.4*H37.5-51.0 %

Comp. Metabolic Panel :
BUN22*H6-20 MG/DL
AST (SGOT)79*H0-40 IU/L
ALT (SGPT)75*H0-44 IU/L

What do you guys recommend doing? Plan is to drop to 110mg test and redo (how long should I wait to retest?) Also I was about to start my second cycle (375mg test, 300mg npp) but now I'm worried that I'm gonna die. How long should I put this off for after the retest? pls help.
Just gonna echo what everyone else is saying: Go donate blood, stop drinking while taking AAS, drop your cruise dosage, and re-test after a month or so.

you have named two different blood disorders and stated he has one. did the doctor diagnosis him with one when seeing his blood work?

he ran gear his numbers are slightly high, so your saying he now has a blood disorder? I don't know what a shop vac is.

I just know you advocated blood letting at home and I said that is absurd. are you agreeing or disagreeing? I can't tell.

your saying ask the medical facility to drain it there or for a nurse friend to come over and drain out his blood and guess if its the right amount in her spare time on a weekend?
The picture you sent said he has hemachromatosis. You said he doesn't have a blood disorder but the picture says he does... I meant to say the combo of test and hematochromatosis would do thst

Hemachromatosis can cause polycythemia? erythrocytosis.

Hemachromatosis is essentially iron overload, it's genetic typically.
Creates a massive amount of building blocks for red blood cells. combined with testosterone that would increase production is insane.

I said if you can't get it done at a medical facility. Can ask a nurse friend to drain it.

A shop vac is a little vacuum cleaner that sometimes have a blow function. People use it at home improvement work.

The horror story if the reddit post you posted is if a guy who isn't trained. He literally hooked up a vacuum cleaner to his vein...

would I leave my nurse friend drain my arm by gravity? Absolutely. All it is an IV and a little line. Shit could let it go into a little cup.

Would I let a random bozo? No

That's fine if we have disagreements on what a standard nurse with IV skills can do.
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Ok my tsh tested 4.8 5 years ago. Dr gave me 100mg levothyroxime daily.After he tested for thyroid disease.Came back ok just hypo. 100mg a day puts me at 1.0 - 2.0
You gotta do thyroid seperare non fasted.
1200mg of NAC brings my ast and alt into normal range. Heavy squats will raise numbers. Also non alcholic fatty liver will too. Dont lift 4 days before labs.Donate a double red. Then donate regular blood every 3 months. No more then 4x a year. That will usually put you at 50-51 hematocrit if you blast twice a year and do 200mg sports trt. Everyones different but your labs look like mine a bit after my first 400 test mini blast. I think grape fruit seed extract helps too cause now I never hit over 51 hematocrit. Used to get close to 54 before doing all of the above.If you do too many power reds some stuff will be low on labs like mine here. Low mcv and mch because if the power reds and growing new rbc.


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The picture you sent said he has hemachromatosis. You said he doesn't have a blood disorder but the picture says he does... I meant to say the combo of test and hematochromatosis would do thst
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Hemachromatosis can cause polycythemia? erythrocytosis.

Hemachromatosis is essentially iron overload, it's genetic typically.
Creates a massive amount of building blocks for red blood cells. combined with testosterone that would increase production is insane.

I said if you can't get it done at a medical facility. Can ask a nurse friend to drain it.

A shop vac is a little vacuum cleaner that sometimes have a blow function. People use it at home improvement work.

The horror story if the reddit post you posted is if a guy who isn't trained. He literally hooked up a vacuum cleaner to his vein...

would I leave my nurse friend drain my arm by gravity? Absolutely. All it is an IV and a little line. Shit could let it go into a little cup.

Would I let a random bozo? No

That's fine if we have disagreements on what a standard nurse with IV skills can do.
I was using that post to show how people trying to drain their own blood at home can be dangerous, ive seen many propose it on forums and do it, probably the dumbest thing ive seen since DNP use.

I definitely disagree on having a nurse drain it. Nurses can be pretty fucking stupid. I wouldn't let anyone drain blood out of my vein outside of a medical facility. The nurse and guy letting her do it would be basically being dr google and letting google guide them how much to drain.

Not something I would play round with or trust people on this forum to do right who can't even figure out how not to crash their own Estrogen for no reason.
I was using that post to show how people trying to drain their own blood at home can be dangerous, ive seen many propose it on forums and do it, probably the dumbest thing ive seen since DNP use.

I definitely disagree on having a nurse drain it. Nurses can be pretty fucking stupid. I wouldn't let anyone drain blood out of my vein outside of a medical facility. The nurse and guy letting her do it would be basically being dr google and letting google guide them how much to drain.

Not something I would play round with or trust people on this forum to do right who can't even figure out how not to crash their own Estrogen for no reason.
If he goes off the stuff his blood work likely improves its not like he's about to die either.
I was using that post to show how people trying to drain their own blood at home can be dangerous, ive seen many propose it on forums and do it, probably the dumbest thing ive seen since DNP use.

I definitely disagree on having a nurse drain it. Nurses can be pretty fucking stupid. I wouldn't let anyone drain blood out of my vein outside of a medical facility. The nurse and guy letting her do it would be basically being dr google and letting google guide them how much to drain.

Not something I would play round with or trust people on this forum to do right who can't even figure out how not to crash their own Estrogen for no reason.
You know nurses have way more training. The blood bank uses phlobotomists but if you ask only a few have taken the 3 month class. The rest are just regular people no certification. At the local plasma center 1 girl was a phlobotomist....the other 20 work under her as just a tech and those needles are way bigger...haha. My ex had 4 years of training as a nurse but she had her BSN rn degree.
You know nurses have way more training. The blood bank uses phlobotomists but if you ask only a few have taken the 3 month class. The rest are just regular people no certification. At the local plasma center 1 girl was a phlobotomist....the other 20 work under her as just a tech and those needles are way bigger...haha. My ex had 4 years of training as a nurse but she had her BSN rn degree.
but if getting blood drawn was the solution, wouldn't the doc write a script so we didn't have to find a nurse to come by on our own and draw whatever amount of blood google says?

I just think its absurd to be honest. the juice isn't worth the squeeze. he can get his numbers down or get it done the right way.
I was using that post to show how people trying to drain their own blood at home can be dangerous, ive seen many propose it on forums and do it, probably the dumbest thing ive seen since DNP use.

I definitely disagree on having a nurse drain it. Nurses can be pretty fucking stupid. I wouldn't let anyone drain blood out of my vein outside of a medical facility. The nurse and guy letting her do it would be basically being dr google and letting google guide them how much to drain.

Not something I would play round with or trust people on this forum to do right who can't even figure out how not to crash their own Estrogen for no reason.
Lol ok man. Clearly you understand what goes around with therapeutic phlebotomy or with what nurses are capable of.
I think my biggest concern right now is that this whole time I thought I was giving my body a break, I actually wasn't and now my plan was to start my second cycle now, but if I do it'll mean that my RBC/H&H will end up, by the end of the cycle, being elevated for almost an entire year. I don't know how dangerous this is so I'm kind of lost with what to do. Based on the reference ranges all three don't seem to be way over the limits but maybe it's still causing a lot of damage, I really don't know. Do you guys think it would be wise to lower trt dose and get retested and fix my numbers and just cruise for another 3 months to give my body a real break before I start my second cycle or just go ahead with it now and get bloods mid cycle? Thanks for the help and advice guys. @Cridi887 @Mac11wildcat.
Well some people mostly whites get this from trt. So even on trt you donate 4x a year. What I do is... do a power red before a blast. Then do a regular donation at the end of the blast. That will fix it good enough. The trt clinic doesnt even say donate until you hit 54 hematocrit but I try to catch it sooner.