Help with Cholesterol and BP Meds


New Member
Hello all, if I’m posting this in the wrong thread please let me know. But I’m 43, so I’m enhancing my performance over 40. But I was also looking for a provider who sells BP and cholesterol meds. I’ve tried one source, they have quality products but it takes a month or longer to get here.

I’m a new member so there could be a thread addressing this and I just missed it.

Thanks guys, so my BP was 143/83 and my LDL was 180, I have a history of it in my family. I’ve been doing even more cardio than usual and sticking to mostly chicken and turkey rather than any beef. So I didn’t know if telimasrten was good to get on? I’d seen some YouTube videos on it by guys saying it was good to have in your toolbox while on cycle, but wasn’t sure.
I’m in the US. In Florida

I assume that BP is off cycle?

So you have Stage II hypertension. TLDR you're at significantly higher risk of a heart attack or stroke. Even in the absence of that however, each day in that status is causing cumulative damage to you organs, including increasing the speed and severity of cognitive decline, vision loss, and essentially worsening every condition typically associated with aging.

The best thing would be for you to see a doctor for treatment, but if you want to manage this on your own the guidelines, assuming you have no other serious health issues, are fairly clear.

According to the latest guidelines. best practice is to initiate treatment of Stage II hypertension with a combination of 2 BP meds of different classes, as that has shown to be more effective, at lower doses, with fewer side effects than a larger dose of one med. Ideally you'd want it in one combo pill.

It's fairly easy to get a prescription in 5 minutes online for $20,

So my first question is, do you have insurance? That will determine which med to choose and how to acquire it quickly.
There are a few domestic sources for Telmisartan and Ezetimbe. Have a look around the Underground forums. Look at the Turk and Indian Pharma, my experience is around a 2 week t/a for overseas pharma. Stay away from raw powders. Dosing is too dangerous for blood pressure meds.
I assume that BP is off cycle?

So you have Stage II hypertension. TLDR you're at significantly higher risk of a heart attack or stroke. Even in the absence of that however, each day in that status is causing cumulative damage to you organs, including increasing the speed and severity of cognitive decline, vision loss, and essentially worsening every condition typically associated with aging.

The best thing would be for you to see a doctor for treatment, but if you want to manage this on your own the guidelines, assuming you have no other serious health issues, are fairly clear.

According to the latest guidelines. best practice is to initiate treatment of Stage II hypertension with a combination of 2 BP meds of different classes, as that has shown to be more effective, at lower doses, with fewer side effects than a larger dose of one med. Ideally you'd want it in one combo pill.

It's fairly easy to get a prescription in 5 minutes online for $20,

So my first question is, do you have insurance? That will determine which med to choose and how to acquire it quickly.
Op, listen to Ghoul’s advice. See a doctor.
I assume that BP is off cycle?

So you have Stage II hypertension. TLDR you're at significantly higher risk of a heart attack or stroke. Even in the absence of that however, each day in that status is causing cumulative damage to you organs, including increasing the speed and severity of cognitive decline, vision loss, and essentially worsening every condition typically associated with aging.

The best thing would be for you to see a doctor for treatment, but if you want to manage this on your own the guidelines, assuming you have no other serious health issues, are fairly clear.

According to the latest guidelines. best practice is to initiate treatment of Stage II hypertension with a combination of 2 BP meds of different classes, as that has shown to be more effective, at lower doses, with fewer side effects than a larger dose of one med. Ideally you'd want it in one combo pill.

It's fairly easy to get a prescription in 5 minutes online for $20,

So my first question is, do you have insurance? That will determine which med to choose and how to acquire it quickly.
Thank you for the details. So I’m on cycle right now and that was my BP last night. My resting heart rate will go from 80-90. Feeling sluggish.

Definitely going to see a doctor. The issue I’m having here in Florida is finding a doc as a new patient and it’s like 3-4 weeks out so I have an appointment at the end of October, but given the numbers I’m seeing from my bloods I’d like to get started on something sooner and then have my doc help with dialing it in. I do have Cigna health insurance. Wasn’t sure where to look online or if telehealth would prescribe? Open to options you were mentioning for sure.
Op, listen to Ghoul’s advice. See a doctor.
Thank you, yep I replied to ghoul. I made the call today and have an appointment booked. I also called an urgent care place and they can prescribe until I can get into a doc. Interested to see what ghoul says about something online that maybe I can do today. Thanks so much man much appreciated
Thank you for the details. So I’m on cycle right now and that was my BP last night. My resting heart rate will go from 80-90. Feeling sluggish.

Definitely going to see a doctor. The issue I’m having here in Florida is finding a doc as a new patient and it’s like 3-4 weeks out so I have an appointment at the end of October, but given the numbers I’m seeing from my bloods I’d like to get started on something sooner and then have my doc help with dialing it in. I do have Cigna health insurance. Wasn’t sure where to look online or if telehealth would prescribe? Open to options you were mentioning for sure.

OK, a number of guys prefer to manage it themselves. I was stage 2 as well, now controlled to the ideal of 120/70 with zero sides.

There's a story to give an online prescriber that'll get you a prescription for what.ever BP med you want, it works 99% of the time without issue. 3 months of any of them would typically cost $15.

I asked about insurance because cash prices (with goodRX) are much higher for some than others.

If I were in your position, I'd simply get Telmasartsn 40/Amlodipine 5 (aka Twynsta 40/5).

This is a very low dose.

If you want to go the "get it yourself" route I'll walk you through it. If it works for you, you can tell your primary care provider you got it from telehealth and they can write it for you from then on.

Most PCPs are really behind on up to date blood pressure control, and it's likely you'll find we know more here than they do. It's also something most don't take nearly as seriously as they should, a frequent criticism voiced at every major cardiology conference.

Most docs have a small number of BP meds they are familiar with(there are a huge number of options), and doing it this way will help ensure you get Telmasartan vs any of the other dozens that are available.

Do you have a Costco membership?

That'll determine where I direct you to for telehealth.
OK, a number of guys prefer to manage it themselves. I was stage 2 as well, now controlled to the ideal of 120/70 with zero sides.

There's a story to give an online prescriber that'll get you a prescription for what.ever BP med you want, it works 99% of the time without issue. 3 months of any of them would typically cost $15.

I asked about insurance because cash prices (with goodRX) are much higher for some than others.

If I were in your position, I'd simply get Telmasartsn 40/Amlodipine 5 (aka Twynsta 40/5).

This is a very low dose.

If you want to go the "get it yourself" route I'll walk you through it. If it works for you, you can tell your primary care provider you got it from telehealth and they can write it for you from then on.

Most PCPs are really behind on up to date blood pressure control, and it's likely you'll find we know more here than they do. It's also something most don't take nearly as seriously as they should, a frequent criticism voiced at every major cardiology conference.

Most docs have a small number of BP meds they are familiar with(there are a huge number of options), and doing it this way will help ensure you get Telmasartan vs any of the other dozens that are available.

Do you have a Costco membership?

That'll determine where I direct you to for telehealth.
First, I can’t thank you enough because yes I’m trying to do this the right way by doing what experienced guys say. Start low, get bloods, take action as soon as you see results that are off. And I’ve heard the same thing that doctors aren’t going to be as helpful as guys here that have the experience. To answer your question, I don’t have a Costco membership but I can hop online now and get one if that is going to be the best option. So if you don’t mind walking through what I need to do, I’ll do it and then that way a GP doesn’t just throw something at me that isn’t effective.

Much appreciated
First, I can’t thank you enough because yes I’m trying to do this the right way by doing what experienced guys say. Start low, get bloods, take action as soon as you see results that are off. And I’ve heard the same thing that doctors aren’t going to be as helpful as guys here that have the experience. To answer your question, I don’t have a Costco membership but I can hop online now and get one if that is going to be the best option. So if you don’t mind walking through what I need to do, I’ll do it and then that way a GP doesn’t just throw something at me that isn’t effective.

Much appreciated

No worries.

I was going to have you use GoodRX care for $20, but it looks like they're changed their policy and won't treat hypertension online, and want previous script writer info for refills.

Sesame Care will do it, but they've jacked up visit prices so high you are actually going to save 80% of the cost of a Costco membership.

If you're willing, sign up for Costco (they're raising membership rates tomorrow I believe), and in the meantime I'll write up what you should do on your appointment.

You'll have a prescription tonight.