Help with PCT after 12 weeks cycle with only 250mg TEST/week


New Member
Hi to all,

I need to come off my testo cycle after 12 weeks since I need to recover my fertility.
I'm evaluating if come off or continue to take testo by adding hCG and hMG, I'm seeing my doctor in 10 days, but I guess you experience is better in this case.

I had 250mg/testo enanthate per week for 12 weeks, I haven't took any AI since my estrogens were fine.

I gained about +8Kg of lean mass and this is really super!
However, now, I need to come off since I started to take testosterone after my wife got pregnant, but we lost our baby and so we would like to try to have another pregnancy again.
I have azoospermia now because of the testosterone.

Before the cycle, I had very good sperms and my natural testo was 4.8 ng/ml, I'm 37 years old.

What should I take as PCT?

I have hCG, hMG, and Clomid and probably I also have nolvaldex.
I wasn't prepared to start the PCT, so I do not have all the products yet.

What do you suggest?
I would like to avoid to loss all my gains!
How do you know you gained 8kg of lean mass? Why the hell would you start a cycle without pct meds?

Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

Edit: not laughing about the baby. My gf had a miscarriage and is still broken over it.
Because it should be a blast and cruise and the cycle should have been longer than this so, at the moment, I only have at home: Clomid, proviron, hCG, hMG and nolvaldex. I do not know if these products are enough or not.

I know about the Kg since I checked the Bioelectric Impedance Analysis (I don't know how to name it in English, sorry).

And about the baby, women feel it much more than us.
At that dose, for that duration, I’d do:
Wait 4 weeks after last pin while doing hcg @500iu a week split into 2-3 doses then:
Clomid 50/50/25/12.5
Nolva 40/20/20/10 (I try to steer clear of high dosing this shit due to permanent vision problem causing side effects)
DAA 2g/day (shit is overlooked and underrated and can get it on Amazon, maybe Walmart, and definitely vitamin shops)
And maybe a full natty test booster if you think you can swing it.
Thank you a lot for your help!

So, just to recap, I should do in this way:

I had my last shot yesterday October 1st.
Should I immediately start taking hCG 250 iu twice a week, may be on Monday and on Thursday for 4 weeks?
Then, after three weeks:
Clomid 50 mg/day + 40mg/day of Nolva for week #5
Clomid 50 mg/day + 20mg/day of Nolva for week #6
Clomid 25 mg/day + 20mg/day of Nolva for week #7
Clomid 12.5 mg/day + 10 mg/day of Nolva for week #8

is it correct?
So in total, the PCT should lasts for 2 months, is it correct?

Should I have my blood tests done after the first month with hCG?

What should I expect?
Thank you a lot for your help!

So, just to recap, I should do in this way:

I had my last shot yesterday October 1st.
Should I immediately start taking hCG 250 iu twice a week, may be on Monday and on Thursday for 4 weeks?
Then, after three weeks:
Clomid 50 mg/day + 40mg/day of Nolva for week #5
Clomid 50 mg/day + 20mg/day of Nolva for week #6
Clomid 25 mg/day + 20mg/day of Nolva for week #7
Clomid 12.5 mg/day + 10 mg/day of Nolva for week #8

is it correct?
So in total, the PCT should lasts for 2 months, is it correct?

Should I have my blood tests done after the first month with hCG?

What should I expect?
Run hcg the way you have laid out until your first day of pct then stop hcg completely (and next cycle consider running it during cycle, it helps a lot more that way IMHO)

Start pct 4 weeks after last pin. You want to make sure your system is cleared of any exogenous test.

Blood test 1 month after pct is fully completed is recommended to see how natty levels are looking (still might be lower than they will be in a few weeks but it lets you know how far you have to go and frankly without pre/mid/post cycle bloods, it’s just guess work at that point)
Thank you again for your support!

I have blood tests pre-cycle and I also did different tests during the cycle.

My test before the cycle was 4.8 ng/ml while my FSH=3.4 mUI/ml and LH=2.7 mUI/ml.
Sorry to bother you again, guys, I have just some questions for the hCG: I have it in 1000UI multi dose vial. Since I need 250 UI shots, can I just take the amount I need from the mixed vial and then store it in fridge for the next time?
Each multi dose vial can be used for two weeks without problem?

Is it still safe to use it even if the membrane on the vial has been pierced with the needle the first time?

Should I warm it up before to inject if it comes off the fridge?

When using hCG, should I expect a rising in the levels of LH in blood tests?
Sorry for the stupid questions.
can I just take the amount I need from the mixed vial and then store it in fridge for the next time?

Is it still safe to use it even if the membrane on the vial has been pierced with the needle the first time?

Should I warm it up before to inject if it comes off the fridge?
Absolutely not. It's in the fridge for a reason.
I'm going to have my first shot of hCG.
By reading the leaflet, it says to use the multivial just once and that it is not for re-use. I think that's not true, is it correct? Since it is 2000UI, I can just take the amount I need and then store it in the fridge as you suggested. Am I right?

Or this multi vial is different and so I just have to use it one time?


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Hi to all,

I need to come off my testo cycle after 12 weeks since I need to recover my fertility.
I'm evaluating if come off or continue to take testo by adding hCG and hMG, I'm seeing my doctor in 10 days, but I guess you experience is better in this case.

I had 250mg/testo enanthate per week for 12 weeks, I haven't took any AI since my estrogens were fine.

I gained about +8Kg of lean mass and this is really super!
However, now, I need to come off since I started to take testosterone after my wife got pregnant, but we lost our baby and so we would like to try to have another pregnancy again.
I have azoospermia now because of the testosterone.

Before the cycle, I had very good sperms and my natural testo was 4.8 ng/ml, I'm 37 years old.

What should I take as PCT?

I have hCG, hMG, and Clomid and probably I also have nolvaldex.
I wasn't prepared to start the PCT, so I do not have all the products yet.

What do you suggest?
I would like to avoid to loss all my gains!
Look at the bright side, you won't have to pay child support when she takes off in a couple years!
I wonder if that'll be my fate after waiting now into my 30s to have a child. Wait all these years and still have some girl put me on child support lol!

Look at statistics..... I would not put a gun to my head playing Russian roulette with the same ODS.



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We married three years ago and we've been together since 2010 and she isn't bored yet.. I'm confident she won't ask me for child support :):):D

Everyone thinks that... I'll never get divorced, she'll never cheat on me, etc. It's just like a drug addiction, you ignore the reality of probability. Remember this post 4 years from now. :)
there is always a risk! in everything!
And if she cheats on me, I won't have to pay for child support!
The problem is that if she finds out that I cheat on her..
there is always a risk! in everything!
And if she cheats on me, I won't have to pay for child support!
The problem is that if she finds out that I cheat on her..
LOL makes no difference if(when) she cheats with 100 guys, you are liable for child support, 27% of your income prior to taxes, and there can be other expenses also.

I highly suggest you educate yourself before it's to late.
Thank you a lot for your help!

So, just to recap, I should do in this way:

I had my last shot yesterday October 1st.
Should I immediately start taking hCG 250 iu twice a week, may be on Monday and on Thursday for 4 weeks?
Then, after three weeks:
Clomid 50 mg/day + 40mg/day of Nolva for week #5
Clomid 50 mg/day + 20mg/day of Nolva for week #6
Clomid 25 mg/day + 20mg/day of Nolva for week #7
Clomid 12.5 mg/day + 10 mg/day of Nolva for week #8

is it correct?
So in total, the PCT should lasts for 2 months, is it correct?

Should I have my blood tests done after the first month with hCG?

What should I expect?
I prefer start serm in the last hcg week (hcg suppress too).
I used many time both nolva and clomid.
Years later i discovered i need the same time to gain decent T level also using clomid only....
I use 50 mg five weeks.