Here to learn and see some gains and losses


New Member
Hey all!
I’m joining for some knowledge.
I’ll admit I’m not the most knowledgeable on the topic of hormones, but my spouse started HRT earlier this year which inspired me to get my bloodwork done.
After a long Achilles recovery (1 year PT, then 1 year post-op) I’m now recently cleared to intensify my workout and I’m starting to see some gain in muscle and regaining strength and reducing pain. I have a high fasting blood sugar and higher than normal LDL cholesterol and some boarderline lower hormonal numbers. Unfortunately diabetes and heart issues run in my family too so getting the weight off has been an uphill battle.
After a couple months of research our endo prescribed me Tirzepatide. I’ve been on it for 3 weeks with amazing success so far. The fork is no longer ruling my life! I want to learn as much as I can.
I’m looking forward to learning from experienced people taking hormones or peptides and hopefully learning a lot along the way about how to maximize and enrich our experience.
What do you all recommend for broader knowledge on hormones and peptides in general. I’ll be reading a lot, but would appreciate a point in the right direction.

Dont worry too much about additional hormones, peptides or other drugs.
There are no shortcuts to real lasting results.
Just try to enjoy your training and progressing on your goals.
Thanks Tom! Agreed the future goals and what I can do now that I couldn’t do 6 months ago are the big payoff and primary focus.