I love pharma grade, and i love castor oil for ugl. For me their products , with domestic eu shipping , are my dream hahah. I know only this source for domestic pharma grade in EU. I know only this source that use castor oil for ugl. Hermes have telegram for orders, write him for info. Now i want order his carnitine injection, because in EU , we don't have source for this.
I love pharma grade, and i love castor oil for ugl. For me their products , with domestic eu shipping , are my dream hahah. I know only this source for domestic pharma grade in EU. I know only this source that use castor oil for ugl. Hermes have telegram for orders, write him for info. Now i want order his carnitine injection, because in EU , we don't have source for this.
I think castor is what’s in aspen
I love pharma grade, and i love castor oil for ugl. For me their products , with domestic eu shipping , are my dream hahah. I know only this source for domestic pharma grade in EU. I know only this source that use castor oil for ugl. Hermes have telegram for orders, write him for info. Now i want order his carnitine injection, because in EU , we don't have source for this.
BG pharma has carnitine injections bro
Hermes is died for heart attack. Another guys that work with him, write me this.
This guy want replace the position of Hermes, but now is very difficult for him.
In the future if i have other news, i will write here.
He never ripped anyone off, he always delivered all the packages. Don't disrespect by telling and making up stories. He also suffered from LVH, but it was normal, now we don't know if it may have contributed, or it's just another victim of the vaccine we injected ourselves with
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I used many ugl, but the guy was the only that think the same thing about me of the oil for products. Pharma grade product of Hermes were good, also the UGL was in only castor oil for long ester( 1% ba, 30%bb) , the best in the world. No shit EO , the product become shit with EO for absorbiment .
The best oral was and are ALWAYS pharma grade for excipents and for FILMING , the film around the pill for absorbiment and for half life.


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I used many ugl, but the guy was the only that think the same thing about me of the oil for products. Pharma grade product of Hermes were good, also the UGL was in only castor oil for long ester( 1% ba, 30%bb) , the best in the world. No shit EO , the product become shit with EO for absorbiment .
The best oral was and are ALWAYS pharma grade for excipents and for FILMING , the film around the pill for absorbiment and for half life.
This sucks that he’s gone have you communicated with anyone from the Hermes team? Are they shut down for good?
This sucks that he’s gone have you communicated with anyone from the Hermes team? Are they shut down for good?

In the next week, i want talk with their team. For now all is stop.
For me the source that sell:
Turkey pharma+ Iran pharma+ ugl castor oil+ domestic eu= THE BEST .
Maybe i want invest in their team, for produce for gear, with my standard for better gains for everyone in this forum.
For me oral is IMPOSSIBLE to reproduce with film tablet like pharma grade, but is POSSIBLE to the same Injectable like pharma grade with high viscosity result ( because is easy).
For hgh for me Cinnatropin is the best for price , genotropin is to much expensive.
Geno is in powder vs Cinnatropin is in liquid, for me the janoshik of Cinnatropin with little high dimero is shit, because cinnatropin have less side than generic with 0% dimero, because in the pens there are other thing , other ingredients.
Oral pharma : arimidex, aromasin, femara, viagra, cialis, proviron bayer, anapol ibrahim, oxabone aburaihan
Injectable: all Line ugl with castor oil
Hgh: cinnatropin for poor, genotropin for rich
You have ALL things for become bigger, stay shred fed and for do pre contest.
The best oral was and are ALWAYS pharma grade for excipents and for FILMING , the film around the pill for absorbiment and for half life.

Of course the compound matters (hydrophobicity, et cetera), but in general: to speed up absorption rate, bite it in half. To reduce absorption rate, take with a meal.

How much does the film contribute on top of that? Do you have examples?
You don't can bite in half , any filmed tablet pharma grade.
Study what is the FILM of a tablet... or buy at pharmacy a antibiotic, or anastrozolo , or other pill... there is a FILM. For this many ugl oral don't work very good like pharma , or produce pain in stomache, diarrea or other side.
STUDY, study , study ... many ugl don't want that people understand this thing for have much money possible .
If you use test with castor oil , i use 100mg 1 pin trt i have 1000 or up total test, my E2 is in range
If i use ugl test( with MCT, EO or other ) my e2 go high , my LEVEL of test is low.
With test ugl i use 12,5mg everyday, my water retention go little down.
After i use 100mg test norma hellas 1 pin for week, my shape is more more better, libido go high. Is stupid use ugl gear with this oil , because ugl sell more steroid and have more profit because people don't have gains( because concentration in blood after week, after week, is different from oil pharma) .
With oil pharma there is much accumulation of dosage week after week.
You don't can bite in half , any filmed tablet pharma grade.
Study what is the FILM of a tablet... or buy at pharmacy a antibiotic, or anastrozolo , or other pill... there is a FILM. For this many ugl oral don't work very good like pharma , or produce pain in stomache, diarrea or other side.
STUDY, study , study ... many ugl don't want that people understand this thing for have much money possible .
If you use test with castor oil , i use 100mg 1 pin trt i have 1000 or up total test, my E2 is in range
If i use ugl test( with MCT, EO or other ) my e2 go high , my LEVEL of test is low.
With test ugl i use 12,5mg everyday, my water retention go little down.
After i use 100mg test norma hellas 1 pin for week, my shape is more more better, libido go high. Is stupid use ugl gear with this oil , because ugl sell more steroid and have more profit because people don't have gains( because concentration in blood after week, after week, is different from oil pharma) .
With oil pharma there is much accumulation of dosage week after week.
You post very interesting things i must admit, and its your posts who made me switch over to Castor oil. But i only have it in rimobolan, i dont know which labs makes test E in castor oil... anyways my question to you is, since test does such a big difference in e2 with castor oil, what about Tren E in castor oil? Do you think it makes a big difference in terms of side effects? Make them easier to handle?
In the next week, i want talk with their team. For now all is stop.
For me the source that sell:
Turkey pharma+ Iran pharma+ ugl castor oil+ domestic eu= THE BEST .
Maybe i want invest in their team, for produce for gear, with my standard for better gains for everyone in this forum.
For me oral is IMPOSSIBLE to reproduce with film tablet like pharma grade, but is POSSIBLE to the same Injectable like pharma grade with high viscosity result ( because is easy).
For hgh for me Cinnatropin is the best for price , genotropin is to much expensive.
Geno is in powder vs Cinnatropin is in liquid, for me the janoshik of Cinnatropin with little high dimero is shit, because cinnatropin have less side than generic with 0% dimero, because in the pens there are other thing , other ingredients.
Oral pharma : arimidex, aromasin, femara, viagra, cialis, proviron bayer, anapol ibrahim, oxabone aburaihan
Injectable: all Line ugl with castor oil
Hgh: cinnatropin for poor, genotropin for rich
You have ALL things for become bigger, stay shred fed and for do pre contest.

You post very interesting things i must admit, and its your posts who made me switch over to Castor oil. But i only have it in rimobolan, i dont know which labs makes test E in castor oil... anyways my question to you is, since test does such a big difference in e2 with castor oil, what about Tren E in castor oil? Do you think it makes a big difference in terms of side effects? Make them easier to handle?
why use castor oil? injecting it almost becomes an episode of a TV series, I have always used MCT, then something else, text and first from the pharmacy? I have always used UGL and the first one I used at 200mg/ml

paying €10/15 for a box of rimobolan seems stupid to me, plus it's easy to find fakes

I have been to Turkey, and I assure you that if you are not accompanied, in the pharmacy you risk being sold fake Genos (scams on tourists)
You post very interesting things i must admit, and its your posts who made me switch over to Castor oil. But i only have it in rimobolan, i dont know which labs makes test E in castor oil... anyways my question to you is, since test does such a big difference in e2 with castor oil, what about Tren E in castor oil? Do you think it makes a big difference in terms of side effects? Make them easier to handle?
Tren e in castor oil... is very powerful... if people take 600mg tren e castor oil , after 1-2 month , go to hospital hahahah .
Yes if you take 200mg tren e in castor oil, if you pin 1-2 time for week , you have more result than tren e in other shit oil. For accumulation of dose week after week... less peak after pin... the original parabolan negma was 76.5 . 3 parabolan, you go to olympia hahaha
Today 300 mg tren e go to beach hahaha, because there isn't accumulation in the same way of pharma grade study the release.
The people of pharma , scientifics people of bayer ,with several degree, study the use of eccipient for the reason that the STUPID GUYS ON THIS FORUM ( people with brain and culture of children ) .
For me the only good: science -based are
BA + peanut/sesame oil
BB + castor oil( this formulation for vials multi use is not good, because BA IS IMPORTANT FOR MULTIPLE USE)

When you put Ba , bb in oil ... the oil become more fluid. If oil is too much fluid, the gear when is in the muscle , crash . The absorbiment of oil is too much fast. The absorbiment of castor oil is very long ( I read on study is several week).
For sesame is less , with Ethyl oleate become 1/2 of half life original( I read this ) .
Castor oil have viscosity like 292 mpas, ethyl oleate is 3 mpas hhahaha , water is 1 .
Sesame or peanut is like 80 ( I don't remember).
When you put ba or BB , the viscosity go down.
why use castor oil? injecting it almost becomes an episode of a TV series, I have always used MCT, then something else, text and first from the pharmacy? I have always used UGL and the first one I used at 200mg/ml

paying €10/15 for a box of rimobolan seems stupid to me, plus it's easy to find fakes

I have been to Turkey, and I assure you that if you are not accompanied, in the pharmacy you risk being sold fake Genos (scams on tourists)

The product is not buy in pharmacy, but from warehouse that send to pharmacy. If you have contact, they sell you 100% original.
In egypt if you order meds with app, you have the price very low for Nandurabolin, test( for me is stupid take test, lower your anabolism) , proviron, the pens hgh, viagra .
For me if ugl use only castor oil, with 25-30% bb, 1% ba for all steroid, is good like pharma grade. If oil is honey , is better.
Use test is stupid , the AR of testosteron is low, convertion in e2( not anabolic) and dht( not anabolic, but with 3-10 x affinity of AR RECEPTOR) . If AR is like 100 seats, DHT have more seats( have more affinity of all steroid) and other seats free is for another steroid.
DHT is inactive in the muscle, for this dht use seats but don't work for hypertrophic effect.
If you have a receptor , there is dht and there is tren, dht use the receptor ...
If you use cycle without test , only deca, you have all seats free for deca in the muscle, the conversion in dhn, which use the seats but have less affinity of other steroid., deca use all seats, because deca have more affinity than dhn. Vs Dht( not anabolic) have more affinity than test .

Affinity of receptor is the key for ipertrophy.
The problem is the androgenic effect in the body is low. If your body don't have enough stimulation on AR, your dick don't work.
For me the best with very big muscle is use
AR STEROID + non ar steroid( like oral) , if you want dick hard, you have to replace the DHT in your body. The dht level is 300-800 in the body, take cream of dht for have the same level.
Your dick work on dht cream + 300 deca
Estrogen is antiadrogen effect , and reduce igf1, reduce ipertrophy ( people don't understand that AI have other affinity that have problem in man)
The low e2 is better for ipertrophy, because estrogen block the proliferation of androgen, estrogen and LOW DHT cause dick problem because AR have steroid with less affinity
The product is not buy in pharmacy, but from warehouse that send to pharmacy. If you have contact, they sell you 100% original.
In egypt if you order meds with app, you have the price very low for Nandurabolin, test( for me is stupid take test, lower your anabolism) , proviron, the pens hgh, viagra .
For me if ugl use only castor oil, with 25-30% bb, 1% ba for all steroid, is good like pharma grade. If oil is honey , is better.
Use test is stupid , the AR of testosteron is low, convertion in e2( not anabolic) and dht( not anabolic, but with 3-10 x affinity of AR RECEPTOR) . If AR is like 100 seats, DHT have more seats( have more affinity of all steroid) and other seats free is for another steroid.
DHT is inactive in the muscle, for this dht use seats but don't work for hypertrophic effect.
If you have a receptor , there is dht and there is tren, dht use the receptor ...
If you use cycle without test , only deca, you have all seats free for deca in the muscle, the conversion in dhn, which use the seats but have less affinity of other steroid., deca use all seats, because deca have more affinity than dhn. Vs Dht( not anabolic) have more affinity than test .

Affinity of receptor is the key for ipertrophy.
The problem is the androgenic effect in the body is low. If your body don't have enough stimulation on AR, your dick don't work.
For me the best with very big muscle is use
AR STEROID + non ar steroid( like oral) , if you want dick hard, you have to replace the DHT in your body. The dht level is 300-800 in the body, take cream of dht for have the same level.
Your dick work on dht cream + 300 deca
Estrogen is antiadrogen effect , and reduce igf1, reduce ipertrophy ( people don't understand that AI have other affinity that have problem in man)
The low e2 is better for ipertrophy, because estrogen block the proliferation of androgen, estrogen and LOW DHT cause dick problem because AR have steroid with less affinity
I don't know but in the past I talked about the fact that the provider had the best GH on the market...

then I don't know about cycles, everyone has their own answer

I can tell you that I did the best clean mass cycle with a lot of strength with testo+deca+tren, some will say that 2 19nors are not used together, many instead try and then change their mind
I don't know but in the past I talked about the fact that the provider had the best GH on the market...

then I don't know about cycles, everyone has their own answer

I can tell you that I did the best clean mass cycle with a lot of strength with testo+deca+tren, some will say that 2 19nors are not used together, many instead try and then change their mind

Yes, of generic , i use hgh Meditrope, is legit .
But the best is pharma grade, i have less water, less side, but the price is higher.
If you have money , buy genotropin , or Cinnatropin, see the difference .
19 nor like deca and especcialy tren , have MORE AFFINITY for ar receptor.
If you don't use test , but only tren and deca , your anabolism is higher, because too much DHT blind the ar in the muscle.
Affinity of DHT is higher than deca and maybe than tren. The problem is the ESTRADIOL of test , when you use 19 nor , is more more powerful for agonist effect of progesteron receptor .
And estradiol , after up prolactine.

Better cycle : Tren + deca or only tren + DHT CREAM ( scrotal) or 50-100mg proviron + non ar steroid ( all steroid that don't work on AR, only Injectable that is mix or no ar is EQ, and all oral steroid , the best for me anadrol or oxa)
With tren and deca , in the muscle , there arent receptor for test.
The low estradiol from deca, is enough for your body( because there are 19 nor that blind progesteron receptor)

Affinity is Dht >tren>deca> test