Hgh and bpc-157 for tendonitis recovery


New Member
I hope this is the right thread for this. So I ended up pulling something in my right wrist doing deadlifts about 2 months ago. Got it checked and doc said it is De quervain's tenosynovitis. I'm currently an taking 250mg test and threw in 200mg deca a week hoping that will help (which I really haven't noticed anything significant but it's only been about 2 weeks). Anyways I'm gonna get a hydrocortisone injection in the next couple weeks and I was wondering if I do hgh and bpc-157 will it help speed recovery? If so what dosage of each would be the best in your personal opinion?
I'm 37 years old and about 200lbs if that means anything to dosage range. I've done AAS before but never done Hgh or BPC. Appreciate anyone's advice. Thanks
I hope this is the right thread for this. So I ended up pulling something in my right wrist doing deadlifts about 2 months ago. Got it checked and doc said it is De quervain's tenosynovitis. I'm currently an taking 250mg test and threw in 200mg deca a week hoping that will help (which I really haven't noticed anything significant but it's only been about 2 weeks). Anyways I'm gonna get a hydrocortisone injection in the next couple weeks and I was wondering if I do hgh and bpc-157 will it help speed recovery? If so what dosage of each would be the best in your personal opinion?
I'm 37 years old and about 200lbs if that means anything to dosage range. I've done AAS before but never done Hgh or BPC. Appreciate anyone's advice. Thanks
I believe you have to be mindful the day or two after an injection like that, no lifting… thats all i know.
This is my personal experience only, no science. If I'm in pain I'll usually hit it with 750/1000 bpc for two or three days and this generally helps with the pain a lot. Then I back down to 500/day. I usually do 5 mg TB500/week and I'm always running 2iu of gh.
This is my personal experience only, no science. If I'm in pain I'll usually hit it with 750/1000 bpc for two or three days and this generally helps with the pain a lot. Then I back down to 500/day. I usually do 5 mg TB500/week and I'm always running 2iu of gh.
Thank you for this. I'll be trying this approach as soon as they land. Just started 2 iu of gh earlier this week so not looking for any relief out of that for a while.
This is my personal experience only, no science. If I'm in pain I'll usually hit it with 750/1000 bpc for two or three days and this generally helps with the pain a lot. Then I back down to 500/day. I usually do 5 mg TB500/week and I'm always running 2iu of gh.
I was doing some research on bpc the past week or so and was wondering if I did a high dose like you said for the first week and then lower to 300mcg for the next couple months. I'm glad you said that you tried it because at least I know you have some experience. I'm about to order some and try it. Can't get any worst than it is now lol. Thanks for the reply.
I hope this is the right thread for this. So I ended up pulling something in my right wrist doing deadlifts about 2 months ago. Got it checked and doc said it is De quervain's tenosynovitis. I'm currently an taking 250mg test and threw in 200mg deca a week hoping that will help (which I really haven't noticed anything significant but it's only been about 2 weeks). Anyways I'm gonna get a hydrocortisone injection in the next couple weeks and I was wondering if I do hgh and bpc-157 will it help speed recovery? If so what dosage of each would be the best in your personal opinion?
I'm 37 years old and about 200lbs if that means anything to dosage range. I've done AAS before but never done Hgh or BPC. Appreciate anyone's advice. Thanks

300mcg BPC @ED subq. TB500 too 5mg a week.

For healing (not maintenance/therapeutic), those doses of BPC & TB seem kinda low. Consider doubling if you can afford it.
For healing (not maintenance/therapeutic), those doses of BPC & TB seem kinda low. Consider doubling if you can afford it.
Seem way low.

I have a hurt something around my wirst and Im doing 500mcg bpc157 twice daily and 2.5mg tb500 3 times a week, along with 5ius HGH ED
For healing (not maintenance/therapeutic), those doses of BPC & TB seem kinda low. Consider doubling if you can afford it.

Propably depends on his weight. Bpc 157 should definitely help with tendon healing but too much might actually make it worse.

Too much HGH can also cause scar tissue formation through several mechanisms, one being excess collagen production. You absolutely do not want scar tissue to play a role during healing. I would error on the side of caution and just go with 4 iu HGH for injury healing. Unless maybe you're a big fella and weigh a lot.
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A diagnosis of De Quervain's tenosyvitis means your tendon sheath around the thumb extensor tendon has thickened for some reasons and the extensor tendon becomes a little sore because of the increased friction. I have the same diagnosis and HGH never did a damn thing for it. And why would it? It will just make it worse because of the increased collagen synthesis. Just take the surgery and be done with the problem.

Conclusion: Considering these findings, it is important for physicians to counsel patients receiving testosterone replacement therapy of the substantially increased odds of quadriceps tendon injury. Future investigations into the mechanisms of influence of exogenous anabolic steroids on tendon injury remains of interest.

Although rigorous studies linking AAS use to tendon rupture are still needed, the notion that supraphysiologic doses of AAS predispose tendon to rupture by reducing elasticity is widely reported in the literature. Two alternative (though not mutually exclusive) hypotheses are often invoked to explain AAS-associated tendon rupture.34, 90, 102, 103 The first hypothesis posits that AAS have little-to-no deleterious effect on tendons themselves. Instead, muscular hypertrophy, without corresponding strengthening of the associated tendons, explains tendon-associated rupture. The second hypothesis is that, at high doses, particularly in conjunction with physical exertion, AAS damage the structure of the tendons and makes them more vulnerable to rupture, even in the absence of excessive stress. This review demonstrates that neither hypothesis can be confirmed or denied based on the currently available evidence. Moreover, it is unclear how factors like stacking, dosing and exercise influence tendon stiffness.

As its pretty clear: supraphysiological doses of AAS is bad for tendon health.

250 mg test alone probably puts 99% of people into that range. Doing it 24/7 is not a great idea from this viewpoint, also add the fact that most of the people here blast. For your purpose something like 100-120 mg Test 8-100mg deca would be more suitable. I would just do real TRT for a while tho, 100-150mg weekly.

Steroids will overexaggarate any muscular imbalance as the already strong muscles will be quicker to gain strength without being shortened too much and your weaker muscles would react being even shorter and stiffer than usual, albeit maybe 'stronger' but having less endurance to do the task. Then the forces transfer more on some of the ligaments/joints instead of the muscles. and bamm, injury.

Thats why its so stupid that people rather inject insane amounts of corticosteroids/ bpc,tb500/ whatever because it postpone and possibly make shit even more serious.

Yeah, some people are almost bulletproof (or more so the effects will be more delayed onset), they can get away with lots of abuse including surpassing the top of the reference range of testosterone. Others are not so lucky. Probably these sort of people doesnt really comment on steroids boards as they drop it quickly and stick to using real trt dose.

another thing you should consider before adding more drugs is physical therapy + lots of movement of the injured part daily. If you have 20 seconds do couple wrist circles, if you wait in line you can stretch your fingers / wrist quickly etc. Tendons have limited blood supplies so the more you move with that bodypart so move it as much as you can without causing it to be inflammed more (1 or max 2 /10 on the pain scale)
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