HGH Anything you wish you knew before you got started?


New Member
I am lookin at axle as a source.

I see there are colors, blue, black, grey.

Could use somebody's help who has been in my shoes. Does it need to be reconstituted?

Anything you wish you knew before you got started?

Thanks in advance

** P.S. I continue to search this thread for advice. thank you for your posts.
i thought hgh would help me look younger in appearance,,, NOT the case its actually made me look old and drawn in the face , my little brother told me recently that "i'm looking my age" and that wasnt the case when not on hgh i was younger looking , so it is a thing , some it does some it don't,,,,,, ime
I wish I started on HGH earlier. I feel amazing and the fat has melted off. There was always a stigma with HGH for me but I haven’t had any real sides, compared to other gear. I’m actually thinking of strictly running TRT or higher dose test and HGH moving forward

I would say plan to stay on at least 3-4 months, I’m ending month 4 in a week or two and will run it for another 6-8 weeks
i thought hgh would help me look younger in appearance,,, NOT the case its actually made me look old and drawn in the face

How’s your water intake? One of the few things I don’t like about hgh is I feel like I need to ride the hell outta myself to drink a gallon of water a day every day or my skin looks shittier instead of better. My totally unfounded hypothesis is that collagen synthesis spurred by hgh requires you to be well hydrated.
How’s your water intake? One of the few things I don’t like about hgh is I feel like I need to ride the hell outta myself to drink a gallon of water a day every day or my skin looks shittier instead of better. My totally unfounded hypothesis is that collagen synthesis spurred by hgh requires you to be well hydrated.

Also vitamin c. Hgh 100% upregulates collagen synthesis, pretty dramatically too.
How’s your water intake? One of the few things I don’t like about hgh is I feel like I need to ride the hell outta myself to drink a gallon of water a day every day or my skin looks shittier instead of better. My totally unfounded hypothesis is that collagen synthesis spurred by hgh requires you to be well hydrated.
i drink no less than a gallon of water every day, skin in face is fine its just these damn puffy eyebags and the drawn sucked up look in the face , could be mostly genetic but hgh sure has sped up the aging in my face been on hgh for 1 year , skin everywhere has smoothed out and looks good but the face took a toll,,,,
i drink no less than a gallon of water every day, skin in face is fine its just these damn puffy eyebags and the drawn sucked up look in the face , could be mostly genetic but hgh sure has sped up the aging in my face been on hgh for 1 year , skin everywhere has smoothed out and looks good but the face took a toll,,,,
Maybe you’re just at the time where you need good skincare. Check out Musely. Easy prescription products that chicks use without the doctors and the dermatologist appointments
i thought hgh would help me look younger in appearance,,, NOT the case its actually made me look old and drawn in the face , my little brother told me recently that "i'm looking my age" and that wasnt the case when not on hgh i was younger looking , so it is a thing , some it does some it don't,,,,,, ime
What specifically has it done? Reduced the fat/puffiness of your face?
What specifically has it done? Reduced the fat/puffiness of your face?
Exactly and it just seems to be gaunt looking i guess from fat loss but the puffy, tired undereyes is something that isn't appealing it makes me look "tired"/old " ,,,, im looking forward to getting on a bulk this winter and gain some puffiness back lol , i try expensive eye serums and what not and its just no win for me im only 12% bf i couldn't imagine what i would look like at 10 or lower ,, lmao
Kurt Havens has a nice e-book on HGH that I enjoyed:

I don't normally shill for people, but he's an awesome dude and the book is solid.
That book was an awful pile of garbage a college student could write in a weekend. Nothing valuable in it. No protocols or amounts mentioned. Just a waste of time. Kurt havens is a joke
Unfortunately I have to concur on the book - wasn't helpful for a typical HGH user.
From what I’ve heard it’s very much about the science, so guys who want to know why it works. I don’t care why it works as long as I get to look shredded AF.

For me, biggest lesson learned is that it’s WAY easier to adjust to on a diet. I’m at 4iu, zero sides, and it’s because I’m lean and on a strict diet. When I was bulking, CTS and swollen ankles fo sho.
i thought hgh would help me look younger in appearance,,, NOT the case its actually made me look old and drawn in the face , my little brother told me recently that "i'm looking my age" and that wasnt the case when not on hgh i was younger looking , so it is a thing , some it does some it don't,,,,,, ime
Maybe try the “Glow” Peptide protocol, it’s a mix of Ghk-Cu, Bpc 157x, TB500, I and many others I know have had great anti-aging results. Also, I’m less experienced in this one but if you’re over 40 then consider looking into NAD+.