Studies have shown that low IGF-1 can enable cancer cells to grow, as the body lacks the ability to produce antibodies to fight. High normal levels actually make the body more able to fight cancer.
Because IGF is a mitogen (causes cellular replication) with antiapoptotic (prevents cell death) properties an ELEVATED IGF-I or IGF-II LEVEL is associated with and increased incidence of certain forms of cancer such as colon, breast, endometrial and prostate. (1)
(Why? Bc errors in DNA replication occur every second, and by the law of averages a cell line that is older or undergoes marked replication, like the GI tract, are more likely a "mess up" leading to CA.)
Importantly the frequency of those cancers mentioned above is directly proportional to the IGF level itself. (2)
The link between an elevated IGF and CA has long been suspected bc the rate of "cancer" was clearly higher in Agromegalic patients. In fact the data has now become so convincing patients with a new diagnosis of Agromegaly routinely undergo a colonscopy and prostate screening exam to rule out these malignancies. Additionally it's estimated Agromegalic patients have an a increased mortality of roughly 30% from MALIGNANCIES ALONE! (3)
How much GH is to much GH? Well obviously that's the million dollar question no one has a definitive answer for. However the IGF/CA link seems strongest in those with a genetic predisposition to cancer, as defined by family history AND most importantly advancing age. (2)
Consequently a word of caution is advised, although IGF levels which exceed 200ug/L may seem impressive, the benefit achieved is probably NOT worth the risk, especially as one approaches age FIFTY. (2 & 3)
Ergo bc IGF levels fluctuate considerably with age, sex, hepatic production and response to exogenous GH administration obtaining a baseline IGF is critical IF this peptide will be used to monitor
the effectiveness of GH therapy. (IGF is NOT a reliable means of evaluating the quality or "purity" of GH one is using however IMO) (4)
Of course age of GH use is particularly relevant to BB, most of whom are relatively young. Fortunately, although the data to date is incomplete, the correlation between IGF and CA is highest in those greater than 50 years old. (2)
Again let's not throw caution to the wind and believe somehow GH is different and is without risks, NOT!
Finally IMO the GH dose should not exceed 0.1mg/KG/QD and IGF doubling which does NOT result in an IGF level above 200ng/ml or I it's VERY LIKELY Acromegalic side effects WILL occur eventually, in additions to an increased risk of developing CA.