Hgh blood work off cycle

its not gonna be phenomenal off cycle. it will help with fat loss even 2-3 iu daily.

it takes about 2 weeks to load up on GH as well.

I have been on HGH for over 14 months(maybe 3 week break because the water retention/sides were insane on my first bulk). I have slammed in 10iu of a product both on recomp and on bulk. The bulk gave me the most issues.

buck for buck hgh is the one of the most costly things you can do.
Did u run it every day, eod, 5 on 2 off? And y? Have you tried different protocols in the past? I went off for 8 days right when I ended cycle and then right after I stopped pct. Both times I traveled out of the country and for no reason other than that. I really noticed the difference the second time as to what the gh was really doing. (IE the 3d look)
I just meant that there’s too many variables for me to have noticed all of the benefits of it while on cycle. Can notice more subtle changes when it’s the only variable.

And yes I guess it’s costly as far as supplements go… but have you ever tried scuba diving $$$$ lol. I’ve stupidly tried many different substances for bodybuilding. Some I wish I never did now that I know more about them. All different, all different costs. What was the difference between 10iu and 4iu besides cost? Sides? Benefits? Blood work? Thanks
the 10iu wasnt sustainable for me. I would get way too fatigued. I could only do it for 2 weeks. I didnt do blood work because it wasnt long enough.

on a recomp I didnt feel much sides.

On a bulk, I feel like I could get away with alot less HGH.
just throwing numbers out. but 4iu on a bulk felt like 6iu on a cut/recomp

Did u run it every day, eod, 5 on 2 off? And y? Have you tried different protocols in the past? I went off for 8 days right when I ended cycle and then right after I stopped pct. Both times I traveled out of the country and for no reason other than that. I really noticed the difference the second time as to what the gh was really doing. (IE the 3d look)
I ran it everyday.

I like it before bed, but since I am cutting I am combining it with Cardio.

I think the 3d look just may be pumped full of glycogen retention.
I can’t thank you enough for any advice/opinions. I guess it’s been my decision because I’ve read that gh is not as beneficial in the short term (such as 12 week cycle of aas) but more so to be ran for 6 months to see viable results. I understand the synergy when running it along with a cycle. but I was also told that it would limit some of the loss of gains while on pct until my natural production of test returns. And I didn’t receive those blood test results until 4 days ago so I didn’t know if my test had rebounded adequately. I was also told to run it for about a month before starting the cycle so that it was already in my system (to raise igf1) by the time I added aas cycle. I am not any type of bodybuilding competitor, rather just an average joe whose life has revolved around sports and use lifting weights as a positive way to relieve stress. It also aids me doing physical labor as my career. So are you saying 4iu for so long is unhealthy and 1-2iu while off cycle might be better? Or is it the time frame of any amount for 6 months? I was told to run it every day, I’ve read about eod or 5 on and 2 off… input? And your decision of “u personally wouldn’t do it”, is that based on what you have seen in your mentors, what u have read, your body’s markers or just a general uneasiness with the substance (risk/reward type of thing)? If you have the time, I’m all ears and if not, thanks for your time already!

I don't care about putting more muscle on my bones at the cost of health (mental and physical). GH at dosages above physiological is dangerous. I mean, even at low dosages it's a risk. However, I don't see much a need for 1iu? You're probably producing more than that yourself?

You're at a bodybuilding forum, where people are heavily skewed towards neglecting their own health for the cost of being bigger. It's the right place to make you feel more at ease with your own use of peds. So if you're after confirmation bias, this is the right place.

But hell no, 4iu's of GH is a risk, period. Cancer is one risk, but me personally, I'm more concerned with central insulin resistance, ie. brain insulin resistance. I don't care at being foggy at all. I like my mind to be sharp, clear and mindful. It's less of a problem if you can pin GH before bed, but I can't do that as GH makes my sleep hella worse. And pinning 4iu's in the morning ... What then? Not going to eat carbs for 8h after pin? Yeah right. If I was keto then ok, maybe.

However, 4iu's is still too much. Only way I'd really use GH is for cutting. Again, the insulin resistance thing. Using GH for bulking is completely out of the question (unless, again, keto). If you want to degrade yourself to a monkey, who's purpose in life is to pick up heavy stuff and put it back down again, then be my guest, but I like to think humans are more then that.

Central insulin resistance, dementia, parkinsons, etc. is no joke. So no thank you. However, we all have different susceptibility for insulin resistance and for excitotoxicity caused by it. My experience is clearly negative, so this feeds into my reluctance of using, but ymmv. However, if you aren't that into optimizing your mental performance, and thus aren't really adapt at noticing changes in your executive functions and is generally unaware at what's going inside your head, then that might also be a fact worth taking a pause at for a second.

I wouldn't mind the increase in GABAergic tone you get from GH though. And if I responded positively to GH in regards of sleeping, you'd have a hard time convincing me not to use 1.5 - 2 iu's of GH before sleep or for fasted cardio in the AM. I'm also prone to polyps in my bowel, and both my grandpas had cancer there, so there's also that. IGF1 is significantly correlated with colorectal cancer.

TLDR: be very mindful of central insulin resistance. There are ways of diminishing it's effects (using glucose transporter upregulators, keeping carbs really low in the window of being under the curve, which is more then 4h btw, using it only before bed or in a cut ...), and the cancer thing, that's personal ...
I am a bit of an odd one where I did hgh long before ever hitting trt. It sounds like he gave you some.mk677 or wtf ever its called and wpuld bump you a bit, as for the 10ius fuck that idk htf bodybuilders sleep or live w that shit
They don’t use generic GH. Try 10iu of generic and then try 10iu of pharma. Totally different results, and nothing for sides except maybe some lethargy.
I have 70iu left of the Ap orders stuff, probably just wind up in the trash. And I will definitely be writing a review on eroids once I get a membership and let others know my experience. Will say his var was top notch but after this I’m really suspicious of his primo 200, which I was saving for this next cycle
I tried AP orders. Even though it has Janko testing on sight I don’t know if it’s legit

