hgh cycle


New Member
how much hgh do you need to run an average cycle of hgh. how ofter and how much do you use. beginer with hgh lots of ass though
Usually about 3-4 kits, to start, depending on the iu's. Some are 100iu kits, some are 126iu kits. You need to take it for 6months straight to see results, although some claim them sooner. I saw noticable improvements in my skin tone/texture within 3 months on Somaject. You need to run 2-4iu's per day, running it 5 days on, 2 days off. They recommend 2iu's/day for an adult male. I take 3-4iu's/day, 5 on/2 off, only running 3iu's when supply of hgh is harder to come by. Ppl have run it 5 on/2 off for years straight. I have run it like that for about a year straight now. The reason to do it 5days on/2days off is to not do permanent damage to your bodies ability to produce it's own natural levels of hgh. And, also it is not advised to take it too close to bedtime, as the time that you are asleep is when your body produces the most natural hgh.

Hope this helped a little.
How old are you ? What are your goals ...ie., build muscle, increase LBM while reducing bf% ? will you be taking anything else ? ...Test, T3, Slin ?

I have used GH 3x thus far..Saizen, Somaject and Sero. My goal was to decrease bf%. GH totally changed my body comp. I started with 2iu/day and up'd it to 4iu/day. stayed on about 4 months. dropped little more than 30lbs, with the low carb high protein eating....moderate cardio.


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