HGH General


New Member
Thanks for having me here.

Some HGH questions please. I understand there might not be any Dr in here, but I'd like to hear your thoughts.

I'm 57 years old, 175cm tall, fluctuate between 77kg - 80kg, and have been using HGH to try grow a bit of muscle and set me up for the years ahead.

I've been having bloodwork done in Thailand every 3 months to try be responsible, but I'm not sure about the Dr's knowledge?

My results have been

393 ng/mL using 4IU 1x per day upon waking.

Then 234 ng/mL using 2IU as above because he told me to halve the dose.

Then 341 ng/mL using 3IU as above because he said this level was ok.

My basic research tells me people are using higher levels and getting results?

Do you think the most recent 341 ng/mL is an effective level for effective muscle growth, or maybe the Dr is being very reasonable and keeping me close to range?

Any thoughts based upon your experience would be great.

Thank you
No worries. Here ya go. May also consider HRT with testosterone.

Yes. I spoke with the Dr about this, and began using (1ml /.250g) 2x per week and returned a test result of above 15.

I feel ok with the above, and know I have a bit of room for increase if needed, but was wondering more about what levels of HGH people are safely using.

I had no issues with 4IU upon waking, but am wondering if a split of 2.5IU upon waking and another 2.5IU at 4pm (2hrs either side of food) would be more beneficial.

Google is probably an ok source of info? But I'm thinking a forum like this would be more reliable?

Thank you