HGH increasing my nocturnal heart rate

Either way i would do more cardio, are you retaining water in ur ankles? I do notice aas raising heart rate probably from water retention.
Yes, that is completely normal. The water presses on the veins and affects your blood flow. The heart has to pump faster -> higher heart rate.
Yes, that is completely normal. The water presses on the veins and affects your blood flow. The heart has to pump faster -> higher heart rate.

No, this is not normal at all. The opposite is true. An increase in blood volume ie. from increased sodium reabsorption due to rhGH use, would activate baroreceptors which would result in a reflexive decrease in heart rate. Also an increase in sodium retention would decrease RAAS activation and lower sympathetic nervous system activation.

Heart rate increases with a lowered blood volume as a compensatory mechanism to restore blood pressure. Dehydration leads to higher sympathetic activity and a higher heart rate.

Think about it this way: an increase in heart rate increases blood pressure and a decrease lowers bp. If bp or blood volume is already high/adequate, an increase in hr would further elevate bp.

More blood volume = increased stroke volume and since cardiac output = heart rate x stroke volume, for homeostatic purposes, keeping cardiac output the same heart rate must get lowered. It's a simple equation.
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Aas raises heart rate due to sympathetic nervous system activation.
Makes sence thanks for the reply. I know ur super knowledgeable. But u dont think water retention has any impact on the cardiovascular system?

I've never had water retention before aas, I know diet. Play apart probably also sodium like u mentioned above.
Makes sence thanks for the reply. I know ur super knowledgeable. But u dont think water retention has any impact on the cardiovascular system?

I've never had water retention before aas, I know diet. Play apart probably also sodium like u mentioned above.

Well, ... sure, but depends on the severity of water retention and if there is a noticeable increase in blood pressure. We all know the ramifications of elevated blood pressure but even with normal bp, a persistent volume overload could lead to adaptive hypertrophy especially LV and elevated igf1 can help with that too. I'd have to dig in to literature though to give a more confident answer on this, as this is purely hypothetical. Chronic high dose gh use can also change kidneys morphology, so I'd be worried about that too.

However I wouldn't be too worried about slight water retention from let's say 2 iu's ...
In very few individuals GH seems to reduce RBC and this leads to, in general, a higher heart rate.
I have experienced this myself, on a cycle of test + mast + a little deca. total 1500mg so a fair bit that should raise RBC and ussualy does and I get the traditional red chest etc but on 4ui+ of GH this did not happen and bloodwork confirmed it.
On test+primo 1700mg total, rbc raising effect is much higher and it takes over 6ui of GH to keep RBc normal/low and heart rate to rise
I'm guessing such a high increase is mostly due to an increase of thyroid hormones function. Most of that should wear off sooner then later. The resulting lingering over sensitisation to stress might take a while longer ... Was your bg impacted much?
No, Blood glucose didn't seem to be affected, maybe due to the tirzepatide and I only took the HGH at night 3 hours after my last meal. Resting heart rate is down to 82 today. Sleeping heart rate is 77. I'd still like to get everything back down into the 60s or low 70s minimum before taking anything else.