
New Member
Hi Guys,
I've never used HGH before (only used ghrp/ghrh and mk677).
After a 30 weeks aas cycle, I've decided to go for a 6week PCT.
I already have HCG, nolva, clomid and AI.

Is adding a 6IU\day of HGH during PCT (6 weeks only) would help keep the gains and mood ?
I can't afford to run HGH longer than that. If it's not gonna do anything for that 6 weeks PCT I would better invest that money into something else.

How old are you? What compounds did you run and at what dose? Outline your plan for PCT. I hope you are using pharmacy grade meds. That's a long time to be shut down.
How old are you? What compounds did you run and at what dose? Outline your plan for PCT. I hope you are using pharmacy grade meds. That's a long time to be shut down.
29 years old.
I was running this cycle
  • Test P 800mg-1g Week 1 to Week 30
  • NPP 300mg Week 4 to Week 8
  • Deca 400mg Week 7 to week 12
  • Masteron 200mg Week 12 to week 16
for PCT my plan is (42 days, 30 days on meds, 12 days rest with no meds) :
  • HCG 500mg/day Day1 to Day15
  • Clomid 100mg Day15 to Day22, 50mg Day 23 to Day 30
  • Nolva 20mg Day 15 to Day22, 10mg Day 23 to to Day 30
  • Arimidex 12.5mg/day (Day1 to Day 42)
  • Viagra 50mg EOD
I heard a doctor advising against taking Clomid and HCG at the same time so I separate the 2 meds.
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Do you mean 500iu of HCG? And it is not normally ran during PCT. I don't use an AI during PCT either. Certainly not 12.5mg of Arimidex. I am assuming you mean Aromasin at that dose?
One of the best structured and thought out "Cycles" ive seen listed by a Meso newcomer in some time.

I dont see much of an advantage of running NPP and Deca in the same cycle as the clearance of either is dependent upon the presence of active metabolites rather than their respective half lives.

Also I'd STRONGLY suggest you obtain precycle labs mate.
I was just experimenting with npp and deca, my face was bloated and looked weird plus the prolactin start to build up (even with using caber) so I didn't like deca and npp. I may try equipose cycle and see.