HGH related side effects - long term users experiences

I've been using this for at least 12 months, experimenting with various doses and schedules. My lowest dose was 2 IU, and I’m currently at 10 IU. I’ve found that taking a bolus dose before bed minimizes any noticeable side effects.

My current coach has me taking 4 IU IM immediately after training and then another 6 IU before bed. So far, I haven’t noticed any changes in side effects with this approach.

To be completely honest, the only side effects I've experienced have been tingling and numbness in my hands and feet, which feel bloated—as if I’ve just indulged in an all-you-can-eat buffet for a week, with all those calories and sodium lingering in my extremities.

On the positive side, I've noticed improvements in my skin, better sleep, enhanced recovery, and I’ve managed to maintain my weight and physique even after indulging during the holidays.

I'm a big fan of this; it’s one of the few things that works well for me. Conversely, I have friends and a training partner who struggle to tolerate more than 2 IU.
Thank you!
I've been using this for at least 12 months, experimenting with various doses and schedules. My lowest dose was 2 IU, and I’m currently at 10 IU. I’ve found that taking a bolus dose before bed minimizes any noticeable side effects.

My current coach has me taking 4 IU IM immediately after training and then another 6 IU before bed. So far, I haven’t noticed any changes in side effects with this approach.

To be completely honest, the only side effects I've experienced have been tingling and numbness in my hands and feet, which feel bloated—as if I’ve just indulged in an all-you-can-eat buffet for a week, with all those calories and sodium lingering in my extremities.

On the positive side, I've noticed improvements in my skin, better sleep, enhanced recovery, and I’ve managed to maintain my weight and physique even after indulging during the holidays.

I'm a big fan of this; it’s one of the few things that works well for me. Conversely, I have friends and a training partner who struggle to tolerate more than 2 IU.
That would be me, a measly 2iu of generics makes me feel awful to the point I have to drop it. Within 3 weeks my weight went from 208 to 216 (water retention) don't sleep as well, lethargic and lots of inflammation. I've tried running generics numerous times, I always quit within 1-2 months, for me it's not worth feeling awful
That would be me, a measly 2iu of generics makes me feel awful to the point I have to drop it. Within 3 weeks my weight went from 208 to 216 (water retention) don't sleep as well, lethargic and lots of inflammation. I've tried running generics numerous times, I always quit within 1-2 months, for me it's not worth feeling awful
Have you tried pharma? Any difference?
I’m about a month in to my first run. Only other thing I’m using is Reta to see if it helps with bg and maybe any metabolic effect. Started at 2 and have gotten up to 4. First thing in the morning. Only thing I noticed is feeling shitty if I carb up within a few hours. So I try to fast til mid morning.
or you could split the dose am/pm, so your nightly dose isnt as high, therefore less "potential" for disturbing your sleep,,,,
That’s honestly one of my biggest concerns for night time pin. I have been sleeping so well since I lost some weight and don’t want to mess with that. Reports on here seem to be all over the place. Seems like some people report their sleep is worse, some is actually better and some is unchanged.
That’s honestly one of my biggest concerns for night time pin. I have been sleeping so well since I lost some weight and don’t want to mess with that. Reports on here seem to be all over the place. Seems like some people report their sleep is worse, some is actually better and some is unchanged.
i agree so many different protocols that work for some and not others, thats why all the "science backed" protocols often are not "real life" applications and outcomes, its all subject to person to person it seems , so maybe just experiment to see what works and what doesn't,,,,,
I take 5 ius of hgh everyday and don't get any negative side effects and only the positives.

Definitely one of my favourites now.

I would be interested in trying a growth hormone peptide if it can give me the same benifts for less cost wise.
I take 5 ius of hgh everyday and don't get any negative side effects and only the positives.

Definitely one of my favourites now.

I would be interested in trying a growth hormone peptide if it can give me the same benifts for less cost wise.
Ime, and as you can see from prices and doses of said hgh peptides that they are often "more expensive " to run than hgh itself,,,
Have you tried pharma? Any difference?
I’m about a month in to my first run. Only other thing I’m using is Reta to see if it helps with bg and maybe any metabolic effect. Started at 2 and have gotten up to 4. First thing in the morning. Only thing I noticed is feeling shitty if I carb up within a few hours. So I try to fast til mid morning.
Yes, Genotropin, which was night and day. Great sleep, zero water retention, full muscles, sharp looking face and skin glowing at about 1.6iu a day. It has to be something in the generics my body doesn't like, considering now with all the accurate testing and theories of them being much stronger, I still start out at 1.5iu and get the same sides
Gonna stick to my modified Keto and minimize bloat. Thanks!

This is the way to get the best results out of hgh imo. It sucks, I hate keto personally, but the recomp effect is much more pronounced on low/no carbs.

I still start out at 1.5iu and get the same sides

You using testing to see how many iu come in each vial? Most generics are overdosed these days, some much more so than others. Could be part of the issue maybe?
or you could split the dose am/pm, so your nightly dose isnt as high, therefore less "potential" for disturbing your sleep,,,,
This is it. I was previously getting very bad sleep on BOTH pharma and chinese gh when dosing it pre bed.

A few weeks ago, I started splitting the dosage AM/PM, and now I'm having the best sleep of my life. There is such a huge difference, also in terms of side effects. No water retention, no CTS, no sleep disturbance, no fatigue etc.

