Hgh sleep issues


New Member
Ahoj všichni. Many z vás jsou velmi erudovaní.
Proto doufám, že mi můžete pomoci.
Když připnu hgh (1iu stačí) ztratit zcela možnost usnout. A malý bzukot v mé hlavě.
Víte kde je problém? Jsem s tímto problémem sám.
Dělá mi to hyge, opti, evogen a humatrop.
Děkuji vám za radu
Hello, maybe you do not tolerate the carriers like mannitol. I myself also react very strongly to GH At 2iu ed, my IGF1 in the blood is already well above the norm. I had to start slowly with 1iu ed and could only increase to 2iu after 10-14 days. I think women need less too. Try 0.5iu ed right after waking up for 2 weeks and then increase to 1iu. Sometimes the body is very responsive to Gh and it takes some getting used to.

Try to fight your way through it
Dobrý den, možná nesnášíte nosiče jako je mannitol. Já sám také velmi silně reaguji na GH Ve 2iu ed je můj IGF1 v krvi již značně nad normou. Musel jsem začít pomalu s 1iu ed a mohl jsem zvýšit až na 2iu po 10-14 dnech. Také si myslím, že ženy potřebují méně. Zkuste 0,5iu ed hned po probuzení po dobu 2 týdnů a poté zvyšte na 1iu. Někdy tělo velmi reaguje na Gh a chvíli trvá, než si zvykne.

Zkuste se tím probojovat
Máte také problémy se spánkem po gh pin ?
This may be the case for the first few days, take it after getting up provided your blood levels are good such as sugar and blood pressure. I've slept badly for years. But that has other reasons. Try 0.5iu for 10 days if you sleep badly then put up with it and it will get better, if not then I suspect a reaction to the carriers.
Ok, i tried it and here is report.
0,5 iu opti in morning, a short while i feel press in head and then is all ok. BUT in night i cannot sleep again. Rather i cannot fall aspleep then sleep. Know anyone why ?
are you sure its the HGH and not any other issue. HGH tends to make me quite tired and its a known to have relaxing properties from what i have heard.
If I do a bolus shot close to bedtime it will wake me up twenty times a night. Dosing it around 16 pm instead seems to solve this
are you sure its the HGH and not any other issue. HGH tends to make me quite tired and its a known to have relaxing properties from what i have heard.
Yes, i have issues only when i take hgh. I dont understead that too.
If I do a bolus shot close to bedtime it will wake me up twenty times a night. Dosing it around 16 pm instead seems to solve this
You are a lucky person. I can't even take it in the morning.
how long did you try, so how many days did you take ?
Soon I was taking around 100-150iu (4iu day) over three months and with sleeping pills. Now trying gh again with new supplier (opti) and pin 1iu night = insomnia
then 0.5iu in the morning = insomnia too.
I am not compatible with hgh at all. I do not know why. And taking sleeping pills is a big piece of crap. Also, a big reason for hgh is to improve sleep, but the opposite happened to me.
Please read the Genotropin package insert, especially side effects and interactions.I suspect you are having an allergic reaction to GHI'm struggling with side effects myself right now since I've only just started taking it.I get tired and dizzy after taking it.And that at 1iu ed for 10 days.I hope it gets better otherwise I'll try to take it before bed and not in the morning and if that doesn't get better I'll see a doctor and check on thyroid hormones.Can become too little under GH and cause these problems.Please read the package insert and go for a blood test.
No i am natty now. Have issues only after hgh pin.
Max kratom for training.

I know you said you only have issues when you pin GH, but, for me personally kratom is very stimulant-like, especially at small-medium doses. Have you tried messing with kratom dosage/time, or maybe cut it out completely for a day and see what happens?
Soon I was taking around 100-150iu (4iu day) over three months and with sleeping pills. Now trying gh again with new supplier (opti) and pin 1iu night = insomnia
then 0.5iu in the morning = insomnia too.
I am not compatible with hgh at all. I do not know why. And taking sleeping pills is a big piece of crap. Also, a big reason for hgh is to improve sleep, but the opposite happened to me.

GH is a REM and sleep fragmentation promotor. Some people notice it more, some less, it depends a lot on your sleep physiology.

GHRH is a slow wave sleep promotor. So if you want elevated igf levels use cjc1295 or mod grf.

GH may promote better sleep at the start, when it's sedative but later on, when the sedation goes away, you'll just suffer the negative effects.

I'm the same as you and as the other poster. GH fragments my sleep to oblivion. My sleep is fragmented as is (it's actually a lot worse since I first tried GH) but with GH on board, forget it.

I'm too lazy to post up study links, but Leo sums it up nicely and links the relevant studies here:

View: https://youtu.be/qwPQ5u-z54k
You should do a blood test for your thyroid after a few days of taking it
That could be the reason for your sleep problems.
I sleep really well on HGH as long as I pin early in the day. If I pin too close to bedtime it will wake me up like twenty times
Katom isnt good for sleep, it is clear. Therefore i taking small amount. But hgh is right problem for me.

Yes, i will go with peptides instead hgh (ipamorelin, grf 1-29). What do you think about it ? My goal is better regeneration and more energy (I am mma fighter). Or some other tips? I will share result then.

Thyroid is good idea . Maybe i will try once more with blood test.