HGH, Test cycle


Here goes boys! (And gals)

Friday, July 23rd 2021

I'm 38
178 lbs
And not sure as to BF% but I'm guessing 25 ish
And before anyone says I'm too fat to be on gear whatever! I started it at low trt dose like 100 and just worked my way up and have responded great to it! No sides no gyno and I've gone up to 4 - 500 for weeks at a time.

I started 1iu HGH taken at 3 pm along with 200 MG's test e,
I pin test M/W/F , and this week started 600 MG's so 200 each pin.

My goal with the GH is fat loss, skin care, anti aging and seeing how it does me. At first!

I will be working my way up to 4 ius a day each week adding 1 iu.
I'm planning to run my test at 600 for at least 16 weeks maybe 20 then I will drop it back down to 200. But plan on staying on GH for 6 months then take a bit of a break and if all goes well
I'll start back up and go for size next cycle.
I normally train monday- Friday but I'm taking today through the weekend off so I will post my routine Monday night. I'm also planning out meals for the week this weekend and will lay that all out also.

Thanks for taking the time to check this out and I hope you all stay with me cause I'm planning to show yalls some badass progress! .. I will upload some pics in a bit and anything you cans can share with me on a how to do a log and how to run HGH lol
So the goal is fat loss?

What are your daily calories, the deficit you're running, training routine/how many days of cardio week/minutes
So the goal is fat loss?

What are your daily calories, the deficit you're running, training routine/how many days of cardio a week
So to be honest I don't count calories or keep a food log and I haven't been overly crazy about that. Maybe I should be idk but I do know that I eat 4 - 5 times a day ... I have breakfast at 9 during the week which is oatmeal and a gronla bar, then lunch at 12 has been mostly pork or chicken (which ever we had night before) little rice and little veg, then when I get home at like 330- 4 I have more as a quick snack .. Then at like 530-6 diner which is some and of meat and rice or lil potatoe and a veggie , and sometimes later in the night I might have a small quick snack , cashews possibly more oatmeal lol I have been on a oatmeal kick ... And usually 2 protein drinks one mid morning and one when I get home from work .. Weekends a re bit different but now much
All I know is I drastically changed my eating habbist this past year. I went from eating whatever I wanted when ever and it was usually junk food and sweets ... I stopped all junk food don't over eat and I've lost inches everywhere and seeing more muscle growth ... But yes I will start getting a little better at tracking
So to be honest I don't count calories or keep a food log and I haven't been overly crazy about that. Maybe I should be idk but I do know that I eat 4 - 5 times a day ... I have breakfast at 9 during the week which is oatmeal and a gronla bar, then lunch at 12 has been mostly pork or chicken (which ever we had night before) little rice and little veg, then when I get home at like 330- 4 I have more as a quick snack .. Then at like 530-6 diner which is some and of meat and rice or lil potatoe and a veggie , and sometimes later in the night I might have a small quick snack , cashews possibly more oatmeal lol I have been on a oatmeal kick ... And usually 2 protein drinks one mid morning and one when I get home from work .. Weekends a re bit different but now much
Why are you wasting money on 600mg of test a week and 4ius of gh a day to lose fat if you're not counting your calories. All the meal timing, IF, and keto I'll the world won't do a thing If you're not in a deficit.

I don't want to make the assumption but it sounds like a case of expecting the gear to do the work. At 178lbs and 25% body fat. I'd be willing to bet you don't have much in the way of knowledge regarding training or diet. Now that's not an insult or a dig. Just an observation. You most definitely do not need 600mg of test to cut, I'll be using 200mg with 2ius gh, and 500mg of injectable L cart a day for my up coming cut. That's at 215lbs around 14% bf. I'm hoping to be 220 before the cut.

In regards to your "seeing muscle growth" increased definition from fat loss isn't growth. It's simply the stripping of fat to reveal the underlying muscle. Look at a bodybuilder pre and post cut. Despite being smaller by the end of the cut they look larger/more muscular because of the improved definition.

The other problem is yes. You've seen results from cleaning up your diet and that's one step in the right direction. However what happens when the progress stops and you have no baseline for your calories?
Track calories and macros for at least a few weeks so you have a good understanding of what your putting into your body. The first habit changes in diet are good (congratulations brother) but you will see better results and will be able to adjust easily when you hit a plateau (you will) if you track calories. My fitnesspal or myplate are good apps for tracking calories and macros. A digital food scale is also a must.

I'd cut to 15-18% before a blast but I don't have a ton of experience w gear so take that w a grain of salt. Less risk, better idea of what you need to work on and a much better environment for what test is good for- muscle gain.
So I didn't read through your whole reply because I couldn't .... No I absolutely do not expect the gear to do the work while I sit on the couch! I've been working my ass off n the gym 5 niflghts a week for a an hour to an hour and a half ... Clearly the test isn't to lose fat! The test is to build ... The GH is just to give an extra boosy of fast loss and better quaily overall in life! Just because my diet is planned out and I don't count calories it doesn't mean I'm not eating right! ... Idk but I do welcome criticism and tips but just don't get negative about it

And when I said I'm seeing "muscle growth" I absolutely mean "muscle growth" .. Yes I'm losing fat and seeing definition but I'm also watching the muscle grow in front of my eyes
I never really had much muacle , I've never been a twig but there's certain muscles and parts of muscle that are now starting to devolp ... So idk what else to say or how to say it
I know 600 is a lot for anyone let alone someone with little experience. I just wanted a little extra help with getting to where I want to be a little quicker ... I'm not trying to stack it witch all kinds of shit and I don't really get any sides from estrogen so I mean if its something I want to do I don't see how its any different then anyone else doing any amount of any compound.
So I didn't read through your whole reply because I couldn't .... No I absolutely do not expect the gear to do the work while I sit on the couch! I've been working my ass off n the gym 5 niflghts a week for a an hour to an hour and a half ... Clearly the test isn't to lose fat! The test is to build ... The GH is just to give an extra boosy of fast loss and better quaily overall in life! Just because my diet is planned out and I don't count calories it doesn't mean I'm not eating right! ... Idk but I do welcome criticism and tips but just don't get negative about it

And when I said I'm seeing "muscle growth" I absolutely mean "muscle growth" .. Yes I'm losing fat and seeing definition but I'm also watching the muscle grow in front of my eyes
I never really had much muacle , I've never been a twig but there's certain muscles and parts of muscle that are now starting to devolp ... So idk what else to say or how to say it
Okay so because you didn't like hearing what I was saying. You decided not to read the information I was putting forward.

I wasn't being negative in anyway. I even told you not to take it that way. If you'd like to see me be negative and give you a full honest answer. Then 100% I can do that. But it's going to piss you off to hear the painful harsh truth. Are you ready for it?

And I don't give a fuck how many hours you workout a day. I workout for 45-60 minutes 5x a week. Sometimes an 1.25hrs if it's a hard leg day. Time in the gym doesn't mean shit if you're jumping from exercise to exercise with no rhyme or reason.

And ya actually. The difference between a clean diet and actually being aware of your caloric intake it's non-comparable.

You never said how much cardio you do either.

See now if you think you're going to get big while cutting, you just proved what i was saying. Gear or not. Muscle needs 1 thing to grow aside from adequate stimulus. Fuel(ie calories and nutrients). You may make some mild gains but far from anything you'd achieve by actually eating. You'd be far better off cutting on your 200mg a week plus some gh. Then going right into a bulking cycle using that 600mg test

And just because you got butt hurt over nothing. Far from a twig, at 178lbs 25% bodyfat, I'd beg to differ. My natural 160lb gf is more jacked. There you go now you can be butt hurt
Dude I stopped reading after the the whole expecting the gear doing the all the work comment ... I didn't get butt hurt! I was explaing where I was coming from! I didnt made any rude comments to you I didnt blow you off or tell you not to comment ... All I said was I couldn't keep reading cause ya that comment. Not sure why you are actually trying to attack now. It a not needed and I'm not gonna go back n forth ... Everything you've said is very informative and pretty much on point I know! ... I'm gonna keep learning and adjusting.
That's cool man why you felt the need to attack me idk
Far from a twig, at 178lbs 25% bodyfat, I'd beg to differ. My natural 160lb gf is more jacked. There you go now you can be butt hurt
What you're seeing is water/nitrogen retention from the HGH, which kicks in rapidly for the first month, then stagnates. The test will contribute in a mild manner too. If you've gained 10-15 lbs of "muscle", chances are, it's almost entirely water/nitrogen, that will drain when you cycle off.
If you aren't on a proven weight training routine, tracking your calories, eating a good amount of protein, and taking this cycle deathly seriously, you will not see the results you want.

Further, if you aren't willing to change the habits that created the physique you currently have, how can you hope to create a new environment for your body to adapt to, that yields a physique you actually want?

Adding exercise to your daily life is one part of the equation. Adding AAS will only exponentiate the environment you've created. If someone is an asshole, AAS will make them more of an asshole. If someone is fat, the hunger from AAS has the potential to make them fatter (especially if they don't track their calories), and the further cardiovascular burden from HGH and test will synergize with the unhealthy lifestyle you've lived and the cardiovascular strain you've already placed on your body. An addiction to food + more hunger = a terrible combination.

Adding AAS will not magically create self discipline. That's something you'll have to do for yourself. 3 months after PCT, come back and talk to us, and explain to us how well it all worked for you.
Dude I stopped reading after the the whole expecting the gear doing the all the work comment ... I didn't get butt hurt! I was explaing where I was coming from! I didnt made any rude comments to you I didnt blow you off or tell you not to comment ... All I said was I couldn't keep reading cause ya that comment. Not sure why you are actually trying to attack now. It a not needed and I'm not gonna go back n forth ... Everything you've said is very informative and pretty much on point I know! ... I'm gonna keep learning and adjusting.
So not counting calories. No cardio. No actual workout plan aside from just lifting. And you're telling me you're not expecting the gear to do the work?

I made a very fair observation and you decided to disregard everything I said because you didn't like said observation. I'm fairly certain that's the definition of butt hurt
That's cool man why you felt the need to attack me idk
Far from a twig, at 178lbs 25% bodyfat, I'd beg to differ. My natural 160lb gf is more jacked. There you go now you can be butt hurt
Oh man. It's not an attack. She just literally is more jacked than you. Check that back. Sorry but I cropped the ass out. That's just for me;)


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So not counting calories. No cardio. No actual workout plan aside from just lifting. And you're telling me you're not expecting the gear to do the work?

I made a very fair observation and you decided to disregard everything I said because you didn't like said observation. I'm fairly certain that's the definition of butt hurt
Wow guy! So what are you looking for here? I mean are you not reading my responses?? I've already said you made good points! I haven't disregarded anything!

But really what are you going for now? I wasn't upset before but now your kinda starting piss me off!


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