HGH, Test cycle

Oh man. It's not an attack. She just literally is more jacked than you. Check that back. Sorry but I cropped the ass out. That's just for me;)
Idk bud but when I'm putting it to my girl from the behind It helps that she has a sexy famine back ... But hey if you like a masculine chick that's cool
Idk bud but when I'm putting it to my girl from the behind It helps that she has a sexy famine back ... But hey if you like a masculine chick that's cool
I mean from the sounds of it just about anyone is masculine looking when Compared to you.

Also famine is the scarcity of food. Kind of weird that you like fucking anorexic chicks
I mean from the sounds of it just about anyone is masculine looking when Compared to you.

Also famine is the scarcity of food. Kind of weird that you like fucking anorexic chicks
Dude your on fire!! This must make you feel good right? All that time getting those "gym" muscles are paying off!! Good for you!
I love it!! Thou know what's funny, ive seen so many dudes like you think your something thinking your just jacked no one could fuck with you right, lol the few times I've had my ass rocked have been from guys shorter and smaller! And I mean like just fucked me up like done! Don't get me wrong there's some absolute beasts that you know stay away from lol but that's not you! You can tell your a pussy from the way you act like a snotty bitch!
This is fun .. I didn't want to be one of those guys on here but its nice to vent once in awhile right! ... I don't care how big you are! Just makes you a bigger bitch
I mean from the sounds of it just about anyone is masculine looking when Compared to you.

Also famine is the scarcity of food. Kind of weird that you like fucking anorexic chicks
Have fun fucking that boyfriend of yours tonight ... Or is she ... It... Fucking you tonight?
Dude your on fire!! This must make you feel good right? All that time getting those "gym" muscles are paying off!! Good for you!
I love it!! Thou know what's funny, ive seen so many dudes like you think your something thinking your just jacked no one could fuck with you right, lol the few times I've had my ass rocked have been from guys shorter and smaller! And I mean like just fucked me up like done! Don't get me wrong there's some absolute beasts that you know stay away from lol but that's not you! You can tell your a pussy from the way you act like a snotty bitch!
This is fun .. I didn't want to be one of those guys on here but its nice to vent once in awhile right! ... I don't care how big you are! Just makes you a bigger bitch
At no point did I proclaim to be tough haha.

But thank you for telling me think that I look big and tough:). That's the sweetest thing you've ever said.

As said multiple times. Count your calories, start doing legit workouts. Preferably following an actual plan. Do cardio. Quit throwing gear at the problem. And potentially you'll be able to look more muscular than a 25 year chick who's only been lifting for 4 months and counting her calories for 2.

For the record. For the 3rd time now. My original comment was not a dig at you. You decided to take it as one since you didn't like the fact that I pointed out you had no real plan laid out and just started pinning gear. I would've been happy to help and still am, but you need to accept that you have no real rhyme or reason to what you're doing. You workout 5 days in a row. That says it right there. So what all weekend you just eat and do nothing?
Have fun fucking that boyfriend of yours tonight ... Or is she ... It... Fucking you tonight?
I mean if you've never had a chick tie you up and ride you how she wants. You're missing out dude.

I never thought you'd be so threatened by a woman. Its fucking adorable. She'll get a good laugh when I show her this

Additionally how much do you squat, bench, deadlift? Just for comparisons sake
Great!! Wtf now this whole thread is
At no point did I proclaim to be tough haha.

But thank you for telling me think that I look big and tough:). That's the sweetest thing you've ever said.

As said multiple times. Count your calories, start doing legit workouts. Preferably following an actual plan. Do cardio. Quit throwing gear at the problem. And potentially you'll be able to look more muscular than a 25 year chick who's only been lifting for 4 months and counting her calories for 2.

For the record. For the 3rd time now. My original comment was not a dig at you. You decided to take it as one since you didn't like the fact that I pointed out you had no real plan laid out and just started pinning gear. I would've been happy to help and still am, but you need to accept that you have no real rhyme or reason to what you're doing. You workout 5 days in a row. That says it right there. So what all weekend you just eat and do nothing?
Dude! Did you really not read my first what 3 response to you? .. I said you made great points! .. I said I wasn't throwing gear it a problem! I never said I had a problem! ... I've changed my diet to where I've bee losing fat and inches not I don't count every calorie ..very thought about it I may even, I said I know taking this shit isn't the answer! I've been making great progress and getting results! ... You say it wasn't a dig but maybe you should re read it and see how it kinda came across Douchy and snobby just by saying the another expecting the gear to do the work part! ... And even still I didn't respond in a mean nasty or shitty manner!! I continued to say you made good points and informative!! But you couldn't leave it at that! You clearly wanted to fight online for some stupid reason lol ... Whatever ... Dude really I tried not to!! ....
And no I don't just eat all weekend and do nothing!! I have kids a house side work doing work around my parents houses for them ... I work 40+ hours a week hanging drywall for the last 20/years ... I'm fucking active kid!
At no point did I proclaim to be tough haha.

But thank you for telling me think that I look big and tough:). That's the sweetest thing you've ever said.

As said multiple times. Count your calories, start doing legit workouts. Preferably following an actual plan. Do cardio. Quit throwing gear at the problem. And potentially you'll be able to look more muscular than a 25 year chick who's only been lifting for 4 months and counting her calories for 2.

For the record. For the 3rd time now. My original comment was not a dig at you. You decided to take it as one since you didn't like the fact that I pointed out you had no real plan laid out and just started pinning gear. I would've been happy to help and still am, but you need to accept that you have no real rhyme or reason to what you're doing. You workout 5 days in a row. That says it right there. So what all weekend you just eat and do nothing?
And you know what I most certainly do have a rhyme and reason!! I'm sorry you don't like how much test I'm taking .. G its a good thing its not your ass right!! ... I don't want your help! Lol I've already been talkibg to plenty of respected members here and they don't just assume they know and make douchey comments ... Then don't even actually pay attention to someone else says just tries to find the one thing to pick out and be able to look like the guy that knows how to train right!
Just stop posting here please! Actually whatever this shits fucked up now anyway! ... And for the record!! Again I told you yes you made great points had good info and were right ... But you didn't need to assume I'm some lazy fuck just smashing every drug into me to get swole! .. Nope not at all! I work out hard and I work out right! I eat right and good food! .. Yea I'm taking test and GH! Really guy go find some dumb fuck kid taking test, DECA, mast tren at a gram a week and fuck with them and get the fuck outta here
Just stop posting here please! Actually whatever this shits fucked up now anyway! ... And for the record!! Again I told you yes you made great points had good info and were right ... But you didn't need to assume I'm some lazy fuck just smashing every drug into me to get swole! .. Nope not at all! I work out hard and I work out right! I eat right and good food! .. Yea I'm taking test and GH! Really guy go find some dumb fuck kid taking test, DECA, mast tren at a gram a week and fuck with them and get the fuck outta here

Yeah you are.
How the hell can you expect to get into shape without knowing what you're eating?
How can you grow without tracking overload and having a plan?
You're pinning gear and hoping dor the best, then expect not to get flamed ...on MESO of all places?

Gear plays such a small part of this lifestyle.
My first cycle was great...
But then I got a coach and trained naturally, I made better gains through tracking food and proper training, then I did with gear!!!

Yes, you read that correctly.
YOU CAN DO BETTER NATURALLY than what you'll achieve on your cycle.
These guys have been pretty nice actually.

Heres the not so nice part, you're wasting your time.
If you are a dry Waller (Been there, still will do a week of sheets here and there) and you're in surplus of 20% BF...(assuming you hit your sheet quotas like we had back in the day)......
Then food is your main issue.

Your protein is FAR too low and your junk consumption is far too high.
The guys in my drywall crew (who ate properly) were fucking jacked from slamming 5/8 fire code all day.

Focus on the food.
Forget the gear
Food is your issue
Track macros
That will bring you so much further than gear ever will
Oh man. It's not an attack. She just literally is more jacked than you. Check that back. Sorry but I cropped the ass out. That's just for me;)

Shes looking great brother
Lucky man!

My wife wont hit the gym with me
"You lift too heavy I hate that stuff"
She trains.. but doesnt throw any mass on because it's all sit ups, lunges etc.

One day I'll get her pushing dor 1RM with me lmfao
Shes looking great brother
Lucky man!

My wife wont hit the gym with me
"You lift too heavy I hate that stuff"
She trains.. but doesnt throw any mass on because it's all sit ups, lunges etc.

One day I'll get her pushing dor 1RM with me lmfao
Thank brother! I showed her your post and she's losing her shit "the steroid guys think I'm jacked???" Haha.

One day dude! Get her to add a little weight to those lunges and her ass will blow up. I swear women hyper respond to lunges like none other
Yeah you are.
How the hell can you expect to get into shape without knowing what you're eating?
How can you grow without tracking overload and having a plan?
You're pinning gear and hoping dor the best, then expect not to get flamed ...on MESO of all places?

Gear plays such a small part of this lifestyle.
My first cycle was great...
But then I got a coach and trained naturally, I made better gains through tracking food and proper training, then I did with gear!!!

Yes, you read that correctly.
YOU CAN DO BETTER NATURALLY than what you'll achieve on your cycle.
These guys have been pretty nice actually.

Heres the not so nice part, you're wasting your time.
If you are a dry Waller (Been there, still will do a week of sheets here and there) and you're in surplus of 20% BF...(assuming you hit your sheet quotas like we had back in the day)......
Then food is your main issue.

Your protein is FAR too low and your junk consumption is far too high.
The guys in my drywall crew (who ate properly) were fucking jacked from slamming 5/8 fire code all day.

Focus on the food.
Forget the gear
Food is your issue
Track macros
That will bring you so much further than gear ever will
I don't eat junk food!and I'm eating at least a gram per pound of protien .and I've been "slamming 5/8 drywall for 20/years + .. Piece working .. So hanging 80 to 100 sheets a day and that doesn't get you jacked! And some of the biggest guys couldn't handle 12 foot sheets like me! Believe me I've been running circles around them for years! ... And fuck its not like I'm some out of shape fat ass here I'm thick very strong and powerful! I'm not understanding where the miss communications are happening but I don't have a problem! I eat right tea in hard and make progress ... I'm just adding these compounds for some help and cause I also want to feel young again!!
I mean no I'm not a huge beast but do I really look like a twig or a fat fuck?


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I mean no I'm not a huge beast but do I really look like a twig or a fat fuck?
No but my gf asked whos the hobbit.

In all honesty. Solid forearms.

But you're still not hearing us. What's the point if you don't know how much you're eating? Counting is essential when cutting, or at least establishing your daily intake and always eating that amount every day. If you're not willing to go all in with diet. That includes counting. You're not serious enough for gear or the possible ramifications.

And with the gym, dude. I mean it just blindly lifting is not the way to get it done. If you're not on a decent program or have enough fitness knowledge to design your own incorporating progression and overload. The gear is pointless. Yes you will make progress but you'll in no way make anything comparable to if you were on a tried and true program. Meticulously counting your calories. You have an active job which is good, you csn fill the gap for cardio with it.

However I still stand by saving your test to bulk.

Think of it this way. I think you said a 16 week cutting cycle?
So 16 weeks on.
Following the general rule of time on equals time off. You'll be off for 16
And then you'll finally bulk with gear again.

Or you can cut with your gh and just a little test. Until lean. Then immediately hammer the test up 600mg after acouple buffer weeks of slowly upping cals and start packing on the gains. Then you'll have cut and bulked making awesome progress before you'd even be ready for your next cycle following your current plan.
No but my gf asked whos the hobbit.

In all honesty. Solid forearms.

But you're still not hearing us. What's the point if you don't know how much you're eating? Counting is essential when cutting, or at least establishing your daily intake and always eating that amount every day. If you're not willing to go all in with diet. That includes counting. You're not serious enough for gear or the possible ramifications.

And with the gym, dude. I mean it just blindly lifting is not the way to get it done. If you're not on a decent program or have enough fitness knowledge to design your own incorporating progression and overload. The gear is pointless. Yes you will make progress but you'll in no way make anything comparable to if you were on a tried and true program. Meticulously counting your calories. You have an active job which is good, you csn fill the gap for cardio with it.

However I still stand by saving your test to bulk.

Think of it this way. I think you said a 16 week cutting cycle?
So 16 weeks on.
Following the general rule of time on equals time off. You'll be off for 16
And then you'll finally bulk with gear again.

Or you can cut with your gh and just a little test. Until lean. Then immediately hammer the test up 600mg after acouple buffer weeks of slowly upping cals and start packing on the gains. Then you'll have cut and bulked making awesome progress before you'd even be ready for your next cycle following your current plan.
Buddy I am absolutely hearing you!! I am!! And yes I do know I need to eat .. Maybe I was vague or idk because I am eating like I said I eat 5 times a day and lunch and dinner are bog meals I'm just not counting .. I eat plenty and I eat healthy ... I would and have thought about counting and I probably will eventually but right now I'm not trying to shred down to 10 % body fat or put 100 pounds of muscle on! ... And I feel like its you guys that won't get passed the whole gear thing! Weather you think I should use it or not isn't that important, I'm using it! I don't stuff my face with twinkies and sit on the coach all day! I'm almost 40 years old and need some extra pep in my step! Yes I know I'd be fine with 200 MG's .. I know I'd be fine with none .. But I'm also fine with it! I'm not stupid or reckless I haven't added any other shit in a year! I don't really know what else to say! .. Im sorry shit got out of control I shouldn't have acted that way but I really was holding back for the first few replys but you kept going so I assumed you wanted some! Lol ... And I'm sorry for dissing your girl!! .. In all honesty I'd slam it ... In fact she might not wanna come home after!
For real dude I'm sorry just get passed the fact that I'm using it and if you wanna help then help don't just make comments and act like I'm stupid! I'm not at all!
We could be friends man! We could walk hand in hand and fuck this whole meso world right up! ... All you gotta do is just take my hand! ... Just reach
Dr.Leary, you have to get use to people correcting you on this forum, that's the entire reason it exists.

When you react in this manner, "Oh really? Wow, I wasn't aware of that. Can you explain that to me? Why wouldn't it work my way?" you'll learn a ton, gain the respect of meso members, and your time here will be productive and enjoyable.

Jestopherson knows what he's talking about and he's just trying to help you.
Dr.Leary, you have to get use to people correcting you on this forum, that's the entire reason it exists.

When you react in this manner, "Oh really? Wow, I wasn't aware of that. Can you explain that to me? Why wouldn't it work my way?" you'll learn a ton, gain the respect of meso members, and your time here will be productive and enjoyable.

Jestopherson knows what he's talking about and he's just trying to help you.
I get it! But sort after the first snyde comment of me being another "expecting the drugs to do the work while sit on my ass" kind of turned me off! He could have approached it in a better way instead of trying to make me look like a idiot. And I've said it 5 times so far, yes the info he gave is correct and good! ... I didn't react in any manner until he provoked me purposely .... If you guys would read my first few responses you'd see that. I'm not here to fight with anyone and I'm always open to anything! .. I'm still working on dialing everything in but I'm also making progress so I'll be fine! And I hope him and I will get passed this

