Hi everyone!!


New Member
Hello everyone and first of all thank you for giving me the opportunity to find out a lot here too about how to do a first cycle and what the important factors are.
I'll give you some information about me:

Age: 34 years old
Weight: 82kg/180lb【82 kg】
Height: 183cm
Years of training: 10 years
BF: approximately 9%.

Nutrition: I am currently in bulk with 2700kcal avarege
130- 400C- 650F
NEAT: 11K die at the moment, in CUT I go up to 16k die
Training: 4xweek + 1 day Cardio

I started my first cycle in mid-November and set it up this way.

WEEK 1-12: Testo 500 mg E3D
WEEK 4-12: Aromasin 25 mg E0D
WEEK 9-12: 250 IU (MWF) and Aromasin 25 mg E0D

Week 1-2: 20 mg (Nolva) and 25 mg Clomid ED Or 50 mg Clomid EOD
Week 3-4: 20 mg (Nolva) and 25 mg Clomid ED Or 50 mg Clomid EOD
Week 5-6: 20 mg (Nolva) and 25 mg Clomid ED Or 50 mg Clomid EOD
Week 7-8: 20 mg (Nolva) and 25 mg Clomid ED Or 50 mg Clomid EOD

I hope you can help me through the questions I will ask, in the meantime I will read you and wish you a wonderful day.
Hi, it's good that you did read and learn before using steroids. That's wise decision. Anyway, I hope you like it here, you can definitely ask questions if you need some help sorting out some issues or just an advice. Have a good time and gains with your cycle.
Up your calories to 4000 a day and especially up your protein.. If training is on point and you handle the dose you will see some monster gains..

Ai should not be planned as you don't know what's gunna happen, as long as they are on hand to use at first symptom.. I wouldn't recommend just starting to take an Ai after 4 weeks on cycle.. Some can get away without one.. If you are true 9% you won't convert much estrogen anyway..

Weeks 9-12 is the 250iu Hcg?

Have you any plans for further cycles? Have you looked into blasting/cruising?

Great to have you onboard
Up your calories to 4000 a day and especially up your protein.. If training is on point and you handle the dose you will see some monster gains..

Ai should not be planned as you don't know what's gunna happen, as long as they are on hand to use at first symptom.. I wouldn't recommend just starting to take an Ai after 4 weeks on cycle.. Some can get away without one.. If you are true 9% you won't convert much estrogen anyway..

Weeks 9-12 is the 250iu Hcg?

Have you any plans for further cycles? Have you looked into blasting/cruising?

Great to have you onboard
Hello and thanks for the reply first of all!

I'm currently 400kcal above my TDEE with this cycle, taking it to 4000 so couldn't an extra 1300kcal be too much and risk accumulating more fat and water than I gained once I finish the PCT too? At least I assume this is my first experience.

For AI I set it up so I have it on hand if symptoms arise that require taking it. In fact I won't take it until then or after the exams that I will give in week 6, practically halfway through the cycle.
In this regard, I would like to ask you which of the symptoms could lead me to decide to start taking it, I have read many sides which often coincide with a level of both high E2 and low E2.

Week 9-12 you said it right, it's HCG that I would take 3 times a week along with an AI (Aromasin), what do you think?

The next cycle, after this and having waited the necessary times (20 weeks in total) I thought about adding a composite such as EQ or Anavar, but I am still undecided and I have to study the question better in order to see how I respond already with only the text E and what it causes me when using it
I'm currently 400kcal above my TDEE with this cycle, taking it to 4000 so couldn't an extra 1300kcal be too much and risk accumulating more fat and water than I gained once I finish the PCT too? At least I assume this is my first experience.
First cycle is where 80% of your gains come from if you do everything right: diet, training, sleep, correctly using steroids, managing side effects and etc. You want to make sure you do your best, because this is the cycle you will remember for the rest of your life. Kinda like minimum dosage yields maximum results.

P.S. the above applies if you're already at least decently trained and know what you're doing in the gym and in the kitchen. If some dyel does this he might need 2-3 cycles and do it right.
First cycle is where 80% of your gains come from if you do everything right: diet, training, sleep, correctly using steroids, managing side effects and etc. You want to make sure you do your best, because this is the cycle you will remember for the rest of your life. Kinda like minimum dosage yields maximum results.

P.S. the above applies if you're already at least decently trained and know what you're doing in the gym and in the kitchen. If some dyel does this he might need 2-3 cycles and do it right.

Hi Lukkis and thanks for the reply.

This is a point that I hadn't realized, that being my first cycle is the one that can give me huge gains compared to subsequent ones

In generale, quando si parte per un primo ciclo alimentare, quanto dovrebbe essere un surplus per avere effettivamente il miglior guadagno possibile per la propria esperienza? Non chiedo numeri precisi, anche perché sono molto individuali, ma piuttosto una linea entro cui restare.

A questo proposito mi sorge un altro dubbio: dato che è accertato che all'aumentare dell'BF c'è una maggiore possibilità di aromatizzare, aumentando sensibilmente le calorie e di conseguenza l'BF, è più probabile che dovrò utilizzare un'IA nelle prossime settimane? Ovviamente la base per queste decisioni sarà i test che farò tra 2 settimane. Il merito invece va all'allenamento, all'alimentazione ea tutto il resto.

Per quanto riguarda la vita fuori dalla palestra, mi alleno ormai da 10 anni e seguo la mia dieta in maniera costante e disciplinata con veri macro e cibi più facili da digerire e assimilare per il mio corpo, lo stesso vale per la routine, sonno e fatica.
Da questo punto di vista sono molto coscienzioso e diligente. Altrimenti non avrebbe senso iniziare un ciclo se queste cose, insieme alla formazione, non venissero messe in ordine
Hi Lukkis and thanks for the reply.

This is a point that I hadn't realized, that being my first cycle is the one that can give me huge gains compared to subsequent ones

In generale, quando si parte per un primo ciclo alimentare, quanto dovrebbe essere un surplus per avere effettivamente il miglior guadagno possibile per la propria esperienza? Non chiedo numeri precisi, anche perché sono molto individuali, ma piuttosto una linea entro cui restare.

A questo proposito mi sorge un altro dubbio: dato che è accertato che all'aumentare dell'BF c'è una maggiore possibilità di aromatizzare, aumentando sensibilmente le calorie e di conseguenza l'BF, è più probabile che dovrò utilizzare un'IA nelle prossime settimane? Ovviamente la base per queste decisioni sarà i test che farò tra 2 settimane. Il merito invece va all'allenamento, all'alimentazione ea tutto il resto.

Per quanto riguarda la vita fuori dalla palestra, mi alleno ormai da 10 anni e seguo la mia dieta in maniera costante e disciplinata con veri macro e cibi più facili da digerire e assimilare per il mio corpo, lo stesso vale per la routine, sonno e fatica.
Da questo punto di vista sono molto coscienzioso e diligente. Altrimenti non avrebbe senso iniziare un ciclo se queste cose, insieme alla formazione, non venissero messe in ordine
sei italiano vero ?? hahaha i'll answer you in english to let everyone understand us, all that you wrote is right, but the best thing to do is that every month or every 6 or 7 weeks you get bloodwork done to check estrogen and understand if you have to raise up or put down the dose of arimidex or aromasin that you are using
sei italiano vero ?? hahaha i'll answer you in english to let everyone understand us, all that you wrote is right, but the best thing to do is that every month or every 6 or 7 weeks you get bloodwork done to check estrogen and understand if you have to raise up or put down the dose of arimidex or aromasin that you are using
Exactly enough Italian hahaha

anyway, for estrogens in fact I carried out the E2, TOTAL TEXT and FREE TEXT analyzes before starting the cycle.
Then I'll do them again in 2 weeks (so when I'm at week 6, exactly halfway through the cycle) to see if the estrogen levels are high or not and consequently decide whether to take AI or not.
Finally I will do them post PCT to check if the values are back within the range. I think it is a wiser choice even if there is something wrong please kindly tell me so that I can avoid future mistakes.
Thanks for your help in the meantime
Exactly enough Italian hahaha

anyway, for estrogens in fact I carried out the E2, TOTAL TEXT and FREE TEXT analyzes before starting the cycle.
Then I'll do them again in 2 weeks (so when I'm at week 6, exactly halfway through the cycle) to see if the estrogen levels are high or not and consequently decide whether to take AI or not.
Finally I will do them post PCT to check if the values are back within the range. I think it is a wiser choice even if there is something wrong please kindly tell me so that I can avoid future mistakes.
Thanks for your help in the meantime
it is a very good plan!!
è un ottimo piano!!
Grazie! Mi fa piacere che tu abbia interpretato bene gli studi fatti finora e i consigli richiesti. Per quanto riguarda il surplus, cosa ne pensi di spingerlo oltre le classiche +500kcal che solitamente vengono consigliate in una classica fase di bulk?
Grazie! Mi fa piacere che tu abbia interpretato bene gli studi fatti finora e i consigli richiesti. Per quanto riguarda il surplus, cosa ne pensi di spingerlo oltre le classiche +500kcal che solitamente vengono consigliate in una classica fase di bulk?
you can adjust it monitoring the bf, try the first week 600 or 700 surplus and looks how do you fell and how it goes
Hi Lukkis and thanks for the reply.

This is a point that I hadn't realized, that being my first cycle is the one that can give me huge gains compared to subsequent ones

In generale, quando si parte per un primo ciclo alimentare, quanto dovrebbe essere un surplus per avere effettivamente il miglior guadagno possibile per la propria esperienza? Non chiedo numeri precisi, anche perché sono molto individuali, ma piuttosto una linea entro cui restare.

A questo proposito mi sorge un altro dubbio: dato che è accertato che all'aumentare dell'BF c'è una maggiore possibilità di aromatizzare, aumentando sensibilmente le calorie e di conseguenza l'BF, è più probabile che dovrò utilizzare un'IA nelle prossime settimane? Ovviamente la base per queste decisioni sarà i test che farò tra 2 settimane. Il merito invece va all'allenamento, all'alimentazione ea tutto il resto.

Per quanto riguarda la vita fuori dalla palestra, mi alleno ormai da 10 anni e seguo la mia dieta in maniera costante e disciplinata con veri macro e cibi più facili da digerire e assimilare per il mio corpo, lo stesso vale per la routine, sonno e fatica.
Da questo punto di vista sono molto coscienzioso e diligente. Altrimenti non avrebbe senso iniziare un ciclo se queste cose, insieme alla formazione, non venissero messe in ordine
Very well said, it is the most important criteria for the individual to be not only trained, but also skilled in the diet department. Otherwise the cycle will be half assed as we like to say it.

The nutrition and caloric surplus on cycle is very individual like you mention and you must follow your experience before, in other words what worked before using steroids will work when using them. Same principles and fundamental basics apply.

You want to make sure you are consuming high quality meals/foods while saying no to alcohol and other toxicities on your cycle.

As for calories, I would strongly advise following your appetite on your bulk (remember this is positive environment for lean muscle gains and minimizing body fat) is suggested. There is simply no need to force feed yourself, but following increased training, hormones your diet must compensate for such extremities. There is no need to put your limiter, as some days you will feel you need to eat more and some days less. Basically it peaks 5-6 weeks in to Testosterone cycle (assuming enanthate/cypionate ester).

Injecting testosterone causes a cascade of hormonal events that involve tons of different sex hormones and brain activity change.

You may or may not need AI (preferably anastrozole and SERM like nolvadex on hand). Some people feel the need and others don't require ai.

If you start feeling high estrogen symptoms make sure to do bloodwork to know your number (e2 sensitive preferable) and only then start dosing AI. Start very slow and only increase if the given dosage is not resolving your symptoms. Once you start feeling better go do another set of bloods. This will tell you your individual e2 on this particular T dosage. From here on you will know in the future how sensitive you're to high E or not, and also how much AI to dose, rather than prediction you will know more accurately.

Finally, if you're afraid of body fat % climbing too high. You can do aggressive cutting phase for the last 2 weeks of your cycle. This will minimize the need to cut afterwards and to deflate. As you will cycle of Testosterone you will lose significant amounts of water and glycogen, do not be afraid it is not you losing your gains, rather the excessive will fall off. Expect to maintain about 60% when you come off due to this. This is still big gain, so don't worry about it too much.

Good luck, if you have more questions you can ask.
Very well said, it is the most important criteria for the individual to be not only trained, but also skilled in the diet department. Otherwise the cycle will be half assed as we like to say it.

The nutrition and caloric surplus on cycle is very individual like you mention and you must follow your experience before, in other words what worked before using steroids will work when using them. Same principles and fundamental basics apply.

You want to make sure you are consuming high quality meals/foods while saying no to alcohol and other toxicities on your cycle.

As for calories, I would strongly advise following your appetite on your bulk (remember this is positive environment for lean muscle gains and minimizing body fat) is suggested. There is simply no need to force feed yourself, but following increased training, hormones your diet must compensate for such extremities. There is no need to put your limiter, as some days you will feel you need to eat more and some days less. Basically it peaks 5-6 weeks in to Testosterone cycle (assuming enanthate/cypionate ester).

Injecting testosterone causes a cascade of hormonal events that involve tons of different sex hormones and brain activity change.

You may or may not need AI (preferably anastrozole and SERM like nolvadex on hand). Some people feel the need and others don't require ai.

If you start feeling high estrogen symptoms make sure to do bloodwork to know your number (e2 sensitive preferable) and only then start dosing AI. Start very slow and only increase if the given dosage is not resolving your symptoms. Once you start feeling better go do another set of bloods. This will tell you your individual e2 on this particular T dosage. From here on you will know in the future how sensitive you're to high E or not, and also how much AI to dose, rather than prediction you will know more accurately.

Finally, if you're afraid of body fat % climbing too high. You can do aggressive cutting phase for the last 2 weeks of your cycle. This will minimize the need to cut afterwards and to deflate. As you will cycle of Testosterone you will lose significant amounts of water and glycogen, do not be afraid it is not you losing your gains, rather the excessive will fall off. Expect to maintain about 60% when you come off due to this. This is still big gain, so don't worry about it too much.

Good luck, if you have more questions you can ask.
Hi Luke and thanks again for answering me in a very thorough and helpful manner.

As regards the diet and the surplus between ON and OFF, it is an excellent advantage to know that the differences are almost zero except for greater receptivity, this makes me understand that this surplus that I am implementing can be fine. I notice a progressive weekly weight gain of around 1kg per week and certainly most of it is due to water and glycogen retention (I notice it from the more swollen face) but I think that in general it is a normal increase given the intake of testo E . As a rule I don't know how much a man can generally gain weight in 12 weeks of testo enanthate.

I will maintain this caloric quota and I will rely more on the sense of fame that the body will send me and consequently I will increase the total kcal, until now I have always based myself on the weight/condition ratio in the mirror to establish whether it was appropriate to increase or decrease the calories, here instead it is more visual and health-related (regarding the symptoms of high E2).

Regarding the symptoms of high estrogen, for now the only thing I notice is a slight increase in nipple sensitivity and this can be caused by a high E2 from what I'm reading these days, I think it's more appropriate to take Adex (which I already have at hand) when the symptoms will be much more evident such as more fragile mood and emotions, what do you think?
This obviously while I wait for week 6 to take the E2 exams to see what levels I am at and act as your advice, (very wise and helpful which I hadn't thought of on how to "calibrate the dose" of Ai, thanks) to determine how much of the AI will be good for me when I take it.
Or as soon as I feel the symptoms of high E2, regardless of the week of testing I am in, do I carry out tests to see the levels and from there start taking AI?

I will always aim to start with the lowest dose and then decide whether to increase or not, I am already very receptive since I have never taken them and starting with a high dose could have an adverse effect rather than help me.