

New Member
Male, early 30's
Goals: Feeling "good", looking lean.
Experiences: 30~ days water fast (no re-feeds), 5 day dry fast, 1 month Vegan, 1 month Vegetarian, 4 years raw-carnivore, 1 year Ray Peat diet (current).
Expectations: Raising metabolism through the use of diet and "PED's" (raw DHT, anavar, T3, DHEA, Progesterone, Pregnenolone, Aspirin), Ideally to the point when they're no longer needed. Learning off of other people's experiences and input (making DMSO gels would be cool). Sharing my own.

Originally registered to view pictures of some posts. But the forum discussions seem like a lot of fun, considering the lack on censorship on discourse. That's really cool.
Welcome to Meso!

Looks like solid goals to me.

How does the Pregnenolone make you feel? For me, it gives me a nice energy boost.
Pregnenolone? Started taking it after being on aspirin and DHEA for ~half a year, but didn't notice any mood differences.

It did impact sleep in a positive way. Been taking it for months now, enables me to fall asleep in 5 minutes or less. Previously it'd take at least 15-20 (perhaps to calm down?).

Edit: How much do you take? I'm on 1gram/daily.