Semaglutide log


New Member
10+ Year Member
I just started on Semaglutide today.

30 years old
5 ft 6
214 lbs
Goal weight : 140lbs

I bought 5 x 5mg Ultima semaglutide from one of the sources on the steroid underground, you can find my review of the seller there.
I reconstituted my 5mg semaglutide with 2ml of BAC water and pinned 0.1ml into my love handle for a dose of 250mcg.
I plan on upping the dose gradually and by feel rather than by the advised method of doubling every 4 weeks.
I will also be using ephedrine pre cardio and possibly pre workout more so as an energy booster than an appetite suppressant.

My diet will be high in protein and fibre and low in fat as i have read that this is the best way to eat on Semaglutide.
I will be focusing on hydration and protein consumption mainly.
I train 6 days a week in the gym, typical bodybuilder style training and i get a minimum of 10,000 steps a day with no exception, usually i get closer to 20,000.

I am not sure if this is the correct sub-forum to post this log so if any admin feels it should be moved then please go right ahead.

Day 1:
Slight nauseous feeling post injection, not sure if placebo or not.
Took 8mg of ephedrine about an hour after, i have taken ephedrine in the past but it has been 10 plus years so i am starting with a low dose and will titrate up from there as needed.
Weight is 214 lbs.
I'm enjoying the log. Keep up the great work man! Weight seems to be falling off fast
Thanks Sector, I've done a lot of extreme weight loss diets and protocols in the past and none have been sustainable.

So this time I'm trying to go slow and steady and maintain regular intense weight training throughout in the hopes of looking half decent at the end and enforcing good eating habits that will last me a long time.

General update:
Weight sitting at 197 lbs

I've got a feeling that my semaglutide has lost some potency considering I reconstituted it over a month ago now.
I'll be reconstituting a new vile in the next week and will update on wether I feel a difference in the potency.

I have ordered a couple of kits of 2mg semaglutide vials from QSC as part of the group buy.
The 2mg vials will in theory work out better as they will be used up faster than the 5mg vial I have right now so less chance of potency decreasing.
Todays weight is 195.8 lbs.
I'm satisfied with that.
I did another 500mcg of semaglutide today, all went well with no issues on injection.
I will continue with 500mcg Monday/Thursday for at least another week before considering upping the dose.
Today's weigh in is 194.8.
Another new low so all is going well.
Since starting my new job I have less time to get out walking for cardio but I'm still averaging around 8-10km+ per day.

I will continue with two 500mcg doses of semaglutide this coming week s it seems to be effective. I could still eat more if I wanted to buy the combination of the semaglutide and a little will power makes it easy for me to keep the calories down.

I've been eating fruit as snacks in the first part of the day if I get a food craving and still making sure to get as much protein in as I can.
Weight is 193.4 lbs today.
I think it's due to a couple of bowel movements yesterday. I'm still taking a fibre supplement with one of my daily meals and my stomach is feeling fine.
Hoping to hit the 180s in the next two weeks.
Today's weight: 192.2 lbs
21.8 lbs
down since I started using semaglutide 6 and a half weeks ago.

Weight still going down slowly but surely.
I'm still keeping the calories between 1500-1800 most days, some days slightly higher or lower.
Today I reconstituted my second 5mg vial of semaglutide.
This vial should last me 5 weeks if I continue using 500mcg twice a week as I have been doing.
I am interested to see if tomorrow's dose feel stronger than the last few weeks seeing that the semaglutide will be freshly reconstituted.
Todays weight is 190.6lbs.
23.4 lbs
down since March 27th.

Calories are still the same around 1800 per day. Some days I go lower around 1500-1600 sometimes as high as 2000.
I'm really happy that I'm keeping my calories this high and still losing weight.
In the past I have cut my calories to below 1200-1500 straight away and it hasn't been sustainable.
I'm training 5 days per week and getting minimum 10k steps during the week and about 20k steps on the weekend.
Still doing 500mcg of semaglutide on Monday and Thursday. I don't get any side effects at all and just notice the feeling of being full from small meals.
I think it will be at least another week or two before I consider upping the dose.
Last week and this week's calories below.
Today weight is 188.2 lbs
Finally into the 180s so all is going well.
The last week and a half have not been perfect as I have overeaten a couple of days and had a few beers with family last weekend but my exercise has been on point and I have not overdone it and binged badly like I used to.
Tomorrow I will be upping my dose to 750mcg Monday and Thursday for a total of 1.5g semaglutide per week.
I recently received 20 x 2mg vials from Qsc during a group buy so I am stocked up for the coming months.
I still have 3 and a half 5mg vials as well.
I think I will stay at 1.5mg a week for 4-6 weeks and then go up to 2mg per week from there.
Today weight is 188.2 lbs
Finally into the 180s so all is going well.
The last week and a half have not been perfect as I have overeaten a couple of days and had a few beers with family last weekend but my exercise has been on point and I have not overdone it and binged badly like I used to.
Tomorrow I will be upping my dose to 750mcg Monday and Thursday for a total of 1.5g semaglutide per week.
I recently received 20 x 2mg vials from Qsc during a group buy so I am stocked up for the coming months.
I still have 3 and a half 5mg vials as well.
I think I will stay at 1.5mg a week for 4-6 weeks and then go up to 2mg per week from there.

Nice work on your progress, sir.
Nice work on your progress, sir.
Thanks Alex much appreciated.

Mini update:

I did my first 750mcg administration today, it definitely feels a lot stronger than the 500mcg i have been doing.
I have had a slight upset stomach today post injection and some very light bruising at the injection site but nothing too bad.
No weigh in today, I spent the weekend with family and indulged on some beers and some fast food. Nothing too crazy though and I still got my steps in every day. I will likely do a weigh in on Saturday.
I did a 750mcg administration of semaglutide yesterday which Is one day later than normal as I was travelling on Monday so did not get a chance.
I had some mild intestinal discomfort and cramping feelings about an hour post administration but nothing too bad.
I also had diarrhea all last night, although I think that has more to do with the crappy food I ate on the weekend.
My plan is to maintain my goal of 1800 calories per day for the rest of this week and then starting next week I am going to lower it to a maximum of 1700.
Thanks Alex much appreciated.

Mini update:

I did my first 750mcg administration today, it definitely feels a lot stronger than the 500mcg i have been doing.
I have had a slight upset stomach today post injection and some very light bruising at the injection site but nothing too bad.
Hey bro, I feel this thread very interesting, I've read all as I'm in a situation similar like yours, but with the problem that I can't almost walk because of a knee issue

I see you reference a few times post injection issues, I was in the same situation with Hilma bacteriostatic water. I had to switch to Deus Medical and never had issues again while still using the same powders.

Hopefully it helps and keep going <3
Still going strong with the semaglutide. Doing 2 x 750 mcg shots a week. I'm planning on upping the dose to 2 x 1000mg shots a week in 3 or 4 weeks time.
Weight is low 180s hoping to hit the 170s by the end of this month.