High Concentration BB Only Megathread


New Member
This thread is for sharing and optimizing high concentration BB only recipes (No EO, Guaiacol, Mig840, etc.). I’m sure some others share the same sentiment that other solvents are not as safe or as studied/utilized as BB (or perhaps you just like the simplicity of using only one solvent) so that is who this is for. This thread is not for arguing about whether other solvents are safe or not, there are other threads for that. Additionally, while some may be opposed to high solvent %, understand you’re injecting the same amount if using 200mg/ml at 20% BB as if you were to do the same mg with 400mg/ml at 40% BB.

The only limitation is pip that you personally experience, but I tend to stick to injection sites that I don’t experience much, since I don’t need to use many when I use longer esters and high concentrations.I originally started experimenting with and creating these after seeing Axlelabs and his brews containing only BB.

Some basic tips if you want to experiment with this. Use low heat, I generally stick to 50C or none unless otherwise stated. Using high heat only serves to degrade the compound the longer it is exposed to it and will just lead to crashing once it cools down (boiling/melting temp ≠ degradation temp). A magnetic stirrer is an absolute requirement. Additionally, the more you brew at one time the longer it’s probably going to take.

None of the recipes I’m sharing have crashed at all at room temp and slightly below. (My house is usually around 65F at night, sometimes lower). Please only share such recipes as well, as ones that crash are unreliable and it’s difficult to reproduce and be sure that they haven’t been heated too much. Also, I haven’t really optimized these recipes and found the lowest possible BB, as this would take very long and depends on your climate.

I’m lazy and poor so I don’t test raws for personal use, so these are all overdosed by 5% to account for common purity percentages seen by reputable raw vendor lab reports.

Deca 600
2/28 BA/BB MCT
Initially I heated this to 60C just to break up the larger pieces of the raw so it could stir properly. It took quite a while to fully dissolve. After an hour at 50C I ended up just turning off the heat entirely and letting it stir overnight at room temp. Was fully dissolved in the morning.
Pip was minor at first, but I quickly got used to it and no longer experience any at any number of ccs.

Trestolone E 500
2/18 BA/BB MCT
This one is a freebie just like BU since it is a liquid raw. It can definitely go to 600-700 if wanted and still stay smooth because of this. I did it more for the novelty. I planned to try it for HRT since it would just be a couple units EOD subq on an insulin syringe, but haven’t got around to it yet. I don’t find it worth blasting this anymore because of the high cost and the absolute brutal hunger I experienced. Has a very unique copper color if you care.

Tren E 400
2/40 BA/BB MCT
I had to leave this one overnight as well with no heat. Has some pip going above 1cc but I have only done that once. No pip at .5cc which is what I usually use.

Mast E 400
2/18 BA/BB MCT
This one was super easy and was completely dissolved in less than an hour. Could probably lower the BB because of this, but 18 is already very low for 400 so I don’t even care to try. You can definitely go much higher concentrations, but I don’t plan to experiment with this in the near future.

SR9009 75
2/40 BA/BB MCT
I thought this was going to be way more difficult, but it wasn’t. Only had a gram on hand at the time so I wasn’t able to experiment any higher. I also didn’t know where to begin as I haven’t seen it sold at more than 30mg/ml. I have more raws available on hand and plan to try to push higher when I get the time. Too high may be counterproductive however since I’d rather have it absorb slower subq because of the short half-life.

Some additional ones that Axle has mentioned in his thread, but not ones that I’ve tried.

Test E 500
2/21 BA/BB MCT

Test C 300
2/~26 BA/BB MCT

NPP 200
2/25 BA/BB

Interested to hear if anyone has pushed these any higher or recipes for other compounds/esters. Maybe some blends too...TMT enanthate blend maybe? I will of course post any new ones that I try here.
This thread is for sharing and optimizing high concentration BB only recipes (No EO, Guaiacol, Mig840, etc.).

MIG is just a carrier oil. It's simply fractionated (via distillation) MCT (c8 and c10 isolated). It's nothing more than ultra refined MCT and to me and I think most people that have used stuff I've brewed, It's superior to regular MCT (contain a mixture of fatty acids of 6–12 carbon saturated fatty acids. MCTs are composed mainly of caprylic—C8:0 80%, capric—C10:0 20%–50%, caproic—C6:0 1% to 2%, and lauric acid—C12:0 1% to 2%, respectively)
MIG is just a carrier oil. It's simply fractionated (via distillation) MCT (c8 and c10 isolated). It's nothing more than ultra refined MCT and to me and I think most people that have used stuff I've brewed, It's superior to regular MCT (contain a mixture of fatty acids of 6–12 carbon saturated fatty acids. MCTs are composed mainly of caprylic—C8:0 80%, capric—C10:0 20%–50%, caproic—C6:0 1% to 2%, and lauric acid—C12:0 1% to 2%, respectively)
Mig840 at the very least has solvent properties and is based on propylene glycol. While it could be safe for injection unlike what is based on, the research is lacking. There is certainly more irritation reports than mig812 or other MCTs and some UGLs have stopped using it for this reason. Regardless, not the argument for thread.
Not terribly high concentration, but I've done 400mg/ml Test D and 400mg/ml EQ both in 2/20 MCT. Seeing a 600mg/ml recipe for Deca in MCT makes me think I could theoretically push the Test D up to 600 with a similar recipe, maybe 2/30. I'll post here if I find success. Test C I've also done similar recipe, 300mg/ml 2/25 in MCT. I've done Test U 300mg/ml in 2/35 in castor oil. Glad to see people recognize that Guaiacol and EO aren't necessary for high concentrations. I think the most interesting ones will be with injectable orals. Would love to see recipes here for that.
MIG is just a carrier oil. It's simply fractionated (via distillation) MCT (c8 and c10 isolated). It's nothing more than ultra refined MCT and to me and I think most people that have used stuff I've brewed, It's superior to regular MCT (contain a mixture of fatty acids of 6–12 carbon saturated fatty acids. MCTs are composed mainly of caprylic—C8:0 80%, capric—C10:0 20%–50%, caproic—C6:0 1% to 2%, and lauric acid—C12:0 1% to 2%, respectively)

Mig840 at the very least has solvent properties and is based on propylene glycol. While it could be safe for injection unlike what is based on, the research is lacking. There is certainly more irritation reports than mig812 or other MCTs and some UGLs have stopped using it for this reason. Regardless, not the argument for thread.

MCT alone is a mild solvent
This thread is for sharing and optimizing high concentration BB only recipes (No EO, Guaiacol, Mig840, etc.). I’m sure some others share the same sentiment that other solvents are not as safe or as studied/utilized as BB (or perhaps you just like the simplicity of using only one solvent) so that is who this is for. This thread is not for arguing about whether other solvents are safe or not, there are other threads for that. Additionally, while some may be opposed to high solvent %, understand you’re injecting the same amount if using 200mg/ml at 20% BB as if you were to do the same mg with 400mg/ml at 40% BB.

The only limitation is pip that you personally experience, but I tend to stick to injection sites that I don’t experience much, since I don’t need to use many when I use longer esters and high concentrations.I originally started experimenting with and creating these after seeing Axlelabs and his brews containing only BB.

Some basic tips if you want to experiment with this. Use low heat, I generally stick to 50C or none unless otherwise stated. Using high heat only serves to degrade the compound the longer it is exposed to it and will just lead to crashing once it cools down (boiling/melting temp ≠ degradation temp). A magnetic stirrer is an absolute requirement. Additionally, the more you brew at one time the longer it’s probably going to take.

None of the recipes I’m sharing have crashed at all at room temp and slightly below. (My house is usually around 65F at night, sometimes lower). Please only share such recipes as well, as ones that crash are unreliable and it’s difficult to reproduce and be sure that they haven’t been heated too much. Also, I haven’t really optimized these recipes and found the lowest possible BB, as this would take very long and depends on your climate.

I’m lazy and poor so I don’t test raws for personal use, so these are all overdosed by 5% to account for common purity percentages seen by reputable raw vendor lab reports.

Deca 600
2/28 BA/BB MCT
Initially I heated this to 60C just to break up the larger pieces of the raw so it could stir properly. It took quite a while to fully dissolve. After an hour at 50C I ended up just turning off the heat entirely and letting it stir overnight at room temp. Was fully dissolved in the morning.
Pip was minor at first, but I quickly got used to it and no longer experience any at any number of ccs.

Trestolone E 500
2/18 BA/BB MCT
This one is a freebie just like BU since it is a liquid raw. It can definitely go to 600-700 if wanted and still stay smooth because of this. I did it more for the novelty. I planned to try it for HRT since it would just be a couple units EOD subq on an insulin syringe, but haven’t got around to it yet. I don’t find it worth blasting this anymore because of the high cost and the absolute brutal hunger I experienced. Has a very unique copper color if you care.

Tren E 400
2/40 BA/BB MCT
I had to leave this one overnight as well with no heat. Has some pip going above 1cc but I have only done that once. No pip at .5cc which is what I usually use.

Mast E 400
2/18 BA/BB MCT
This one was super easy and was completely dissolved in less than an hour. Could probably lower the BB because of this, but 18 is already very low for 400 so I don’t even care to try. You can definitely go much higher concentrations, but I don’t plan to experiment with this in the near future.

SR9009 75
2/40 BA/BB MCT
I thought this was going to be way more difficult, but it wasn’t. Only had a gram on hand at the time so I wasn’t able to experiment any higher. I also didn’t know where to begin as I haven’t seen it sold at more than 30mg/ml. I have more raws available on hand and plan to try to push higher when I get the time. Too high may be counterproductive however since I’d rather have it absorb slower subq because of the short half-life.

Some additional ones that Axle has mentioned in his thread, but not ones that I’ve tried.

Test E 500
2/21 BA/BB MCT

Test C 300
2/~26 BA/BB MCT

NPP 200
2/25 BA/BB

Interested to hear if anyone has pushed these any higher or recipes for other compounds/esters. Maybe some blends too...TMT enanthate blend maybe? I will of course post any new ones that I try here.
Trest e 500? That's hard core lol